Looking for the heated grip connector on the 06

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Why yes, I am a Smart ASS
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
Alabaster, AL
I am installing aftermarket heated grips and would like (if possible) to use the connector supplied with the bike rather than cut and splice. I went to Radio shack and they do not have this type of conecter/ The Shacks are round pin and this is a square/ rectangle with two flat spades inside it (the male).

Anyone with a parts catalog show the availability of the female? Is this male part # used any place else on the bike where a small female wiring harness could be cut from?

Thanks for the help

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Fencer, any update on this?

I am mid gripendectomy (putting on BMW sport grips with the G2 throttle tube) and am considering a couple of options:

1) connect Kimpex style elements to the existing factory wires

2) use Kimpex, rewiring all the way back to the connectors in your photo


1) problems with current draw on factory wires and/or controller (this could be resolved by choosing a brand/model that matches factory spec??)

2) problems with the G2 kits aluminum tube (heat dissapation/shorting)

3) connection integrity if factory wires are reused (planning on solder or crimp with shrink covering)

Last and certainly least would be to ditch heated grips and re-purpose the wiring and control space for another farkle.

I don't forsee a lot of cold weather riding in my future, but I'm sure that will change the minute I ditch this option. :p


Is there enough loose wire to be able to just replace the connector with one that is more available? Just a thought.

Is that the auxiliary power connection for the 06? I was hoping to get a closeup of how Warmachine used the terminals under the right handgrip for heated grip power.

I believe this is what warmachine used, but the manual shows two connectors for the AE heated grips somewhere in the handlebar area that are unconnected on the A. I did a quick check and couldn't find them, will look again and post pics if I can find them.

Well if I am reading the manual correctly these are the connectors for the factory heated grips (pages 2-55,2-75), found under the front cowling:


there are four wires going into each connector, if you remove the caps you see that all the wires are connected by a metal plate (soory for the pic quality):


I tried to verify this by using the wiring diagram in the back of FSM, but apparently that is outside my skillset. The wires appear to be black with a sort of olive green dots, here is poor picture:


The factory grips are supposed to be speed sensitive, so do we have two wires for power and two for speed?

The coupler used by warmachine appears to be a joint coupler (pg. 2-53), whatever that is.

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You have to take off the entire tupperware to get to the connectors? Taking this directly into the battery or installing a power strip starts looking better and better right now.

Does the manual say what the amp rating for the joint coupler is?

Also, do you have a clear closeup of the connector? They look female, but the pictures are blurry... It'd be good if we can find the male side of that instead of splicing into the exising wiring.

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There is a lot of tupperware to come off to get to those connectors. The price for the factory grips is $400+, wonder what the isntalled price is. That is the best I could do for pics, looked clear on the camera :unsure: - it is a female connector. Don't have amps for this, still am trying to decipher the wiring diagram in the manual.

I'm thinking my grips will be wired into my fuseblock.

Err, well I discovered my problem in understanding the wiring diagram in the FSM, I put to much faith in the wiring routing diagram :rolleyes: Turns out that is more of an approximation for unconnected circuits, by using the wiring diagrams I found the correct connectors for the factory heated grips, they are on the left side of the bike(when sitting on it) near where the left cooling fan plugs in:


They look like this:


Connectors 98 and 99 in the FSM wiring diagram, not hard to get to at all.

To hazard a guess, the other plugs I showed up top are probably for the running lights that come standard on the euro models. Of course that is just a guess :)

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Err, well I discovered my problem in understanding the wiring diagram in the FSM, I put to much faith in the wiring routing diagram :rolleyes: Turns out that is more of an approximation for unconnected circuits, by using the wiring diagrams I found the correct connectors for the factory heated grips, they are on the left side of the bike(when sitting on it) near where the left cooling fan plugs in:

They look like this:


Connectors 98 and 99 in the FSM wiring diagram, not hard to get to at all.

To hazard a guess, the other plugs I showed up top are probably for the running lights that come standard on the euro models. Of course that is just a guess :)

Are they both for the electrical? Also did you have a chance to go through the terminal supply catalogue and see if any of the connectors match the existing plugs instead of having to splice the cabling? :)


After reviewing the manual, I'm not sure those are the right connecting points for the honda grips. the manual shows the grey conenctor is for the right grip and the black one for the left grip. (page 8-161) and shows these points connected to the front cowling wiring harness (63), which is also where the grip warmer control unit connects to. Do these even cary any voltage without the yamaha grip wamer control unit attached? I may be reading this wrong, but it looks like the yamaha grip warmer control connects into the wiring harness and in effect splices the connections to make the two connectors for the left and right grips cary voltage as well as a connection to the ECU (8-159).

Looks like warmachine connected his grip warmers to what is the right handlebar switch lead.

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Good question, my bike is currently apart for farkling so the easy way of answering this question is out :) So this is going to be a long nonanswer. Just to make sure that we are on the same page check me on this. There are four connectors for the factory heated grips. The two I pointed out are were the factory grips plug in as temp357 pointed out.

There are also two connectors to the control unit. In the first connector, the wire warmachine used connects to the wiring harness, and is R/B in the wiring diagram. This wire is connected to the front cowling wire harness coupler, and according to the diagram of this coupler is connected to another R/B wire. That R/B wire is connected to the black grips connector I pointed out above. The black and gray grip connectors I showed share a common brown/blue wire, and the gray connector is then tied to the windshield drive unit via a brown wire.

The second wire in warmachines connector should be green/blue and is tapped into the headlight relay.

The second connector to the control unit has one grounded wire and a wire that connects to to the ECU. I would guess that this is where the control unit gets speed info from, as the factory units are supposed to be speed sensitive.

The windshield drive unit is a well know source for switched power, the headlight relay I would have to guess is place to tap power that is hot when the bike is running. It would make sense to me that the controller draws power from the headlight relay, and supplies power to the grips via the red/black wire warmachine tapped. So why is the gray connector I pointed out connected to the windshield drive unit? When I originally posted I was concerned that warmachine may have tapped a power source that was not rated for the correct amps for heated grips, he must be laughing his ass off as he cruises around with nice warm hands!

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Good question, my bike is currently apart for farkling so the easy way of answering this question is out :) So this is going to be a long nonanswer. Just to make sure that we are on the same page check me on this. There are four connectors for the factory heated grips. The two I pointed out are were the factory grips plug in as temp357 pointed out. There are also two connectors to the control unit. In the first connector, the wire warmachine used connects to the wiring harness, and is R/B in the wiring diagram. This wire is connected to the front cowling wire harness coupler, and according to the diagram of this coupler is connected to another R/B wire. That R/B wire is connected to the black grips connector I pointed out above. The black and gray grip connectors I showed share a common brown/blue wire, and the gray connector is then tied to the windshield drive unit via a brown wire.

The second wire in warmachines connector should be green/blue and is tapped into the headlight relay.

The second connector to the control unit has one grounded wire and a wire that connects to to the ECU. I would guess that this is where the control unit gets speed info from, as the factory units are supposed to be speed sensitive.

The windshield drive unit is a well know source for switched power, the headlight relay I would have to guess is place to tap power that is hot when the bike is running. It would make sense to me that the controller draws power from the headlight relay, and supplies power to the grips via the red/black wire warmachine tapped. So why is the gray connector I pointed out connected to the windshield drive unit? When I originally posted I was concerned that warmachine may have tapped a power source that was not rated for the correct amps for heated grips, he must be laughing his ass off as he cruises around with nice warm hands!
The electrical diagrams in the manual do show the grip warmers share the wiring harness with the headlight assembly. I would be cautious in connecting the grip warmers to where warmachine connected it. After looking at the manual, those look like switched ports used for the brakes. I don't know that they are rated to carry the amperage required for heated grips. I would be inclined to find the power in the connector that attaches to the stock control unit and connect the honda control unit to the same location. If I understand the honda diagram correctly....it would be something like this.

honda control until attaches to wiring harness it comes with. The wiring harness white connector would be spliced into the headlight assembly or attached to the power ports where the honda control unit attaches to. The other two leads from the wiring harness would then attach to the left and right grips. :unsure:

Or...just connect it directly to the battery. Doesn't the honda grip controller have battery protection circuitry built in?

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Are the grey/black connectors you point out running a larger dia. wire than the one warmachine used?

They almost look like insulated spade connectors. What does the inside look like?

Have you hooked a meter to them to check for current? You prob have to bridge across both to complete the circuit.

And - whats the verdict here. did warmachine hook into running lights or brakes?

Are the grey/black connectors you point out running a larger dia. wire than the one warmachine used?
Warmachines look like they might be a smaller gauge, hard to tell.
Have you hooked a meter to them to check for current?
Guess that one is for temp, my bike isn't running condition for the foreseable future.

And - whats the verdict here. did warmachine hook into running lights or brakes?[\quote]
Well I believe he tapped into the power to the factory controller, which is switched power same as to the headlight relays. Course this is coming from a guy whose knowledge of electricity comes from one semester of physics and playing around with my sons radio shack electronics learning lab :D Was realling hoping that someone with an '06 and one of those fancy dancy EE degrees was going to chime in and put us out of misery, err mystery.
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I am installing aftermarket heated grips and would like (if possible) to use the connector supplied with the bike rather than cut and splice. I went to Radio shack and they do not have this type of conecter/ The Shacks are round pin and this is a square/ rectangle with two flat spades inside it (the male).

Anyone with a parts catalog show the availability of the female? Is this male part # used any place else on the bike where a small female wiring harness could be cut from?

Thanks for the help
On the blue connector pictured above, I put a meter on it to see if I could use it for a relay for swicthed power. It was switched but only read .08 on the meter. Bike was not running though now that I think about it, just switched on. I'll meter it again next week when I button up all bike after my wiring job.

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On the blue connector pictured above, I put a meter on it to see if I could use it for a relay for swicthed power. It was switched but only read .08 on the meter. Bike was not running though now that I think about it, just switched on. I'll meter it again next week when I button up all bike after my wiring job.
Where is that blue connector? If you are waiting for me, you may have to wait until after i figure out what to do about getting a g2 before i put on the new grips. It shouldn't be too hard to put a volt meter on the connectors...

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