Old Michael Update

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I can go down to Quincy Tow tomorrow and see if I can get a pic or two of the aftermath. Not too sure if OM or anyone else is interested in seeing whats left, so if I can get the pics, I'll post here that I have them and provide a link to a location where they can be viewed.

I hope the bike isn't still in impound, they charge a flat rate per day for storage. That can add up in a hurry making it costlier to salvage what's left.

Been there done that.

Good to see the gentleman in good spirits.

Good to see his friends rally around him to see him thru this.
Heal quickly Old Michael!


Just got off the phone with Brian Wood of Quincy Tow and I have 2 pieces of somewhat good news to report. First off, the accident isn't where I thought it was, it was actually closer to La Porte then I thought and that being said the cliff there isn't nearly as steep as I pictured when I thought of where it was. Brian said the actual location of the cliff diving was about halfway between the second bridge and La Porte, probably about 20 miles or so from Quincy. I don't know when I can get out that way anytime soon, but I'll try maybe Sunday afternoon. Working nights can be a bitch sometimes. <_<

OK 1st good piece of news, the tow drivers picked up OM's tank bag and took it back to Quincy when they brought the bike in. Hopefully, the camera inside survived it's off cliff excursion and will be found in good working order. I asked them about the cell phone in the jacket sleeves and he told me he didn't know what happened to the leathers. He said one minute they were there lying along the road and the next they were gone. Its possible the medics picked them up and took them when they went to have him airlifted to Reno. Might have to start tracking down which ambulance crew responded and go from there.

2nd piece of good news: According to Quincy Tow, OM's brother already picked up what's left of the bike and its gone to wherever. At any rate, it's no longer in the tow yard lot racking up storage fees. Hopefully, he picked up the tank bag as well since Brian said he couldn't release the bag to me. If he could have, I'd have picked it up and taken it to Reno for OM.

Well thats all from the Quincy front. OM, if you happen to get a chance to read this, I hope it brings you some comfort knowing whats happened with your bike and gear. If theres anything else I can do, please feel free to drop me a note and let me know. Hope your feeling better everyday and you can get away from that lousy hospital food ASAP. Stop by next time you happen to get to Quincy, I'll have a good cold beer standing by for ya.

And next time you want to take a little flight take an airplane! One final question.... Did you start singing the Air Force song when you left the road? C'mon OM, you remember the words, Off we go, into the wild blue yonder! :lmaosmiley:

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Went by and saw OM yesterday(Tuesday). In good spirits and on some good pain killers. He can't get a weblink currently but I understand RenoJohn may be working on a fix. Hope he can. Anyway, his prognosis is good, but he won't be riding for at least a few months, though he has expressed strong interest in replacing his Feej with another. Anybody got a good deal on a used one? Perhaps we can take up a collection to get him back on one sooner.

And next time you want to take a little flight take an airplane! One final question.... Did you start singing the Air Force song when you left the road? C'mon OM, you remember the words, Off we go, into the wild blue yonder! :lmaosmiley:
Hmmmmm...and I thought it was, "Up in the air, Junior Birdmen!" :yahoo:

BTW, Cliff Diving: Not recommended for amateurs :eek: .......in fact, its plain NOT RECOMMENDED! BTDT!

[SIZE=8pt]The "flying" part is easy but it ends far too soon. Its the landing (?) and the recover that leaves much to be desired.[/SIZE]

As wonderful as they are, mef-flights are highly over rated. They're much better not taken as the view from any other helicopter ride is much better and far cheaper.

Jeez, Micahel, I'd have given you the above information cheaply and one-on-one if you'd only asked. At least you could have foregone the extended hospital visit.....

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Hey Old Michael,

Just wanted to say hi and hello, let you know I'm thinking of you, laying in bed with PCA and cute nurses ready willing and able to...

well, you know, ahem, attend to your every need! :rolleyes:

I know you don't have Internet yet, but when you do, I hope this post makes you laugh and hurts like hell! :devil:

Poor Mike.. is suffering from "Deceleration Sickness" Sheesh, takes a whole hospital to figger that out??? Beer and hot ladies... doc sed.. 6 times a day

heal buddy, glad to hear you are on the mend

Old Michael,

Sorry to hear of your mishap. Hope your on the mend and we get to meet in person someday soon.

did not see OM today ...first day I've missed. However, went by twice yesterday and spent some time with him. Actually the 2nd stop he was fast asleep and I didn't wake him.

Doing OK, the pain is apparent. he'd just got cleaned up and looked relatively "fresh' ...all things considered. Met Sean(sp?) his brother (he's the one that got the bike etc). Saw the jacket that HYCLE gave him ....that was sure a nice thing to do!!

While I was there Silver Penguin called. Very nice. I stepped out of the room for a bit so that they could talk nasty without an audience.

I left a bunch of treats in his room (enough to put the entire nursing staff into a diabetic coma) ...hopefully all that stuff will make OM a popular guy with the nurses. However, they like him already ....

I'll get by tomorrow to see how the old Irishman is doing.

Geez Michael,

What some guys will do for attention! Cliff diving on a feej?? There's got to be a new award for that one. Anyway, heal good, heal fast and leave the nurses alone! B)


I am so sorry about your off-road excusion, but I am so glad you came out of it as well as you did.

I know hospitals suck, but hang in there. Hope to see you again at the next gathering if not before.


Thanks for the beer!

I read this great (true) story somewhere once: some Hollywood guy was in the hospital--a Catholic one with where the nurses are nuns. Some of his buds got a hooker and dressed her as a nurse/nun--you know, the habit and everything? These are Hollywood folks, after all, with costumes and all. So she comes into the room, not a single word, starts giving him a sponge bath. Then, still not saying anything at all, well, trying to keep this PG enough and all, she, um, well she gives him the best head ever, being very thorough and leaving no unsightly mess at all. He's thunderstruck. She just leaves, never says a syllable. One minute later, his buddies come into the room. He's trying to tell them about it, they totally refuse to believe him. At ALL. That's the joke. He can't convince them to save his life. I think it's the greatest practical joke I ever heard of. So I was wondering. . . this is Nevada, right? Anybody feel like contributing for, um, a little prank on Old Mikey?

Just got off the phone with Michael. He says he is doing better. He anticipates that he will be transferred from Reno to a Kaiser Hospital in the Sacramento area either Friday or Saturday. I will try to keep you posted. They had just given him a shot of painkillers so we didn't talk long. He says thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.... Rich

Here at Renown. Just spent a little time with Michael. Seems he's doing better, perhaps the pain is down a bit. Still the tube in his lung and when they can do away with that, ..at that time they'll be close to releasing him and that may come pretty soon. I'm going to try to find out more tomorrow -or get a more recent update. I'm not sure anyone really knows the time-frame exactly.

Seemed to me OM had a bit more color in his face. He can get up and get to the restroom etc. So that is good. Of course his attitude and spirits are great. He's a real champ!

Perhaps more in the morning....I'll see him again then

