Zumo Question

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Illegitimi Non Carborundum
Jul 25, 2007
Reaction score
Plymouth, MA
Here's the deal, a while back I spoke to Michael Kneebone with the IBA, and asked him a few questions about the 1000K ride. One of the things I had asked him about was; on top of using signatures and gas receipts to certify the route, would it be helpful if I sent along my gps log from the ride. He said sure send it along it'll be very helpful

here's the problem. On the handful of day rides I have done I clear the trip log on the gps before I start out and at the end o the ride when I use the log information to create a route (save a route) and upload it to the garmin map software on the computer it has all the small segments that I rode durring the day included into the route, but the total time of the route is wrong.

The information I am referring to is in the section where it gives total time, avg speed, etc... The way it gets added up is like the first segment time is added to the second and then the first and second are added back in again with the third and so on.

The end result is a five or six hour ride shows up as nineteen hours or something else crazy...

If I haven't totally confused you and you think you know what I mean, I'd love to hear how to do it propperly

what I hope to accomplish with this is being able to leave my house, and make the 1000 mile ride with all the stops and fuel stops and rest breaks in there and at the end be able to extract that information from the zumo and save it as a .gpx file and then be able to provide it to the IBA for certification.

Any ideas?

Here's the deal, a while back I spoke to Michael Kneebone with the IBA, and asked him a few questions about the 1000K ride. One of the things I had asked him about was; on top of using signatures and gas receipts to certify the route, would it be helpful if I sent along my gps log from the ride. He said sure send it along it'll be very helpful
here's the problem. On the handful of day rides I have done I clear the trip log on the gps before I start out and at the end o the ride when I use the log information to create a route (save a route) and upload it to the garmin map software on the computer it has all the small segments that I rode durring the day included into the route, but the total time of the route is wrong.

The information I am referring to is in the section where it gives total time, avg speed, etc... The way it gets added up is like the first segment time is added to the second and then the first and second are added back in again with the third and so on.

The end result is a five or six hour ride shows up as nineteen hours or something else crazy...

If I haven't totally confused you and you think you know what I mean, I'd love to hear how to do it propperly

what I hope to accomplish with this is being able to leave my house, and make the 1000 mile ride with all the stops and fuel stops and rest breaks in there and at the end be able to extract that information from the zumo and save it as a .gpx file and then be able to provide it to the IBA for certification.

Any ideas?
Not sure if this applies to the Zumo, but you may need to clear the track log and reset the trip data. They must be reset independant (sp) of each other in both units I am currently using (376C and the supposedly truck specific NUVI 565t :( ).

Hope this helps, but I suspect it may not.


From your description I'm not quite certain what your problem is . . .

Let's start with terminology;

Each entry in a tracklog is a point. A point defines a location (lat/long/altitude/time)

Two points constitute a leg - the angle, speed and altitude differential can be calculated by looking at the difference between two points.

A collection of points in a sequence is a log (or tracklog) Logs can be displayed onscreen. points are obviously ordered by time

The Zumos collect points in sequence and separates the logs based on power-on sessions AND between satellite locks. Every so often (with a maximum of 10,000 points) it will copy the current set of logs into an archive file and restart the collection process. Zumos can store up to 20 sets of logs - up to 200,000 points.

There should only ever be a single instance of a point in the log But the Zumo 660 had a bug that would archive the various logs for some reason and only sometimes clear the current log, resulting in multiple instances of points which would/could really mess up averages if you asked the unit for a summary based on multiple joined logs.

You CAN cut and paste entries between logs and you can delete single (or multiple) points from the log - but that is pretty tedious.

Version 3.30 seems to have resolved the problem in the 660.

Does the data show up in multiple trip logs (i.e. you see the points more than once among the segments)? If so, then are you using a Zumo 660?

If the answer to both is yes, then the good news is that version 3.30 firmware solves the problem.

If the answer is no, then I have no clue what you are talking about, because the tracklog should not be converted to a route, but left as a log, in which case each point is time stamped.

Given the limited information you've provided so far, my suggestion would be that you simply make sure you leave the unit powered up for the entire run. That way it is all collected as a single log. This applies to any of the logging navigators.

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I have the 550. I cant figure out a better way to explain it. I don't turn the power off at all during a trip. when I stop anywhere along the way I guess it ends a "leg" and starts a new one. There is a choice in the menu when you go into "user data" and then Trip Log, It asks you " do you want to save the current log as a route. The problem that I am having is during my 1 trip, there are several independent logs created, because of the starts and stops. So when I try to use all that information and create a route with it, the total time of the route is way off.

I'll give you an example. back in the spring I went on a ride with BkrK12. I left Plymouth in the morning, rode several miles and made a few stops on the way up to NH. Once up there. I stopped met Dan and Ion Beam and his misses at the local Dunkies. We rode several more miles and stopped a few times during the day. then I rode home. all in all it was only like 10 or 12 hours home to home again, however when I pull the trip logs and use them to create a route I get a correct total mileage for the day, but the total time is way high.

I guess the important thing isn't so much What am I doing wrong, as it's How do I do it right? What I want to accomplish is to leave my house Weds. with all the trip logs cleared. Make the ride down to Johnson City, with all the stops along the way included in the data, and at the end of the trip, be able to use that data to create a route to save, so I can send it as a .gpx file, along with all the hard copies of gas reciepts, and start, and finish times to the IBA for certification for a 1K ride.

It may be that I wasn't clearing everything at the beginning of a trip. I'll take a short trip out and make some stops tomorrow and see if it helps.

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