Rude Behavior

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The lad damn sure better steer clear of ADV Rider! I must say, this forum is one of the best I've seen. Thanks for the help, info, and entertainment so far!

I knew Gunny would be along shortly. :lol: I saved that for ya', Scotty! Nice work, too! :good:

Eh... I leave spelling mistakes out if it because I can't even spell my own online handle right!!

Actually it was done on purpose... but no one believes me so I just roll with it. That and I really can't spell with a damn.
Most off us cant spel wurth a dam. Dats y i youze spel chec. ;)

Yu guys need to chek intu the 'Tha Evalin Wud Sped Reddin Centr!" It helpd mee. :blink:

Once a new guy.....and mentally still am! :yahoo:

If a FNG ask a question or posts something that has been discussed or posted before just politly point him in the right direction or answer the question don't be rude or be a smart ass.

....and moved the thread for 'ya to it's proper area.
Hey Iggy, This might shoulda gone to the NEPRT area. Oh, Wait thats has been discussed too

Thought about it. But people get posting credit in that thread....they don't in this one. I'm hoping people will give up on this thread because we've all learned forum bashing is pretty pointless and it will die of its own accord.

Hey! Who's pissing on Wheaties?!
You drunk, passed out, and forgetting who did what, AGAIN!!!?? :blink:

Odot, you got some competition B)

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I know.....we're going to check liver samples to see who's worse off.

JWAD -- I was wondering what the answer might be to FJRFencer's question, so I did a bit of digging.

Who pissed in your Wheaties??? :eek:

I clicked on your user name in the left hand column, then selected the "Find Member's Posts" option -- total time required: 5 seconds

I noticed that you've posted in four threads - new member, this one and two others ... total time required: 5 seconds

Then I looked at the other two threads - total time required: ~60 sec.

It looks as if the answer is BrunDog... total time invested to find out: << 90 seconds.

This is a I-4, not a V-twin, so you will never get a true "rumble". However, most slip-ons will give you a little more throatiness. Do a search and you will hear a lot about Staintunes, blue-flames, holeshots, leo-vinces, muzzys, two brothers, D&Ds, and maybe a few others.
BTW, that's my nicest way of suggesting that you search before you post something that has been discussed ad nauseum.


Hey Mr. First-timer,
You see that little Search box at the top? Give it a whirl. Probably find more info on this screen than you care to know about.

BTW it rocks.


I honestly, sincerely don't mean to be sarcastic here, but -- have you ever been a member of an active online forum? People on these forums are generally welcoming and, more importantly, willing to spend time (often large amounts of time - hours or even days) helping out people they've never met.

Indeed, they'll help out people they never seen them before, even if its post number 1, knowing that they may never actually meet the FNG asking the question --- unless the NOOB / FNG gets involved enough to attend an event like WFO.

What BrunDog is asking that you show a little respect for his time (and the others who might respond) time by spending a little time - like 5 or 10 minutes - using the search tool before you ask a question. Any you will note that he answered your question about the CalSci windshield -- "BTW it rocks."

A couple observations -

  • Myself, I'm just an occasional poster - so I usually start my questions with something like "I tried searching but couldn't find anything - can anyone help with XXX" - no one will jump on you for failing to find it - as long as you' made an effort.
  • BrunDog's comments were very,
    , gentle, at least by the standards of many technical forums - responses like "RTFM you f-ing moron" are more usual -- but they assume it's not the first forum you've ever joined. Again - its a question of understanding and respecting the difference between a few minutes of
    time v. a few minutes (or seconds) out of everyone elses life.
  • FWIW (For what its worth) The other way I could have found your posts was to use the "search" function: click on "search", then on "more search options," then type "JWAD" in the field "filter by member name" and check the "Match exact name" box -- hit "perform the search" button and there you are...
  • BTW - I've just spent ~10-15 min on this note [10x more than it took to find out what happened - but then I don't post very often & tend to over edit]. I've done so hoping to help you understand the difference between genuinely rude behavior and the sort of
    reminder is the rule on this forum, not the exception and the reason why people expect you to use the search function first.

I hope I've been clear enough that you 'get it' and wanna start over - just say so - one usually has to really work at it tick these guys off for very long.

- and TWN's right about the quote function -- need to start your text after the end of the quote - which looks like this [ / quote ], except w/o the extra spaces.



(dumb typo residue edited out)

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Ok boys cook more popcorn i'm finished swiming and i've had some lunch.

Weekend Rider

I let go of the apron strings about 35 years ago. and if you would like to ride the Central Cal Sierra Nevadas i would be glad ride with you and anyone else. I go every Sunday out of Visalia Ca 9:00 AM


I welcome with Who the **** you think you are. You had the best response so far.


It wasn't a dog pile hell i was out side swimming, getting some sun for this thin skin i'v been diaganosed with.


I've been here awhile just watching I just thought it was time to stir the pot. Been laughing all day


I never said i was a spelling teacher but if you could give me some lessons i would be real happy for it.

And for the rest of you that have responded i feel like a member now not just a FNG. I hope nobody is too upset but really who cares if you are I don't

Oh by the way last weekend i went thru Sequoia park and Yosemite then up over Tioga Pass and spent the night in Lee Vinning with a return trip the following day This weekend i rode a five hour loop thru Caliente and Piute Meadows.

Next week i will be going out of Springville over Sherman Pass. If i haven't been too rude and too much of a smart ass today watching all this go down while eating my popcorn anyone is welcome to join up.

Thanks it's been a wonderful Sunday

Mr. Stacy LOL

evenlut using the search tool bit[ gently, by the standards of behavior on some of the forums infolved in is what
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm.............................................what? :unsure:
Ummm - like I said -- I tend to over-edit. The offending text was editing-residue below my sig (and the bottom of the text window) - I missed it when I ran the previewed the post :clown2: Since edited out. Mea Culpa :blushing: :blinksmiley:

spent the night in Lee Vinning with a return trip the following day


Jeez...I just got myself settled on to the couch ('cos madmike2 had his back turned and didn't see me sit back down)...and someone hosed down this little tantrum. Bloody hell.....

If's good to let a little steam off, and pound your chests a's a male thing ain't it?

Again, the charitable assumption is that this is your first on-line forum --

Ok boys cook more popcorn i'm finished swiming and i've had some lunch....

I've been here awhile just watching I just thought it was time to stir the pot. Been laughing all day


And for the rest of you that have responded i feel like a member now not just a FNG. I hope nobody is too upset but really who cares if you are I don't


If i haven't been too rude and too much of a smart ass today watching all this go down while eating my popcorn anyone is welcome to join up.

Thanks it's been a wonderful Sunday

Mr. Stacy LOL

There is are a couple of terms for folks that stir things up on a forum -- wasting everyone else's time just to amuse themselves -- Troll -- others are TWN, Radman, et al. - but even they don't (usually) start the fire - they just sprinkle a little gasoline on it every once in a while.

Trolling is the sort of :asshat2: behavior that will permanently annoy folks. In fact, the more extreme forms end up getting banned from the forum.

FM -

you boyz say what you want but the man definitely got posts! Screw it, I like him already. I kinda like folks who aren't afraid to jump right in and stir up the ****.. btw, which was does **** run? Uphill? Downhill? :unsure:


I think it's great that you offered so much time trying to help the WAD get on better footing, but I think you may have overlooked a clue as to who pissed on his Wheaties. He took offense with the way Kissimmee John was treated.

That thread has been quite ever since(but we may hear something once the Aussies get their ***** out of bed). I think it's a John thing.

Although Spell Check is a very useful tool, I think what some of these people need is an ****** check. Just a thought.


My thin skinned feelings wasn't hurt over any responses regarding previous post by me. I read something today in a response to a FNG"S post that promped me to start this. But thanks anyway by the way i ordered a 4+2 Cee Bailey's

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