Cruise limit fix

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This has been pretty will beaten up in other threads without moving anything forward.

In order to fix something it must first be broken. The cruise on the '13 works very good. The only issue with the cruise is Yamaha's decision to cap the top too low, and IMO, the bottom too high. The cruise is controlled by software so any proper 'fix' would involve new software being installed. In the past Yamaha has had to change the entire meter assembly and the entire ECU to fix software issues, and in these cases it was indeed failures 'cause functions did not work. Unless the '13 ECU can be externally flashed any 'fix' would involve changing the ECU for ~$750 and that's just the part. In theory you could install a European ECU with a 111 mph limit. Dunno what the Meter Assembly would think about a German speaking ECU.

So, has anyone attempted a work-around yet? Probably not because the speed input is also part of the ABS system and that would have been the simple way. I would need to get my hands on a FSM for a '13 to see if there may be any other way to trick the ECU into allowing a higher limit. In the mean time we will all sit around and bleat and bitch until the '14s come out and see if Yamaha is going to offer a speed increase fitting for some of the roads in Texas. Right now the hot option is a throttle lock for those days where 80 mph will cramp your style. In the mean time I will simply push the button on my AVCC and go any damn speed I want.

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I'm guessing the abs ecu averages the signals from the wheel speed sensors and sends this new signal to the engine ecu. A speedo healer could be used here to lower the signal, and another used at the ecu output to the dash to correct the display.

But I'm just guessing.....

I'd be more concerned about temperature gauge fluctuation or the lack of suspension upgrades. Come on aftermarket peeps! It's been a few months

It's my understanding our odot will publish a "White Paper" report on the 2013 Cruise Control Speed Limit Fix this upcoming Friday, complete with diagrams and photos (with circles and arrows).

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I think I may be able to predict the major points of Odot's paper.
Put a new battery in it!
Also change the oil in the pumpkin.

It's official. I'm getting old.

Am I the only one who thinks 80mph is plenty fast for "cruising"?

Why is everyone in such a hurry?

Time to change my handle to OB.



Maybe you two. After spending time where the posted limit is 75 to 85, 80 ain't safe. It'll get you run over.

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The point is paying extra for cruise control and then not being able to use it because it won't even set up to the speed limit. If it can't work for it's purpose, why even put it on the bike?

The point is paying extra for cruise control and then not being able to use it because it won't even set up to the speed limit. If it can't work for it's purpose, why even put it on the bike?
While I wholeheartedly agree that the limit should be higher or even removed completely, it is not a deal breaker everywhere. If I lived in West Texas or even traveled routinely through that area, the cruise would be useless. In the more congested, idiot rich environment of the Eastern U.S., it is seldom going to be an issue. I don't know where Yamaha came up with their mph # and I don't like it at all. But, lots of the buyers of this bike will never have any issue with it.

Never had a problem w/my GL1500 Wing which had an 80mph limit, but my area big roads had a max 75mph limit. However, a fix was found that corrected that. If I remember, they fooled the computer by telling it that the bike was in 4th gear when it was actually in 5th. The overdrive 5th gear lite still lit up but the cruse would try to get the RPMs up to what they would be at 80mph in 4th gear. It was a small wireing change but it didn't bother me, so I never went to the trouble. Later, De

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