NAFO web site - Registration Open Until July 20th

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Official Registration is now closed.

We will likely re-open the registration process soon after we talk with the hotel to see if any more rooms can be secured. Regardless, we are now past the cut-off point for rallyshirt orders, so any registrations from here forward will NOT be guaranteed a rally shirt.

NAFO promises to the be the largest gathering of FJRs in the world! Thanks so much for your support and see at least 240 of you all in Golden!

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Official Registration is now closed.
We will likely re-open the registration process soon after we talk with the hotel to see if any more rooms can be secured. Regardless, we are now past the cut-off point for rallyshirt orders, so any registrations from here forward will NOT be guaranteed a rally shirt.

NAFO promises to the be the largest gathering of FJRs in the world! Thanks so much for your support and see at least 240 of you all in Golden!

Is there any chance I can still get in? I just got the ok to go today. I have signed up as a BBG virgin and really wanted to do the ride.

Official Registration is now closed.
We will likely re-open the registration process soon after we talk with the hotel to see if any more rooms can be secured. Regardless, we are now past the cut-off point for rallyshirt orders, so any registrations from here forward will NOT be guaranteed a rally shirt.

NAFO promises to the be the largest gathering of FJRs in the world! Thanks so much for your support and see at least 240 of you all in Golden!

Is there any chance I can still get in? I just got the ok to go today. I have signed up as a BBG virgin and really wanted to do the ride.
The answer is in that statement. I've bolded it and turned it red for you. Might be at the end of the week or next week. Warchild (the one who runs the registration website) has departed for the Utah I will be in about 8 hours. ;)

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Official Registration is now closed.
We will likely re-open the registration process soon after we talk with the hotel to see if any more rooms can be secured. Regardless, we are now past the cut-off point for rallyshirt orders, so any registrations from here forward will NOT be guaranteed a rally shirt.

NAFO promises to the be the largest gathering of FJRs in the world! Thanks so much for your support and see at least 240 of you all in Golden!

Is there any chance I can still get in? I just got the ok to go today. I have signed up as a BBG virgin and really wanted to do the ride.
The answer is in that statement. I've bolded it and turned it red for you. Might be at the end of the week or next week. Warchild (the one who runs the registration website) has departed for the Utah I will be in about 8 hours. ;)
Thanks for the quick reply Matt, It not Friday yet so go easy on me would ya :)

Thanks for the quick reply Matt, It not Friday yet so go easy on me would ya :)
He's gone and it's just me left. Duck! ;)


Seriously, keep your eye on the NAFO section. We will be reopening registration as soon as Dale gets back. I have a few details to work out with the hotel, but in all likelihood we'll have room for more folks.

Please note that the shirts have already been ordered, so you are SOL in that regard. You may have some luck making like a vulture at the regi table and hope that someone in your size doesn't show... We had several do that at WFO6 last year.

Thanks for the quick reply Matt, It not Friday yet so go easy on me would ya :)
He's gone and it's just me left. Duck! ;)


Seriously, keep your eye on the NAFO section. We will be reopening registration as soon as Dale gets back. I have a few details to work out with the hotel, but in all likelihood we'll have room for more folks.

Please note that the shirts have already been ordered, so you are SOL in that regard. You may have some luck making like a vulture at the regi table and hope that someone in your size doesn't show... We had several do that at WFO6 last year.
Thanks Mr. Nut for the encouragement but I think the deck was stacked against me. :( Last night on my way home from work I plowed through a deer. I hope beeroux is still planning rides in 2009. I really wanted to do that BBG. I am ok I did not lay the bike down but my front end is all cracked and broken with deer hair and slobber all over it.

Bike broke in Indy,


...Thanks Mr. Nut for the encouragement but I think the deck was stacked against me. :( Last night on my way home from work I plowed through a deer. I hope beeroux is still planning rides in 2009. I really wanted to do that BBG. I am ok I did not lay the bike down but my front end is all cracked and broken with deer hair and slobber all over it.
Bike broke in Indy,


WHOA...sorry to hear that Nate!

Glad you are okay though. :clapping:

Why is registration dependent on hotel rooms?

Some are camping, and us poor folk might stay somewhere cheaper, or bunk with the inlaws.

No comprendo

Why is registration dependent on hotel rooms?
Some are camping, and us poor folk might stay somewhere cheaper, or bunk with the inlaws.

No comprendo
It just is. We're busy vacationing. :drinks:

Relax or read this again until things are updated.

Why is registration dependent on hotel rooms?
Some are camping, and us poor folk might stay somewhere cheaper, or bunk with the inlaws.

No comprendo
It's not. Regi was closed to cutoff the shirt count (we were at deadline to release the order for production) and to give the hotel a baseline head count for meals. It's all contract stuff, pretty much.

I'm just trying to see how many more rooms I can score at the Event rate as we do have some late comers to the party who wish to luxuriate in 400 count sheets, avoid the crawly bugs and nagging mother-in-law. ;)

I've been waiting to how the situation at work is going to pan out before I register, which won't happen till next week. I do NOT need a hotel room. Would it still be possible to sign up? Certainly extra shirts were ordered?

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I've been waiting to how the situation at work is going to pan out before I register, which won't happen till next week. I do NOT need a hotel room. Would it still be possible to sign up? Certainly extra shirts were ordered?
Yes, you can still sign up when regi opens. Indeed, we did order extras for sale at the regi table, but those go on a first come, first served basis.

I've been waiting to how the situation at work is going to pan out before I register, which won't happen till next week. I do NOT need a hotel room. Would it still be possible to sign up? Certainly extra shirts were ordered?
Yes, you can still sign up when regi opens. Indeed, we did order extras for sale at the regi table, but those go on a first come, first served basis.
So any discount on late registration then as a result? Or is the dough then receipted as a Frustration Payment?

TWN, could you please PM me... this evening if possible... has to do with t-shirt art a'la Warchild.... has nuttin' to do with rooms or registration.



Well, ain't gonna happen after all. 2 root canals and crown work have soaked up enough dough to the point where I gotta tighten the belt. Wish it could have been, was looking forward to it.

Well, ain't gonna happen after all. 2 root canals and crown work have soaked up enough dough to the point where I gotta tighten the belt. Wish it could have been, was looking forward to it.
Don't say that. I have to go to the dentist next week, and i am already dreading bot the visit, and the bill.

Sorry to hear you wont make it.

Good news for the NAFO stragglers. Warchild reopened registration for NAFO here. This final round of registration will be open until July this two weeks is your last chance to register and attend attend what will be the largest FJR gathering ever!

:clapping: :yahoo: :clapping:

...and the important disclaimers:

People who register now are not guaranteed a shirt. We did order a few extra, but if you sign up it don't assume you'll get one or the size you prefer.

Also, it's presumed you read and followed this thread about room availability.

Hope to see you in Golden!


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