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Why yes, I am a Smart ASS
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
Alabaster, AL
I was trying out my new TRAXXION AK20s I just put on. Great by the way. Freakin FANTASTIC RIDE and major improvement. PM me if you wnt more info on that.

I was by myself and when I ride alone I tend to not "push" for those just-in-case moments. Didn't seem to work out that way....

Anyway, I had knocked off about 100 miles this morning and was getting close to home. I was approaching an area I knew typically carried gravel and had slowed down to 30 MPH. ( I know this because I just down shifted from 5th to 3rd for the corner) The gravel tends to collect in the bottom corner of the hill. Today they was A LOT at the top. I hit it in a shady area of road (pics to follow). It was the small ball bearing sized gravel. It covered the road completely.

Damage wise: ME my left ankle hurts like a sprain. No swelling or discoloration, ...yet. just a constant ache.

Bike: Mostly cosmetic. broken left mirror, rashed saddle bag, minor rash on the muffler, rashed front fairing by windshield, windshield damaged, tweeked clutch lever, handle seems ok though. A little rash on the crank cover.

engine mount busted and peeled, I should have changed Skyway's Aluminum sliders to delrin, BUT, the slider saved that part of the fairing. The started sounded funny when I cranked it up to ride home.

I am afraid this may total the bike from what I recall from others similar crashes.

I road home 25 miles at about 40 mph. motor and trainy where fine.

Both me and the bike slide around 85 feet, me on my ass sitting upright with the bike on its side next to me. Kinda sureal looking over, while moving, on your ass, to see you bike next to you on its side.

My gear (overpants) wore through the ass and knee to the Draggin jeans I had on underneath. The knee has a big hole to the armour, and I guess it worked, cause I don't even recall an impact there. Both boots are scuffed on the clips and armour, and the left on the toe. The boots did there job well.


Both the bike and I stopped from where I am standing to take the pic. The bike however was in the oncomming traffic lane. The skid started in the shadow at the top of the hill

If you look at the right lane (left on the screen) you can see the path my ass cleared as I slid down the road. It stops just in front of the camera.


reverse angle


Red is the bike path

yellow is my path






Hole worn through the left cheek


knee impact


I am glad I had on my new track boots, They did their job!

Its a good crash if you can walk and ride away.

Glad your are OK. :rolleyes: Looks like that frame slider bolt bending and breaking the frame may total it. :angry2: If it does, maybe an 08 is in your future? :rolleyes:


I was just fine, feeling all sorry for you and everything, right up to moment where you posted that picture of your ass. Oh man!!! Text was enough. We don't need the visual!

Glad you are okay. A good welder can fix that frame, but it will look ugly.

Heal fast!


That frame break sucks. Weird direction on the slider, straight down.

Those boots are much stouter than what I was wearing on 25 on the way to 29 Dreams back in October, when my bike tried to crush my ankle. Regular street boots with ankle-bone armor, but nothing hard over the foot. Still hurts a bit.

Bike looks like an easy fix except for that frame thingie. Everything else is just plastic, like mine was, but replacing a frame is a whole lotta unscrewin' and screwin'. Damn.

You like black? It's like a really really dark sort of blue. . . . And you won't need a G2.

Is there a frame difference in GenI to GenII? Ignorant savage that I am, I don't know. Anyway, eBay.

So how long did you have to moon your camera on self-timer?

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Man, sorry about the lay down. That whole road looks kinda iffy to me. Looks like there may be trouble around every corner with that gravel. Your attitude is great and will get you back riding soon. J

It's never good to have a trip down the road sliding and watching your bike either go away from you or tumble like a rag doll. I've had a few experiences myself with such things. The positive thing is that you're mostly ok and not laid up in some hospital or having to take weeks off work for recovery. Bikes can be fixed and so can your state of mind at some point.

Glad you are ok, be well,

Wendel (Washington)

Man, that sucks. Without the broken frame the damage to the bike wouldn't be too hard to fix.

I hope your ankle and other sore parts heal up quick, and that you get a good response from your insurance company.

Glad you're ok!

And thanks for testing the aluminum skyway sliders. I'll have to swap mine out for sure. Slight hijack...anybody know if Skyway is still in business selling stuff like the replacement delrin sliders?

Keep your ankle up and rest, man. And do us all a favor and no more pics of your ass, ok?

Sorry you and your baby took a spill. But like I've have heard it said "BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL" B) . Heal up soon and hopefully D&H is not far for you.

Glad that you are okay. Great photos too. let us know what happens with the motor mount (repair or frame replace or new bike) How is it that you happened to have a camera with you to get the photos? Good idea though.
