RZ350’s Gen II Mods, Part 7 - Documenting All the Extra Farkle Wiring

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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2007
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Link to all my Gen II mods

As you add lots of electrical farkles, you may want to consider creating a record of how you wired it, to help yourself or your mechanic later. Here’s mine, and it was also a big help in designing the system in the first place. Hopefully I never need it for trouble-shooting, though!

I just used MS-Word to create it. I first extracted JPG images of the various standard components from the schematic (using MS-Paint) building a “library” to use as building blocks for my new circuits (relay, fuses, switches, etc.). Then I pasted them in as needed and added lines (with proper color coding) representing the various wires. Lastly, I added notes to help me remember stuff later on.

With the attached image, you already have a JPG image that can be used to extract your components as I did.


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'Scuse me, the relay coils are shown the wrong way. As drawn, their diodes would conduct when their coils are energised.

Just saying ...

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Nice work! I too thought about the post completion, retrospective diagram of my setup... but never got too it. But here is the original design I came up with.


And I think I deviated a bit when it went together.


Nice looking schematic! :clapping: I too believe it's important to document electrical mods to the factory wiring, but I'm not as energetic as you. I simply took a pencil to my Service Manual schematic and added all my wiring. :glare:

'Scuse me, the relay coils are shown the wrong way. As drawn, their diodes would conduct when their coils are energised.
Just saying ...
Thanks mcatrophy, you are exactly right. I need to flip my diodes around. Consider it done on the next edit.

Honestly, I don't think the Aux Light relay even has a diode in it. I just used item 58 from the factory schematic as my reference.
