Sucks to be you if you aren't in SoCal

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Cal City FJR

Active member
Mar 20, 2008
Reaction score
California City, CA
Man it has been beautiful for riding the past couple of days here. No wind and the temperature is just about perfect. Only complaint I have being in the high desert is it's too cool for my likings in the morning. It should only be getting better for a while also. Let me count the reason the East coast sucks :D :D :D :D . Hope it's as nice where you are. B) B) B)

Guess that's why we are paying over 4 bucks a gallon for premium now.

Man it has been beautiful for riding the past couple of days here. No wind and the temperature is just about perfect. Only complaint I have being in the high desert is it's too cool for my likings in the morning. It should only be getting better for a while also. Let me count the reason the East coast sucks :D :D :D :D . Hope it's as nice where you are. B) B) B)
Guess that's why we are paying over 4 bucks a gallon for premium now.
It ain't a ride report w/out pictures...or routes traveled...and maybe using a little less "it sucks to be you" would be nice. Nice spelling and grammar though.

But it didn't happen without piccies. For all we know yer a 14 year old canuckian typing away in snow ridden Northern Alberta... :assassin:

I hear ya, man!

This morning on my commute to Mojave I saw 32 deg on my dash readout.

This afternoon, 90 deg here in Bakersfield. Quite a range of temps for one day.

Great riding weather.

Looking forward to riding down the 33 to Ojai in the morning to tag up with Old Michael at Bill Mayer Saddles!

I hear ya, if you ain't in socal you just ain't riding.

You only hit 32 this morning???? I hit 25 on the temp. Really sucked because I had my summer weight gloves on. WTF did this cold weather come from. Warmed up nice on the way home. Stopped by the yammie dealer to get some oil/filter for my baby. What an afternoon. This weekend is supposed to be awesome.

Probably take the new lady friend up to Newcombe's for lunch via the crest and ACH. Been awhile since I have been up those roads. POPO like to hand out up there so take it nice and easy. Proabably hit Bouquet and little T on our way back.

I know, I know, just sucks to have so many options but that is the price we pay for living with earthquakes, high realstate prices and, crooked politicians. Don't even get me started on the movie stars... oh just don't.

Man it has been beautiful for riding the past couple of days here.
Guess we have different definitions of beautiful. Endless traffic, too much smog, year-round brown landscapes don't sound so good to me. And since 'ole Sol is usually present you don't really appreciate him.

Here in the Pacific North Wet we look forward to a nice warm day. But it doesn't keep us from riding the other days.

This past weekend I saw 80 deg in Prosser WA, then snow the next day. And don't forget, all the snow you see in these pictures will soon be turning the turbines in our dams, generating the electricity we sell to you when you run low after running your A/C 9 months of the year. You're welcome.

Tollgate Pass, near Pendleton OR 4/13/08


Enterprise OR 4/13/08


Cabbage Hill near Pendleton OR 4/14/08 30 deg


Sometimes it sucks to be full of youthful exuberance and of one's over-inflated self!

Of course, the scenery and seasons in the high desert are "to die for".

Never mind. :blink:

Man it has been beautiful for riding the past couple of days here.
Guess we have different definitions of beautiful. Endless traffic, too much smog, year-round brown landscapes don't sound so good to me. And since 'ole Sol is usually present you don't really appreciate him.

Here in the Pacific North Wet we look forward to a nice warm day. But it doesn't keep us from riding the other days.

This past weekend I saw 80 deg in Prosser WA, then snow the next day. And don't forget, all the snow you see in these pictures will soon be turning the turbines in our dams, generating the electricity we sell to you when you run low after running your A/C 9 months of the year. You're welcome.

Tollgate Pass, near Pendleton OR 4/13/08


Enterprise OR 4/13/08


Cabbage Hill near Pendleton OR 4/14/08 30 deg

Okay, that is cruel and unusual punishment for a feej to have snow on it. Just not nice, not nice at all.

Man it has been beautiful for riding the past couple of days here. No wind and the temperature is just about perfect. Only complaint I have being in the high desert is it's too cool for my likings in the morning. It should only be getting better for a while also. Let me count the reason the East coast sucks :D :D :D :D . Hope it's as nice where you are. B) B) B)
Guess that's why we are paying over 4 bucks a gallon for premium now.
Central FL, on the coast, I ride year round. currently at 3.30/gal. Although, you get to lanesplit legally, there is that.

Man it has been beautiful for riding the past couple of days here. No wind and the temperature is just about perfect. Only complaint I have being in the high desert is it's too cool for my likings in the morning. It should only be getting better for a while also. Let me count the reason the East coast sucks :D :D :D :D . Hope it's as nice where you are. B) B) B)
Guess that's why we are paying over 4 bucks a gallon for premium now.
Central FL, on the coast, I ride year round. currently at 3.30/gal. Although, you get to lanesplit legally, there is that.

We have mountains with twisty roads. There is that too..

Guess we have different definitions of beautiful.

Hey! Is there a Native Trading Post near Pendleton that sells really good blankets? Tell us about the shirt factory?

Also, isn't there an underground China city near Pendelton (from the gold rush days)?

Man it has been beautiful for riding the past couple of days here. No wind and the temperature is just about perfect. Only complaint I have being in the high desert is it's too cool for my likings in the morning. It should only be getting better for a while also. Let me count the reason the East coast sucks :D :D :D :D . Hope it's as nice where you are. B) B) B)
Guess that's why we are paying over 4 bucks a gallon for premium now.
It ain't a ride report w/out pictures...or routes traveled...and maybe using a little less "it sucks to be you" would be nice. Nice spelling and grammar though.

But it didn't happen without piccies. For all we know yer a 14 year old canuckian typing away in snow ridden Northern Alberta... :assassin:
I don't know how to post pictures nor do I have them. You will just have to take my word for it. Like the name says California City California 93505 go ahead and map quest it. Care to show me a 14 year old who can 1 ride 2 afford an FJR? Didn't think so. So you are the self appointed language police here? Nice to know. Yep did miss the quotation marks such is life.

How To Win Friends and Influence People by FNG
Nice post Cal City
Get a skin. The OP was all done in jest but I guess it was all lost on your wound up pompous self. Doesn't take much to wind your clock does it? How long have you been riding there rider coach? If you are past 45 you have me beat if not well you know.

now now children behave, not fiday for 160 minutes yet.


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