Rude Behavior

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May 13, 2007
Reaction score
Porterville, CA
I'm a FNG on this forum but not to the world. I usually run about 150 construction workers and they welcome FNG's better than some of the members on this forum do. Some members think because theY get their post numbers up it makes special or being rude thru their key board to FNG's it makes them a big man. I say their a bunch smart ass punks who i would not welcome as a friend. If a FNG ask a question or posts something that has been discussed or posted before just politly point him in the right direction or answer the question don't be rude or be a smart ass. If you want to be a smart ass you can come on out and play in my sand box wih me and my boys anytime i'll show you how to a rude'smart ass prick day in and day out, You won't last. Just be nice


Thank You

John Stacy

Porterville California

I'd say it's scab's turn for popcorn but he's a bit under the weather.....besides....this'll be closed in no time.

We need a new heading. "The dept of thin skin". :clapping:

I don't mean to be rude, but how is rude behavior an FJR Specific Discussion?

I see a move in your near future.

Your post is a pretty rude thread, to begin with; this Forum has a bunch of great guys (for the most part) and any rudeness is likely welcoming youse new guys into the fold without all the initiation b.s. of some of the other forums out there. "Lighten up Francis."

My experience has not been similar to JWAD's.....can we move this thread to the Complaint Desk Topic section?

I am going out for a ride with some friends I met on the forum.

I myself have not seen and out of hand stuff just the normal jokeing around stuff. you might want to be more to the point on the post your talking about . and getting the boys out . come on over to brooklyn ny. and see the real AVE U BOYS

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Although I do understand Mr. Stacy's point, I believe that a curse-strewn rant seldom makes the impression that is most desirable to those involved.

And welcome to the forum! Thanks for sharing your views.

Hey, if you don't like the way things are done here, leave. Most of the "rudeness" is done in fun. Grow some thicker skin and a pair or go away. :angry2:

And welcome to the forum! Thanks for sharing your views.
Suck-up :p

And since Mr. Wad only quoted this without a response I am guessing he did not like Brundog?

This is a I-4, not a V-twin, so you will never get a true "rumble". However, most slip-ons will give you a little more throatiness. Do a search and you will hear a lot about Staintunes, blue-flames, holeshots, leo-vinces, muzzys, two brothers, D&Ds, and maybe a few others.
BTW, that's my nicest way of suggesting that you search before you post something that has been discussed ad nauseum.

Can you believe it!! I don't think TWN is involved here!!!

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you can come on out and play in my sand box wih me and my boys anytime

Although I do understand Mr. Stacy's point, I believe that a curse-strewn rant seldom makes the impression that is most desirable to those involved.
And welcome to the forum! Thanks for sharing your views.

Thank You for welcoming me the the forum. Now that i have everyones attention i would just like to say it's a pleasure to be a FNG and please welcome all FNG's even the ones in Brooklin to the Forum. I appliigise if some people took offience to my post i and the vulgarity strewen between the lines sometimes thats what it takes to get peoples attention. Again this is a wonderful forum and i will continue to visit often but don't be suprised if you FN old members get put in your place from time to time

Mr. Stacy
I welcome him to the board even though he has not been cut loose from mommys apron strings :yahoo: .

Let me see, you were a sentive kid when groing up. mommys little boy, could do no wrong, Needed to be protected from the big bad wolf out there, and when something doesn't go your way you run home crying foul,its not my fault and if I do not get my way my big brother is going to beat you up, yep sounds like a FNG whinning because he cant control his own destiny

And who give a rats ass about your 150 men who you run ,I dont.

Now if you want to go riding and and quit whinning and share your fun times you have had while motorcyling that great or suggest a ride that would be a plus .

Other than what has been mentioned and I am sure there is more welcome to the board.

If I am ever in porterville I will drive by your job site and play in your sand as suggested

weekend rider :) :D

So what makes you think its OK for you to be rude then?

Let me ask you this. When someone comes on to your site and acts like a dick and a know it all and says "Don't be fucking rude to me!" How do you treat him? Is is with a warm and hearty "Welcome!" or is a with a "Who the **** do you think you are?!" Reread your post and tell me how you think your coming off right now.

Quite frankly most of the 'rude' behavior towards FNG's is because they ask a question like "Has anyone run XXXX tire before, when there are 10 posts about that exact same tire on the same page that they just posted it on. Its issues that quite frankly have been discussed at so much depth a simple search will bring up several pages of responses.

Also, some of us actually know each other. Do you joke around and pick on your friends in real life? Well guess what, we do that here too! My god what a concept I know! We're not all on here just to spew out facts for others. We like to have fun. Strange concept I know.

-Brought to you by the FNG welcome committee.

So what makes you think its OK for you to be rude then?

Let me ask you this. When someone comes on to your site and acts like a dick and a know it all and says "Don't be fucking rude to me!" How do you treat him? Is is with a warm and hearty "Welcome!" or is a with a "Who the **** do you think you are?!" Reread your post and tell me how you think your coming off right now.

Quite frankly most of the 'rude' behavior towards FNG's is because they ask a question like "Has anyone run XXXX tire before, when there are 10 posts about that exact same tire on the same page that they just posted it on. Its issues that quite frankly have been discussed at so much depth a simple search will bring up several pages of responses.

Also, some of us actually know each other. Do you joke around and pick on your friends in real life? Well guess what, we do that here too! My god what a concept I know! We're not all on here just to spew out facts for others. We like to have fun. Strange concept I know.

-Brought to you by the FNG welcome committee.
Oh yes; POPCORN COOKED, show started! Names flyin... Best hit fast forward before MM2 does his countdown

No comment for the "WAD" the hole is already too deep :)

It's been fun boys but i need to go jump in the swimming pool now. and it's also about time for lunch.

PS don't be to mad at me i's just an FNG

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