Old Michael Update

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A couple of broken ribs? A couple of broken ribs? The entire county's emergency services department and a Life Flight helicopter ride for a couple of broken ribs.
Almost sorry I stopped. What a crybaby.
Major damage to his left rib cage causing hemorrhaging. They have inserted a shunt (tube) to drain off the fluid. He does not have a punctured lung. The lung collapsed due to the hemorrhaging.He has damage to multiple vertebrae. The protrusions on many of the vertebrae (the wings) are broken off.
Perhaps one of those who have some medical understanding could enlighten us on the above information.

To me, having BTDT to some extent (2 cracked vertebrae, L. shoulder blade cracked in 2 places, multiple broken ribs---geez, I sound like Scab), it doesn't sound like a quick and easy recovery. And if he already has fluid in his lung cavity, the lessened deep breathing because of the injury will likey (at least it did in my case) allow more fluid build-up. Thorosentisis is not a bad procedure to have done (twice!) but neither is it much fun.

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At a guess the collapsed lung sounds like it was caused by the fractured ribs tearing into the plural space (Potential space) between the chest wall and the lung. This has caused the haemorrhaging and a build up of enough pressure to collapse the lung (Haemothoraces) the lung itself I would take a guess has some contusions as well (Bloody sore).

Breathing exercises are a must every 30 minutes to an hour to slowly inflate the lung and minimise possible complications like pneumonia etc..

Now the winged things on the vertebrae are called the Spinous Process which has muscle and ligaments attached to them....Ooch!

All in all Old mate Mike is going to a very sore boy for some time!

Looks like the kidneys are working ok too! (see Pic)

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At a guess the collapsed lung sounds like it was caused by the fractured ribs tearing into the plural space (Potential space) between the chest wall and the lung. This has caused the haemorrhaging and a build up of enough pressure to collapse the lung (Haemothoraces) the lung itself I would take a guess has some contusions as well (Bloody sore).
Breathing exercises are a must every 30 minutes to an hour to slowly inflate the lung and minimise possible complications like pneumonia etc..

Now the winged things on the vertebrae are called the Spinous Process which has muscle and ligaments attached to them....Ooch!

All in all Old mate Mike is going to a very sore boy for some time!

Looks like the kidneys are working ok too! (see Pic)
Thanks for explaining that Thug...get well soon Michael. :clapping:

My next helmet is yellow... :)

Darn it OM. I told the neighbor lady about your misfortune, now she packin bags and headin out. Says she didn't put that lipstick on for nothin. :wub:

Glad to hear you're better than what we feared. I hear morphine is a better buzz than beer, so what do ya think?

Take care, ours prayers are sent for a speedy recover.

BTW, the neighbor lady might be wearin a nurses uniform and NO, I won't tell you her name. :smile3:

Thank you for the updates.

OM may need a new screen name?


Stopped by his room today and door was closed, lights out. So I didn't disturb him. Came back a few hours later ...same thing, but this time talked to his nurse who said he was doing OK.

I Didn't want to disturb him, the guy needs rest more than anything so I just asked her to let him know that I came by with some beer but drank alone because he was asleep and a real boring drinking buddy.

Yesterday when I was there, spent some time (posted here). He has my number if he needs anything.

I'll be by there again in the morning and will see how he's doing ..and the next day ..and the next day.

Probably will take some nice treats in .....not for Michael's consumption ..rather, that is a good way to help ensure the cute keep nurses maintain a steady stream in and out of his room ...he likes that :) ...and it'll help make sure he's getting good attention. Me thinks he already is.

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I think I must have missed RenoJohn at the hospital today. I went by earlier and the door was closed so I decided not to disturb him.

I will go back on Wednesday and see if the door is open.

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Stopped by his room today and door was closed, lights out. So I didn't disturb him. Came back a few hours later ...same thing, but this time talked to his nurse who said he was doing OK.

I'm thinking the hookers have shown up https://www.fjrforum.com/forum//style_emoti...fault/laugh.gif

Probably will take some nice treats in .....not for Michael's consumption ..rather, that is a good way to help ensure the cute keep nurses maintain a steady stream in and out of his room ...he likes that :) ...and it'll help make sure he's getting good attention. Me thinks he already is.
The wife is a RN- that will work!

Thanks for the updates, make sure he does what they tell him!

Terri and I visited with OM today. We took turns picking on each other. Terri even got a dig in about OMs labotomy and I made sure the nurses knew he needed an enema.


[SIZE=12pt]He is one tough dude in alot of pain. [/SIZE]

:( :( :(

**Wow, you can really see the impacted, constipated look on his face. The enema is eminent.**

I think his cranium is swelling up with poop....... he's gonna blow...... :lol: :lol:

I spoke to OM this morning. He sounded to be in remarkably good spirits, given the circumstances. Over and again, he expressed his gratitude to forum members for their concern.

Heal fast Michael!


Damn, Damn, Damn......

My wife and I took her very first ride to La Porte from Quincy that morning and saw the wrecker and parade of Sherriff's Deputies and CHP's and a few bikers coming towards Quincy. When I saw the wrecker I looked to see what they had on the hook and it was unrecognizable as a FJR. I think I know the spot where OM went off the cliff. If its where I think it is, then I know of at least 2 other riders that have done the same thing.

I can go down to Quincy Tow tomorrow and see if I can get a pic or two of the aftermath. Not too sure if OM or anyone else is interested in seeing whats left, so if I can get the pics, I'll post here that I have them and provide a link to a location where they can be viewed.

OM, get well soon. If you need some help in getting the FJR from the tow lot, drop me a note. I'm right here in Quincy and I'd be glad to help anyway I can.

Heal fast Michael! Sorry to hear of this. If I remember correctly, I owe you a drink! Looking forward to seeing you soon.
