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Just to be was NOT FJR specific. It was intended for Europeans owning Yamaha motorcycles in general....and seemed, in fact, more towards the Top Box oriented bikes.

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Having just gone through the survey, I don't necessarily see this as a survey on the next generation of FJRs per se, I see it as the accessories group trying to figure out where they need to concentrate their efforts to maximize revenue. I've gotten similar surveys from Ford for my F-150.

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I told them it needed a 'Black Rock Playa safe' suspension.

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Did seem more focused on top cases didn't it?

I told them the same thing I told the dealer... pricing on "genuine" accessories (at least here in Canada) is a pretty significant premium over (generally) better and more functional stuff from the aftermarket. I don't think I'm far off base - they want over 300 bucks for the touring shield (MSRP). Sliders are 225+. If the price/performance curve was better I think more of us would stick to Mammy Yammy, but it just ain't the case.

My $0.02 worth (used to have to say that was like 38 cents Canadian, but now us Canuckistanis have almost par with the good ol' greenback :p )



It seemed to me like all the common accessories were covered.

Thanks Howardrg

With as much farkles installed on fjr's, it still seems the biggest gripe is color choice.

You would hope that yamaha would improve and not replace the fjr.

And I commented that a standard cruise control and a 6th gear would be of most benefit to me...I put more miles on my bike doing the "touring" thing than the "sport" thing...although I don't want to give up any of the "sport" so lighter weight and more horsepower would be good too.


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