Dumbass, Dumbass, Dumbass!

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Why yes, I am a Smart ASS
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
Alabaster, AL
Guess who dropped their bike tonight? Give up?

Damn garage door opener! The damn opener wasn't working on my approach as it normally does. Stupid me just kept pressing the button waiting on a response from the door. Brain function OFF. Speed decreasing, door still not opening, Slower, slower, slower, S L O W E R, Hit button again while making a sharp turn into the drive way, Did the brain say grab the front brake? And there you have it. DUMB-ASSSS!

So much for a pleasant night ride ending nicely.

Scratched saddle bag (minor marks) Heavy scratching on the mirror cover.

Skyways Sliders worked great no fairing damage!

Who's got some touch up paint?

...well FJR., I have been very close to committing the same sin on my feejr and st eleven. I constantly have to remind myself (somewhat age related here ,I think) to keep my paws off the front brake @ low parking lot speed manouvers. I can feel yer pain and embarassment. :assassin:

:( ;) ;) ;) :( :( <_< <_< <_<

Yo fjrfencer,

shit does happen. I dropped my new blue lady with only 1000 miles on her in a driveway too! Dipstick!

then, last week when on a trip to the hinterlands one of my buds recommended that I move her just a "little bit" which I did, only thing was I forgot when I was moving her that that big pole and them bags that hang out the side were going to meet, shit, piss, ****!!!

So, scratched mirror, slightly scratched left bag and not alot you can do about it, right?

Wrong, I ordered my paint (in spray cans), sanded and prepped the scratches really really good, gave em a squirt and viola, nobody would ever know that me and Jacques Clouseau are family.

Bottom line is she has the new smell off of her now, she's been hurt and fixed and guess what, we are starting to really feel like we have a good thing going. I know her a bit better now and when we are in the groove, the miles just keep on slipping on by with no effort.

Just remember, it's just plastic!

ride safe and keep your head up... :D :D :D

When are you clowns going to take my advice and start parking next to a fricken tree?

Way back when I was a teen I rode a mnt bike. I was out late partying with friends, and rode home in an altered state. I made it all the way home..but the damn garage door was halfway down. My parents never laughed so hard at 3am. I had a nice egg on my forehead. My dad said one word to me the next morning. dumbass.


I had to tough up my left bag as well, when backing my other bike out of the garage I bumped into the sidebag on the FJR, argh.

I'd be really interested to hear if anyone else has tried Color-Rite spray paint. The FJR uses a base/topcoat/clearcoat. I followed their directions, the paint is too light, it's not horrible, but it's noticeable.

Just a tip for folks that don't already know. Let your clear coat dry for 3 days then wet sand using 2000 grit paper. The finish will turn out better than mama yama's once buffed. I just hand buffed mine with extra fine glaze.

Remember "they say" accidents happen close to home.

Dropped mine in the garage as well.

What I'd like to know is who "they" are? :unsure:

I had to tough up my left bag as well
I found out my bag wasn't tough enough either. I attempted to step over a low barbed wire fence the otherday an found out it wasn't low enough. Needless to say I scratched both? my bags. :(

What kinda touch up does a fella need fer that type a damage?


Wow bust....now that I feel sorry for. Next time use the tree to get over the fence eh?

Been looking at porn all morning, fence. It's got to have an impact on my "posts"......eh?

welcome to the drop club :p ... Sorry to hear this.. here a sugestion for the side bag problem look at the picture of my bike and look at my side bag, after my first drop i installed a door moulding on the lower part of my bag where it hit...bought it at the auto parts store for about 12.00



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I had to tough up my left bag as well
I found out my bag wasn't tough enough either. I attempted to step over a low barbed wire fence the otherday an found out it wasn't low enough. Needless to say I scratched both? my bags. :(

What kinda touch up does a fella need fer that type a damage?

:blink: :trinibob: I know this is totally off the thread but darn it bustanut joker you did trigger a memory that I have to share with you.

A bunch of us were dove hunting several years ago and one of the guys wanted to cross over a barbed wire fence into the next field, so being the safe hunter that we all strive to be, he handed his shotgun to his son (Scott) who was already in the other field and went to find a low section of barbwire as John was a short and portly fellow.

Now John finally finds a section of fence that the barbwire is lower then the rest and he puts his hands on the barbwire, pushes down and swings his right leg over the highest strand......just then he realizes that there is a rattlesnake down there by his feet.

Now picture a portly man hung up on top of a barbwire fence, swinging his left and right foot as far out to either side as quickly as he can, screaming at his son to get back here with the shotgun, all the while trying to avoid a rattlesnake who is trying to strike at his right and left foot.

We were able to kill the snake and John was able to avoid getting bit by it....but his both his right and left bags were a little worse for wear having been bisected by barbed wire.

Just an FYI....always remember the striking distance of most snakes is 1/3 to 1/2 of it's total length? :unsure:

Sorry Fencer...big time bummer, but don't feel too stupid. I can definitely see how that could happen. There have been a number of times that I rolled to a stop as trying to press the darn button. Your story will make me be more careful from now on, so thanks for sharing.
