Cruise limit fix

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It's official. I'm getting old.
Am I the only one who thinks 80mph is plenty fast for "cruising"?

Why is everyone in such a hurry?

Time to change my handle to OB.


True confession time:

When this discovery was first reported, I had a similar opinion, i.e. just twist the throttle!

But then I flew to PHX and picked up Lucille. From Gila Bend to Yuma I set the [aftermarket] CC to 84 mph. It gave my right wrist a break for about 1.7 hours - and I was still being passed by motorists about every 10 minutes.

New mantra: "Let those who ride decide."

It's official. I'm getting old.
Am I the only one who thinks 80mph is plenty fast for "cruising"?

Why is everyone in such a hurry?

Time to change my handle to OB.


So says 79.99 mph rider in decreasing radius off camber wet corner Borker!

It's official. I'm getting old.
Right there with ya Mark...
Y'all weren't expecting any argument, were ya?
ha, ha, that the best ya got OM Sir?


It's official. I'm getting old.
Am I the only one who thinks 80mph is plenty fast for "cruising"?

Why is everyone in such a hurry?

Time to change my handle to OB.


If the speedometer is accurate, I'll agree with you. If I want to run over 80 for long, I'll just hold on.

But I had a Kawasaki Voyager years ago that also capped it at 80, and the speedo was about 10% fast. That sucked. But buddy could set his cruise at 75, and I couldn't keep up on cruise. I did discover that I could set the cruise then hold the accelerate button, and it'd creep up to 85, or a true 77 or so.

Last May returning from San Diego to Florida on the interstate. My $100 throttlemeister worked like a champ at ALL speeds.


Last May returning from San Diego to Florida on the interstate. My $100 throttlemeister worked like a champ at ALL speeds.Bill
I've had throttle locks on bike, and they certainly helped. But if the terrain got hilly, they'd slow down going up hill, speed up going down. I live in Arkansas -- lot of hills. And I tour all over the place and look for hills -- Colorado ;) It makes it hard to ride with a friend who is also on cruise control. The FJR probably has enough torque that the lock would work better than on my old FJ1200, though.

I will say that the FJR Gen III has the best cruise control I've ever used on a bike. It's pretty much instantaneous -- no lag like my 'oldwing.

One of the nice things about newer "by wire" systems and cruise control is how little they wander. In my cage The cruise is my commuting ticket avoidance system.

I set it to 8 or 9 over and relax. No need to worry about the radar trap over the next hill. I commute thru an aggressive enforcement area.

One of the nice things about newer "by wire" systems and cruise control is how little they wander. In my cage The cruise is my commuting ticket avoidance system.I set it to 8 or 9 over and relax. No need to worry about the radar trap over the next hill. I commute thru an aggressive enforcement area.
As you can tell by my name, age has crept up on me. I've broken my right thumb in both upper joints, and I have arthritis in the thumb pretty bad. I can barely touch my right thumb to my right little finger. Cruise control is a real blessing for me. On a sweeping two lane I can set the cruise 10 over -- around 65 in most places -- and just cruise through the corners up hill and down hill. I don't take my hand off the bars, but I can relax as I keep the front brake covered in the event I need to slow quickly.

On really fun two lanes and a more -- ahem -- sporting pace ;) I'm OK twisting that grip, but being able to relax on the straights makes for a longer, more enjoyable day.

I set it to 8 or 9 over and relax. No need to worry about the radar trap over the next hill. I commute thru an aggressive enforcement area.
I disagree. Anything over +0 is completely officer discression. That means these myths of gimme's for up to +8 are just that... myths. With different jurisdictions hurting for cash, enforcement has cranked up even in the former possibly-flexible areas. Prior to that I have personally been pulled over for +3. Ride as you wish, just don't perpetuate the myth of +x is the same as the speed limit.

I set it to 8 or 9 over and relax. No need to worry about the radar trap over the next hill. I commute thru an aggressive enforcement area.
I disagree. Anything over +0 is completely officer discression. That means these myths of gimme's for up to +8 are just that... myths. With different jurisdictions hurting for cash, enforcement has cranked up even in the former possibly-flexible areas. Prior to that I have personally been pulled over for +3. Ride as you wish, just don't perpetuate the myth of +x is the same as the speed limit.
In Georgia it is a law. Local LEO cannot ticket @ less than 10 over if using radar, laser etc.

They may ticket at ant speed if pacing, and the State PoPo are not restricted.

In what state and by what detection method were you pulled over for +3? Did you get a ticket?

I set it to 8 or 9 over and relax. No need to worry about the radar trap over the next hill. I commute thru an aggressive enforcement area.
I disagree. Anything over +0 is completely officer discression. That means these myths of gimme's for up to +8 are just that... myths. With different jurisdictions hurting for cash, enforcement has cranked up even in the former possibly-flexible areas. Prior to that I have personally been pulled over for +3. Ride as you wish, just don't perpetuate the myth of +x is the same as the speed limit.
My last performance award (mid-summer of 2011, first one in 25 yrs!) was for 78 in a 65. The only reason I got pulled over was that I hit 85 a couple times and stood out from the rest of the herd. After signing the ticket, as the officer was handing it to me he said: "The posted speed limit here (I-5 in Orange County) is 65 mph - but nobody does 65. Just stay with the flow of traffic and we won't bother you."

No, that's not the official policy. The UNofficial policy is 'grab the low-hanging fruit' - the vehicles that stand out from the herd. If you drive 65 when the flow is 75 (which it usually is, other than during the slower, thicker commute hours, you'll get the attention of the other motorists!

That said, if the last ticket that an officer gave out was to a motorcyclist with a bad attitude and a foul mouth, the officer might decide to focus on motorcyclists for the rest of the day and hand out awards for +1mph. The man with the badge & gun is always right.

"Fair" exists only between the first base and third base lines.

Just to clarify "myth"

Georgia Code - Motor Vehicles & Traffic - Title 40, Section 40-14-8Legal Research Home > Georgia Laws > Motor Vehicles and Traffic > Georgia Code - Motor Vehicles & Traffic - Title 40, Section 40-14-8

(a) No county, city, or campus officer shall be allowed to make a case based on the use of any speed detection device, unless the speed of the vehicle exceeds the posted speed limit by more than ten miles per hour and no conviction shall be had thereon unless such speed is more than ten miles per hour above the posted speed limit.

( B) The limitations contained in subsection (a) of this Code section shall not apply in properly marked school zones one hour before, during, and one hour after the normal hours of school operation, in properly marked historic districts, and in properly marked residential zones. For purposes of this chapter, thoroughfares with speed limits of 35 miles per hour or more shall not be considered residential districts. For purposes of this Code section, the term 'historic district' means a historic district as defined in paragraph (5) of Code Section 44-10-22 and which is listed on the Georgia Register of Historic Places or as defined by ordinance adopted pursuant to a local constitutional amendment.

Last modified: April 25, 2006

Now another "myth": I haven't looked up the code on yet is that the fine for 5mph over must be 0

thats ZERO, goose eggs....

Has anyone tried to cruise in 4th gear up to the 80 mph max? Should be easy enough.

Maybe that same trick with fooling the ECU's gear sensor would also work on the '13 FJR?

I guess that you'd need to know if the cruise control algorithm is looking at the rpms or the speed signal.

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I didn't get to 80 but on my '13, downshift to 4th and hit resume and the cruise at goes back to the same speed it was in 5th.

It's reading the speed signal.

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So let me amplify my last post... if you stick with your local commuting area, then do as you think they allow (and as fits your comfort zone). If you travel and get out across a wider area, then assumptions can often bite you in the a$$.

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Tried to set the cruise on my Block II, '13 FJR manufacture date 1/13 at 90 MPH today. It would not set at all. Sorry guys, I think all the '13 FJR's have the 80 MPH cruise limit.
