Zumo 550

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2007
Reaction score
Hermosa Beach, CA
I purchased a Zumo 550, which is great, but I have all Apple computers. I cannot download the City Navvigator NT program into the Apple format. I did find a Beta conversion program but not being that savy with computers it is not working. Has anyone done this and can give me some help. Also, Zumo does not support MP4 and alot of my music on the Apple is MP4. Can they be converted.

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1. Get the WinXP emulator, period. Load the Garmin software in the emulator. If you're gonna own a mac, be prepared for the reality that a lot of stuff out there will likely never make a Mac version. As cool as they may be, their market share is still miniscule in the big picture.

2. There are tons of PC-side programs for chopping mp4 to mp3, but remember that iTune-purchased files are protected and (short of hacking them with software) cannot be copied onto another player.

Welcome to the reality of Mac ownership. Apple is great at bashing PC's, but pretty quiet about the software availability issue except to say "get an emulator."

Interestingly, Garmin had a vendor booth at last year's Mac Expo in San Francisco, where they were chided endlessly for not having their software available on the Mac platform! Their reply was, "We're working hard on this, and will have it available by next year's show."

Holdeth not thy breath. :rolleyes:

I had a similar issue with my Garmin 276C and my Mac laptop. I created a Virtual Memory in my computer so I could run the Garmin software. Some people like to use Parallels; I tried that route but had lots of problems with USB recognition; then I switched to VM Fusion software, which in my modest opinion works much better without all the problems that I had with Parallels. I can now run any Windows program in my Mac, not that I like to do it!! The downside of this approach is that you have to purchase a copy of VM Fusion and a copy of Windows; the upside is that now you can use your GPS unit. :clapping:

Good luck.


Interestingly, Garmin had a vendor booth at last year's Mac Expo in San Francisco, where they were chided endlessly for not having their software available on the Mac platform! Their reply was, "We're working hard on this, and will have it available by next year's show."
Holdeth not thy breath. :rolleyes:
Yes Parallels or the new VMWare Fusion is your best best...

(of course both require an intel based mac).
