Old Michael Update

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Dr. Rich

Arrested Development
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
Whidbey Island, Washington
My wife and I just returned from seeing Michael. If you were wondering his real name is Michael O'Keeffe. He is in room 301 in the Tahoe Tower at the Renown Medical Group on 1155 Mill Street, Reno Nevada 89502 . The # for the hospital is 775 982.4100.

His injuries are as follows:

Multiple broken ribs

Major damage to his left rib cage causing hemorrhaging. They have inserted a shunt (tube) to drain off the fluid. He does not have a punctured lung. The lung collapsed due to the hemorrhaging.

He has damage to multiple vertebrae. The protrusions on many of the vertebrae (the wings) are broken off.

He has no other known broken bones and no major lacerations.

For a guy that drove his bike directly over a cliff, he is in remarkably good shape.

He is on multiple pain killers with a morphine drip. He pushes the little black button and he gets juiced!

The accident... He does not remember missing the turn but does remember hurtling down the hillside. If you want particulars of the accident you can read Mark's (Bokerfork) description.

Although sedated he is in very good spirits with most of his pain emanating from his back.

While we were there Ray (Silent) drove up from San Jose. Michael was very pleased to see him.

Raclow called while we were there and I do believe that he will remember the call.

I left him with an older laptop so that he can start posting his comments on the forum. I think it may be a day or two before that happens. He is supposed to be in the hospital for about a week.


As you can see he hasn't lost his warmth and compassion for those who drove hours to see him


Old Michael with Silent


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That's a slap in tha face with how it really is...

Crashin' sucks...

Man, get well soon....


I don't wanna go there....

Oh damn, that vertebrae damage has got to be incredibly painful! Hang in there Michael, day by day it will get better!

Get well soon Michael.

If you're still in the hospital Saturday, I'll drop in on ya. Otherwise, I'll see ya on the road.

Just back from a 500 mile loop to go see Old Michael, and he's doin good! He will live to ride again for sure. Lots of ribbing going on, and he's in good spirits! I think Rich about covered everything else B) We had a good visit with Michael up at the hospital, and I encourage anyone in the area to drop by and show Old Michael a bit of love and support B) It means alot to someone in the hospital, I know how much it ment to me the last time I was laid up.

**OM looks pretty good for almost taking a dirt nap!!! Ray... your a good friend..... try not to make him laugh too much.. B)

and get well OM you owe me a ride!! ;) :p

Well, Old Michael, that position looks mighty familiar. Boy, are you in for some fun days. They did tell you that after a week on the morphine drip, you're gonna need a... Oh, hell, why spoil the surprise.

I'll just leave it at this: When they offer to put it in for you, accept. You won't be able to reach where it goes for a looooong time.

Silly rabbit, cliffs are for climbing. Or base jumping. Or rappelling. Or photographing. NOT for FJR-ing.

Get well, take care and chin up, OldMichael.

Best to you from 29 Palms.

This isn't just a trick to get me to ride out there is it Mike? I wish you well my friend.


I too am glad to see you doing better. Hope to be able to make the ride up to see you Tuesday or Wednesday.

Anyone else from the Bay Area or Sacto area thinking of visiting and wanting to ride together, drop me a note. Perhaps we can arrange a small group ride. If it looks like he'll still be there Saturday, maybe that would work better for y'all.

Let me know.

Well, this sucks. Just got home from NAFO, after two very long days on the road. My first look at the forum brings bad news.

Michael, what on earth were you doing? Was this a pursuit of the ultimate photograph? I know you put a lot of effort into the composition of your spectacular works of art, but this was too much.

Hugs (gentle ones) and prayers sent your way, then I'll see about a phone call at a more reasonable hour.


Just got home from NAFO to read about OM.

Terri and I will head up to Reno in the morning to visit.

We almost took Quincy Laporte road today on the way home. For some strange reason I passed it and took Gold Lake road to Hwy 49.

Don't know if I can sneak Beer and Hookers into the hospital so OM might have to settle for an Iron Butt Whore and Gatorade.

Hey Michael, I will bring you a new leather jacket as a get well card.

PS. remember that c-note you borrowed at NAFO

Thank you for the update.

I'm glad he might remember I called......morphine can really have a lasting effect on the short term memory.

I will check in on him as the week progresses.

He doesn't look too bad considering his mode of travel down the hill.

Also, I'm glad you guys made it there and back safely.

A couple of broken ribs? A couple of broken ribs? The entire county's emergency services department and a Life Flight helicopter ride for a couple of broken ribs.

Almost sorry I stopped. What a crybaby.

OM - good to see you're on the mend.

Silent - good on you for making that trip.

My wife and I just returned from seeing Michael. If you were wondering his real name is Michael O'Keeffe. He is in room 301 at the Renown Regional Medical Center on 1155 Mill Street, Reno Nevada. The # for the hospital is 775 982.4100.
If you call, the hospital left off the apostrophe in their records, so they'll find it easier if you do too. His room is TAHOE TOWER 301; there are four towers so they need that info too, and the hospital zip is 89502 for all those get well cards.

I rode up there this afternoon and spent some time. Can't add too much except to confirm he was still in good spirits. I asked him about his injuries and he told me his vagina was wrecked, so he still has the sense of humor. Of course that threw him into another spasm of pain as he laughed. I brought him the Sacramento paper and a couple of cans of "Bud," but the big pansy wouldn't drink it, and finally decided I'd better take it back with me. If I'd brought the hooker, he probably wouldn't have used that either. As to the finger, he told me he didn't need that gadget on there. He just wanted it for the red light so you could see he was flipping you off in the dark.

Seriously, the guy's hurting, and will for some time. The morphine button only works every ten minutes, but he told me he's been hitting it every ten seconds--one of those jokes that's not. So keep the calls and visits coming, and pass along the info. And Mike, hope that vagina heals up nice and tight.

I asked him about his injuries and he told me his vagina was wrecked, so he still has the sense of humor.
Oh no, Mike. That's really bad news. It turns out that's as bad as a horse breaking a foot; we're going to have to put him down.

We bow our heads....
