Cdogs Air Box Mod... So damm simple even a "Caveman" could do it

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Bad Boy
Sep 21, 2006
Reaction score
Herriman, UT
Wicked webby did a box mod... I was deciding what to do with mine as I want "more"

So, yesterday I was going to open it up and mess with it.. put some of those round dots things in the box that have the filter element in them...

Then as I was trying to decide how to make them clear the filter my neighbor, Richard. the dude jumping in the golf car in the images thread hit it on the head.. Sooo damm simple

Pull the air filter out and look at the back of the air box (inside) and you will see


That lip is where the back of the air filter sits to "center up" in the opening and forms a seal around the outside with the foam on the end of the filter just like it does on the front side..

The air is drawn in through the center of the filter then pulled into the box, then the velocity stacks to the left in this picture.. But, see, the filter is open on both ends... So

Stuff a rag to the left side of the box (covering velocity stacks completely) Take the side panel from the other side off, loosen the ABS controller and slide some metal between the lines and the back side of the box.. In this case I had a small thin piece of aluminum laying around the garage


See the dremel tool on the seat below,,, any one figured it out yet?? and the aluminum again for reference


I guess any tip would do, and this picture is too close (camera focal length) but I used this tip


Cut out the center of that ring inside the box... remove all debris, (massive shop vac in my case and much fiddling with half melted plastic stuck to edges) DO NOT FORGET THE RAG IN THERE.... LMAO,,,, take it out after cleanup inside

also note, I have removed the Aluminum in this picture.... please note... I did that AFTER I finished the cutting...


I then cut the snout off of the other side where it meets the filter



Reinstalled the front side, filter intact,. looking all the way though


From the ABS side


I left the little snout off that goes on the hole of the filter removal side... It seemed senseless since I opened up the other side.. I reinstalled the main cover and then the body panels..

First impression... I have not taken it out yet.. I was drinking beer when I did this so no riding yesterday...

My bike is pretty loud to begin with.. I have a full muzzy 421 system, and I have a power commander dialed in for it. I dont care a BIT about noise as I am half deaf and ride with music playing to kill the wind noise and drown out the tinnitus (Er6i and Nano)

When I Blip the throttle on the center stand the RPM comes up WAY!!!!!!! faster. If the sound was the roar of a lion before,,, It is now the wail of a banshee... After the Muzzy Exhaust... a good 9k blip, or downshifting, causes the popping burble of a sport-bike at the track... Now, even more so...

I will be taking it out today, and doing a TB sync this afternoon.. Will report back.. But before this my bike was pretty fast for 4300 Ft above altitude...

This I chose as the option to WW method... I doubled easily my air, simpler and cheaper. Total cost,,,, one dalla, burned up a dremel bit

I go one a 8 day ride next week,,, I will do a Dyno when I get back, custom map power commander... after I run my tires to near life end on this trip..

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I wonder what the filter will look like after riding through a dust storm or a monsoon of some sort...... :unsure:

edit:.....or what kind of vermin will find seed in that soil....................

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I wonder what the filter will look like after riding through a dust storm or a monsoon of some sort...... :unsure:

edit:.....or what kind of vermin will find seed in that soil....................

Prolly like it would if only one side were open before the mod.. Takes the same amount of air to make the bike go... There are also panels over the bike.. My ass on the seat, and my legs over those very panels

I will let you know.. 8 days of fun... next sundy should test it

Yah baybay. That's how it's done.

I wonder if it's worth it if I only do the limited airbox mod, like you did, but maintain the stock exhaust and no PCIII.

I don'think I'd be riding it far till I knew the AFR was good! You just doubled your air capability with no fuel.

I understand your thoughts and concerns RE AFR... Here is what I know as of now..

The AFR is already richer by a ton by PCIII for the Muzzy 421, I have done the +7 on the barbarian mod to boot.. In the WW thread he went +14 I think (I will go look) and he went to a dyno with it so those numbers feel safe..

My plan is to go back and richen up just a tad.. on my PCIII. But this is a fuel injected motor so the theory is that the ECM will compensate for most of it,,, Like going from here in SLC to sea level.. That is also a ton but the bike adjusts for it via ECM.

Just got back from a ride..... VERY!!!!! Impressive.... This mod made as big if not bigger difference that the Muzzy pipe... I will eventuall put a K&N In to reduce moisture breakdown if some mist gets in there and contacts the paper element..

I can however tell you my "Mark One Ass Dyno" says YES!!!!

Much more power everywhere, Much more..... I WAS!!!!!! gonna do at TB sync today, but first I have to fix my FUCKING IGNITION SWITCH that failed just as I was pulling to my FUCKING DRIVEWAY.... (and like I need this... I am leaving in 5 days and I need this shit)

But the mod...... Hell Yes!!!!!!!!

Yah baybay. That's how it's done.

I wonder if it's worth it if I only do the limited airbox mod, like you did, but maintain the stock exhaust and no PCIII.

Well, the WW thread was that way and he did the barbasian mod,,, did +14 (I think) and got I think 9 ponies....

I think his mod is very good.. But I also think he may have exceeded the point of diminishing returns too. I would expect my mod to be just about as good because I did not limit the surface area of the filter as he did.. I still have the Sq inches of element to allow freer airflow.

But regardless.. More air never hurts

May the stars help you if you ever listen to any advice given by me on this forum.............

May the stars help you if you ever listen to any advice given by me on this forum.............

Wiseass,,, that is what I thought... LMAO,, You are gonna **** some newbie up..... Be careful wildman.. +14 according WW and his mod is the point of diminishing returns... for the Barbarian mod.. I am going to fix my FUCKING IGNITION SWITCH tomarrow so I can go on my ride this sunday for my 8 day adventure.. I cannot even do a TB sync because my FUCKING IGNITION SWITCH is broken....

Did I say my FUCKING IGNITION SWTICH went out today.. Sheeeeiiittt...

This is a family your language, jack ass.

edit:..........oh....and may mice wreak a jihad war on your open spaces in yer skoot.

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This was exactly the way I modified my 05 after reading WW's post. I wanted to retain the stock air filter mount & use my K&N filter. Big improvement. I have since sold the 05 for a new 08 and will be doing the same mods after installing a new power commander & my old K&N filter. The wiring on the ECU plug for my 08 does not match the instructions for the barbarian mod (either version) so I will be sticking to the power commander unless I get some info from someone here about the correct wiring mod for an 08.

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Hey Fellas,

Looks like a nice way to kinda "half way" my hp/tq recipe! I know sb360 and Gramps did theirs the same. Way to keep up the good work. I know your bikes could benefit from more air but this is a simple way of adding a bit more over the stock setup. BTW, I have ridden in plenty of rain with my setup...No problems ever observed.


Hey Fellas,
Looks like a nice way to kinda "half way" my hp/tq recipe! I know sb360 and Gramps did theirs the same. Way to keep up the good work. I know your bikes could benefit from more air but this is a simple way of adding a bit more over the stock setup. BTW, I have ridden in plenty of rain with my setup...No problems ever observed.


WW, Dude you inspired me..... But half way, naw... i got muzzy.... and PCIII and ummmm I just chose a different route.... and half way will be determined after I get my numbers from the Dyno.....

and Mine was CHEAPER LOL yessir.. keepin it alive fer shure

Cool...I did the same thing a couple weeks ago.

I thought about doing the full WW mod; didn't have it in me. Lazy minds think alike ;)

It does have a nice "Lions Roar" now, and seems to vibrate less between 3.5k-4k under hard acceleration. I believe it's breathing easier.

I know more is better (airflow) but the scale is not linear... twice as much air is not twice as much gain.... It is reduced restriction and reducing the restriction is non-linear. After a bit, there are other things that ad more..

One of my goals was to make this reversable with little effort... the hole can be fixed.. once that little ring is cut out that becomes more expensive/difficult to reverse..

WW... dude.. you did good, we have different goals... I coulda even saved the dalla,,, if I woulda slowed down I woulda not burned my bit on my dremel....

I repect your work..... but most are probebly intimidated by it, I was, in the resale sense.... I will not have this bike forever.. but for a few bucks.... I can re-undo it

Just different goals dude... same feeling

I think there's still a lot skeptics, but to each their own.

Once you do it you can was a very noticable [positive] difference for me. :yahoo:
