Dumbass, Dumbass, Dumbass!

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Guess who dropped their bike tonight? Give up?
Damn garage door opener! The damn opener wasn't working on my approach as it normally does. Stupid me just kept pressing the button waiting on a response from the door. Brain function OFF. Speed decreasing, door still not opening, Slower, slower, slower, S L O W E R, Hit button again while making a sharp turn into the drive way, Did the brain say grab the front brake? And there you have it. DUMB-ASSSS!

So much for a pleasant night ride ending nicely.

Scratched saddle bag (minor marks) Heavy scratching on the mirror cover.

Skyways Sliders worked great no fairing damage!

Who's got some touch up paint?
Bummer Fence. I was about to reply that I had touch-up paint you could borrow... but alas, you have an '06 while I have an '05.
I was there when it happened I had just past it and heard a loud "OH S***" or something then caught a rear view mirror full of the bottom of a beautifull FJR and feet in the air. He took it well. Stuburn and big as he is. He refused to let me help him pick it up. It happens, I too have done similar. After washing my bike and then putting it in the garage I started on the car and had just finished with the armorall on the tires of the car when my 5 year old came out to help. She went into the garage and soaked down my front tire of my 04 BMW RT-P. I did not know it and when I finished with the car decided to take my clean bike for a spin in the neighborhood down to FJRfencers house. Did not make it the one small turn and what is this I am sliding down the road on my arse and I am wearing thin sweat paints. Those sparks of the crash bars look bad and OH this hurts.

Dockjekyll, where did you get the $70 mirror? I need one! Actually I need a few items for the right side of my bike. Luckily it's the right side and unless I walk on that side I don't weep too much! I can almost forget dropping my new bike.


Auto Parts Store: Chevy Indigo Blue, Paint Pen/Brush thingy close enough, no one will notice ;)

Fixed up my mirror just fine.

Hey Fencer been there done that. That's why they invented the f word. Double f. i tipped my AE over during the EOM. Stopped at right turn foot slipped opened throttle while heaving on bars trying to stop the bugger from going down. Well you know what happens when you open the throttle on an AE! Down she goes and I am here to tell you the tip over cut off works just fine!

Dinged the can and scratched the mirror which is unusual as it did not do that the first time I tipped it over in the gravel at my son's place.

Had the pleasure of riding back down to Charlotte with jeffashe and herfjr. Both are born with a natural ability to ride. I am amazed that Iris who is about half my weight can handle the FJR a hell of a lot better than me. Well I guess that I will just have to steepen my learning curve not having much in the way of natural ability myself!

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