ZX14s Parkway lane spliting at 150 MPH

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Well-known member
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
Danbury, CT
Check out how fast these guys are riding on the parkways starting in New York city and then further up state New York.

They are lane spliting at about 150MPH in many places wile pulling wheelies :blink:

This is a picture of a ZX14 speedo and tack


You cant see the numbers on the speedo in the videos,

but when you can see the speedo needle, it looks like its up at around 150 MPH for most of their ride.

Part One

Part Two

Oh Easy,

they aint half as dumb as some. these guys are dumbasses dont get me wrong but have a closer look at these guys, one of which is the imfamous ghost rider on his turbo busa clicky or do a search on youtube for "ghostrider" this guy is out of control!

Didn't that ghostrider guy finally kill himself???
I know he (? actually he may actually be more than one person) got caught but i didnt hear he got killed. but it wouldnt surprize me.

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I have GOT to get one of them ZX-14s!

What I noticed most about the video is that the music sucked. I guess I also noticed that they had escape paths on the right and left shoulders (uh, some of the time).

Funny thing about cars, sometimes they change lanes. And they don't look a quarter mile back before doing it.

Couple of Fucking Idiots.....

And We wonder why Legislators and the Media yell and scream about Killer Sportbikes...Thanks to these Asshats there are a whole bunch more People ready to vote to ban Sportbikes....

Thanks Assholes.....

Couple of Fucking Idiots.....
And We wonder why Legislators and the Media yell and scream about Killer Sportbikes...Thanks to these Asshats there are a whole bunch more People ready to vote to ban Sportbikes....

Thanks Assholes.....
interesting perspective. Alternatively... bikes dont kill people, people killl people if we took away their bikes they would just do this in cars or on skateboards. Sounds silly but this in the logic of the NRA and it has been effective for years. What AMA might consider is applying the same method (maybe they do) and highlight these idiots as examples of how its the people who are lawless not the bikes. PS this isnt a political perspective just an observation.

Seems pretty safe to me, as long as you've taken the time beforehand to determine the correct amount of compression damping and spring pre-load for mattresses.

I saw one across the left lane on each pass through New York on a trip to Connecticut last week.

...oh, and pieces of I-beam and ladders will necessitate having a good bunny hop at speed.

Couple of Fucking Idiots.....
And We wonder why Legislators and the Media yell and scream about Killer Sportbikes...Thanks to these Asshats there are a whole bunch more People ready to vote to ban Sportbikes....

Thanks Assholes.....
interesting perspective. Alternatively... bikes dont kill people, people killl people if we took away their bikes they would just do this in cars or on skateboards. Sounds silly but this in the logic of the NRA and it has been effective for years. What AMA might consider is applying the same method (maybe they do) and highlight these idiots as examples of how its the people who are lawless not the bikes. PS this isnt a political perspective just an observation.
Just wondering, with all the riders going down lately how many of them have been racked up trying to impress for a YT video? I think broadcasting yourself sometimes makes people take risks they would not have normally just for the sake of the camera. JMHO. Stan

Guy on the red one has terrible form. Half the time is turning right but leaning left.

It takes mad skilz to ride fast on the highway. :blink:

Now, if them guys brains were at big as their 'balls', then we'd have something. (I fear the legislative hammers are going to come down sooner than later with all this exibition crap hitting the internet.)

yeah, gotta agree that the music selection leaves a lot to be desired.

Just gotta ask, what's the freakin' point of this vid?! to show they could? [sarcasm] I'd be impressed if they did it every day. Any idiot can do something stupid once or twice and live. Repetition will show me just what great riders they really are. [/sarcasm] :angry2:

Now, if them guys brains were at big as their 'balls', then we'd have something. (I fear the legislative hammers are going to come down sooner than later with all this exibition crap hitting the internet.)

What like the 50km over and we impound your bike for a week crap we are dealing with in Ontario at the moment.

The same bunch has just re-elected been again for another 4 years with an increased majority so I'm guessing:

a). This new law is permanent.

B) . A bunch of states and provinces are going to watch to see how effective this law is.


Could do that here, but we have what the locals call "cops". Though elusive, they have a bad habit of springing up outta nowhere and aiming things at you, some resemble ray guns, some resemble


some hwys have the room to lane split at 80 . I know 77 does

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