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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2006
Reaction score
Fridley, MN
I figure I can ask this question over here because a certain someone over there in Never-Ending Pointless Recurring Threads never leaves the thread he/she started.

1.) Please tell me what a Trojan horse is (Warchild - don't tell me to do a search because I already Googled and searched the forum).

2.) Please tell me what a troll is. Being from Minnesota, I equate trolling with fishing. Fishing on the forum is harmless right? But "don't feed the troll" is not clear.

3.) A certain someone who never leaves the thread they started has 30 posts if one were to do a "show user" on them, but 12 posts listed under their avatar. Sorry Ignacio for opening this can of worms, but what is up with that? How can the certain nameless user have any posts at all if Never-Ending Pointless Recurring Threads don't rack up points?

4.) Feel free to fill me in on other areas where I may be clueless. I feel like something is going on and I'm the only one who "doesn't get it"


You could save some time by just telling me to "piss off".
Were you joking? Because TWN gave you good answers.

From the links:


In Internet terminology, a troll is someone who comes into an established community such as an online discussion forum, and posts inflammatory, rude, repetitive or offensive messages designed intentionally to annoy and antagonize the existing members or disrupt the flow of discussion, including the personal attack of calling others trolls.

Trojan Horse

In the context of computer software, a Trojan horse is a malicious program that is disguised as or embedded within legitimate software. The term is derived from the classical myth of the Trojan Horse. They may look useful or interesting (or at the very least harmless) to an unsuspecting user, but are actually harmful when executed.

There are two common types of Trojan horses. One, is otherwise useful software that has been corrupted by a cracker inserting malicious code that executes while the program is used. Examples include various implementations of weather alerting programs, computer clock setting software, and peer to peer file sharing utilities. The other type is a standalone program that masquerades as something else, like a game or image file, in order to trick the user into some misdirected complicity that is needed to carry out the program's objectives.

Trojan horse programs cannot operate autonomously, in contrast to some other types of malware, like viruses or worms. Just as the Greeks needed the Trojans to bring the horse inside for their plan to work, Trojan horse programs depend on actions by the intended victims. As such, if trojans replicate and even distribute themselves, each new victim must run the program/trojan. Therefore their virulence is of a different nature, depending on successful implementation of social engineering concepts rather than flaws in a computer system's security design or configuration.


A Trojan horse program has a useful and desired function, or at least it has the appearance of having such. Trojans use false and fake names to trick users into dismissing the processes. These strategies are often collectively termed social engineering. In most cases the program performs other, undesired functions, but not always. The useful, or seemingly useful, functions serve as camouflage for these undesired functions. A trojan is designed to operate with functions unknown to the victim. The kind of undesired functions are not part of the definition of a Trojan Horse; they can be of any kind, but typically they have malicious intent.

In practice, Trojan Horses in the wild often contain spying functions (such as a packet sniffer) or backdoor functions that allow a computer, unbeknownst to the owner, to be remotely controlled from the network, creating a "zombie computer". The Sony/BMG rootkit Trojan, distributed on millions of music CDs through 2005, did both of these things. Because Trojan horses often have these harmful behaviors, there often arises the misunderstanding that such functions define a Trojan Horse.

You could save some time by just telling me to "piss off".
This is gonna be a hot one... for those that want to follow along:


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You could save some time by just telling me to "piss off".

Were you joking? Because TWN gave you good answers.
Yeah, he did. Lighten up maybe.

For your third question, I betcha......that guy has 30 posts, all in the same useless thread, but the latest rule with post counts not counting in certain threads, started after his 12th post.

It is a newer thing on the forum, and I'd agree, # of posts means nothing.

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4.) I feel like something is going on and I'm the only one who "doesn't get it"
Ooookkaaaaayy?!? A tendency toward paranoia? While there seems to be quite a bit of levity on the forum, lately, all-in-all I think the group is pretty level headed and can give great advice concerning the FJR. Personally, I don't frequent the NEPR threads because they always live down to their forum location. As for the rest, we all "tease" one another but only because there is genuine affection toward the other parties. Except for TWN, we give him a bad time just because its fun!

You could save some time by just telling me to "piss off".
Were you joking? Because TWN gave you good answers.
O.K. I made a mistake here somewhere...

These are the assumptions I'm working with:

1.) Everybody knows what "lurking" is and could reasonably guess what a "troll" is.

therefore: the part I don't understand is what "feeding" a troll is (helping him/her boost their post numbers?)

2.) I have a vague understanding of "Trojan horse" as it relates to unwanted computer programs

therefore: the user - "troll" is somehow a Trojan horse and I don't understand how he/she could be. If another member is telling us someone is a Trojan horse, what does that mean?

3.) The post whoring deal is a complete mystery to me; AND

4.) I am a little paranoid / conspiratorialist (is that a word?)

therefore: I don't want to be want to know when I'm the fat guy in the pool. I am "seeking to understand" :insert smiley face choking on a Stephen Covey book:

So, I thought the answers to my questions were not obvious and I still don't know the answers. Based on my tweaked personality type I reach the conclusion that "you guys" have a nice little thing going on here and now that The Forum has over a hundred users at a time, the bandwidth is a problem and FNGs like me are upsetting the balance.

So, sorry if I wasn't supposed to take it personally.

Plus, coming from TWN, it hurt. I was really rooting for him after I read about his near miss. He seemed decent enough. Now, though I'm thinking he can "bookmark" his lips to my Ass!

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These are the assumptions I'm working with:1.) Everybody knows what "lurking" is and could reasonably guess what a "troll" is.

therefore: the part I don't understand is what "feeding" a troll is
"Feeding a troll" is to continually anwser the same question posed by the same person in a different manner. That's why I don't go to the NEPR page.

2.) I have a vague understanding of "Trojan horse" as it relates to unwanted computer programstherefore: the user - "troll" is somehow a Trojan horse and I don't understand how he/she could be. If another member is telling us someone is a Trojan horse, what does that mean?
Trojan Horse also refers to the "original" Trojan Horse story during the war between the Greeks and the Trojans, where the Greeks gave the Trojans the gift of a "horse" that was full of other words, something that appears as "A" that is actually "L". So a user could be called a Tojan Horse because he appears to be asking a question or presenting a problem when he is merely trying to begin an argument for its own sake.

3.) The post whoring deal is a complete mystery to me;
TWN is a post whore :p . His post count is through the roof and is at such a lofty level that only 5 others have dared to join his aerie status (Baron Von Posthofen). Some have access to computers all day long and can keep on this and other forums, responding "at will". Some just post, to post. So what if someone thinks they are a post-whore. It's all about being part of the family, enjoying the playfullness and participating with whatever knowledge one might have in a particular area.

And, don't ask me what a bookmark is...
What the heck is a "bookmark" and where do I get one? :blink:

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2.) I have a vague understanding of "Trojan horse" as it relates to unwanted computer programs

therefore: the user - "troll" is somehow a Trojan horse and I don't understand how he/she could be. If another member is telling us someone is a Trojan horse, what does that mean?
Trojan Horse also refers to the "original" Trojan Horse story during the war between the Greeks and the Trojans, where the Greeks...
O.K. Now that answer does seem a little obvious doesn't it. :embarrassed:

Well, chalk that one up to assumption #4.

4.) I am a little paranoid / conspiratorialist (is that a word?)therefore: I don't want to be want to know when I'm the fat guy in the pool. I am "seeking to understand" :insert smiley face choking on a Stephen Covey book:

So, I thought the answers to my questions were not obvious and I still don't know the answers. Based on my tweaked personality type I reach the conclusion that "you guys" have a nice little thing going on here and now that The Forum has over a hundred users at a time, the bandwidth is a problem and FNGs like me are upsetting the balance.

So, sorry if I wasn't supposed to take it personally.
I don't know from "Stephen Covey". Hopefully some of my answers are closer to what you need to understand. "Us guys"? We're just people, wrapped in out own set of issues and problems, trying to make our way in the world and with others who have the same passion about their FJRs. It just occurs "in the open" on the forum. Many of us have never met, face-to-face, which is why all the bother about WFO-5 in Reno. We will finally get to meet those other owners we've laughed and cried with, joked and teased with and enjoyed our common hobby.

Ahem...I know this is hard to believe, but we were all once FNGs.

You'll know when to "take it personally" when you start getting PMs from people who are offended by what you post. We've all (or most of us have) experienced that little "Joy" in this world B) . Until then......don't worry about so much and it will all work itself out.

4.) Feel free to fill me in on other areas where I may be clueless. I feel like something is going on and I'm the only one who "doesn't get it"

Plus, coming from TWN, it hurt. I was really rooting for him after I read about his near miss. He seemed decent enough. Now, though I'm thinking he can "bookmark" his lips to my Ass!
Unless I'm the one who doesn't get it, I don't see what TWN did to deserve such animosity. So unless I've missed some insider stuff, IMHO TWN is owed an apology.

As my kids would say, take a chill pill or we'll call social services and have you surrounded by so many social workers you'll think you've died and gone to twelve step hell. :p

Unless I'm the one who doesn't get it, I don't see what TWN did to deserve such animosity. So unless I've missed some insider stuff, IMHO TWN is owed an apology.
As my kids would say, take a chill pill or we'll call social services and have you surrounded by so many social workers you'll think you've died and gone to twelve step hell. :p

You're lucky MM took the time to answer your questions in such detail. I wouldn't have. There are those that say there is no such thing as a stupid question. I am not one of them.

Not sure why you got your panties in such a bunch. Several chill pills may be in order.

That's all. Have a nice day.


I thought I already admitted the answers to my questions were a little obvious.

They weren't obvious to me.

There is such a thing as a stupid question. I get asked stupid questions everyday. Some people are so lazy they won't even think for themselves. So, I try to figure out the answer to questions before asking them.


And, don't ask me what a bookmark is...
is funny right? (not at all snide?)


I'm thinking he can "bookmark" his lips to my Ass!
Is not funny? Would it work without the capital "A"? Did the exclamation mark make it not funny?

I know that madmike went above and beyond in answering my questions. I appreciate it.

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There are those that say there is no such thing as a stupid question. I am not one of them.
There are NO stupid questions, just stupid people asking questions!

(The above statement is a sweeping generalization, I'm not implying Joe is stupid)

And, don't ask me what a bookmark is...
is funny right? (not at all snide?)
Yes... most likely TWN was being funny, but he was also probably being a little snide. (See comment below to better understand.)

I'm thinking he can "bookmark" his lips to my Ass!
Is not funny? Would it work without the capital "A"? Did the exclamation mark make it not funny?
See here is the biggest problem... we don't know you, so we don't know if you are trying to be funny. Every person here has been an FNG at one point. Here is my suggestion to you... sit back, watch what others say, how they say it and learn their personality. (See my comment above about TWN. I know he was being himself by his reply. If you had read more of TWN's post, you'd know too!)

You won't find a better group of people than you'll find here. Some of us know personally the type of people in this group because we have seen their generosity first hand. I could go on and on about what some folks have done for others, but I won't... I'll let you read it for yourself.

So... are you related to George Noory or Art Bell?


Am I being funny or am I being snide?


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