Cdogman in Norcal...

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Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA area
What a fun day!

I met Robin for breakfast in West Sac, then met with the rest of the Sacramento contingent and headed for the rendezvous at Moskowite Corners.


.....Photo courtesy of Old Michael

We even saw BikeEffects @ Moskowite. He was not aware of the ride and just happened to ride up there.

From there we had a leisurely ride up Hwy 128 to Silverado Trail through Calistoga. Then up some back roads I've not ridden, but looked "interesting" on the Mapsource program, ending at the Union Hotel in Occidental for lunch.

There the group "split up" with some riding down the coast and some riding North on Hwy 1 to ride Stewarts Point/Skaggs Springs Rd. We passed a road to the left and Cdogman overtook the group to tell us he road that particular side-trip when out here with his bride, so we backtracked. All I can say is:

:yahoo: Meyers Grade Road rocks! :yahoo:

No switchbacks, just elevation changes and sweepers. What a fun sidebar! Of course, much has been written and said about Skaggs Springs and it always lives up to its reputation: :yahoo: X 5!!!

A stop in Healdsburg for a milkshake and the Sacramento guys punched "home" into the GPS and gently rode the 130-140 miles back to Sacramento. Well, except for the Bluestreeks who headed around Clear Lake ahd took Hwy 20 home to Marysville. (Er...uhm...lane splitting is your friend!)

There were at least 6 cameras with their owners busily activating the shutters, so pictures will inevitably be posted.

Thanks to everyone for a great ride with wonderful people.

You meet the nicest people on an FJR, you really do!

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What a fun day!I met Robin for breakfast in West Sac, then met with the rest of the Sacramento contingent and headed for the rendezvous at Moskowite Corners.


.....Photo courtesy of Old Michael

We even saw BikeEffects @ Moskowite. He was not aware of the ride and just happened to ride up there.

From there we had a leisurely ride up Hwy 128 to Silverado Trail through Calistoga. Then up some back roads I've not ridden, but looked "interesting" on the Mapsource program, ending at the Union Hotel in Occidental for lunch.

There the group "split up" with some riding down the coast and some riding North on Hwy 1 to ride Stewarts Point/Skaggs Springs Rd. We passed a road to the left and Cdogman overtook the group to tell us he road that particular side-trip when out here with his bride, so we backtracked. All I can say is:

:yahoo: Meyers Grade Road rocks! :yahoo:

No switchbacks, just elevation changes and sweepers. What a fun sidebar! Of course, much has been written and said about Skaggs Springs and it always lives up to its reputation: :yahoo: X 5!!!

A stop in Healdsburg for a milkshake and the Sacramento guys punched "home" into the GPS and gently rode the 130-140 miles back to Sacramento. Well, except for the Bluestreeks who headed around Clear Lake ahd took Hwy 20 home to Marysville. (Er...uhm...lane splitting is your friend!)

There were at least 6 cameras with their owners busily activating the shutters, so pictures will inevitably be posted.

Thanks to everyone for a great ride with wonderful people.

You meet the nicest people on an FJR, you really do!
MM sorry for rushing on the ride report... just eager.... you described

the ride better than I....... :clapping:

If the powers that be would remove my post... no harm / no foul...... FJROM -_-

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MM sorry for rushing on the ride report... just eager.... you described the ride better than I....... :clapping:

If the powers that be would remove my post... no harm / no foul...... FJROM -_-
There is no foul. We were typing at the same time, I'm just slower. It happens!

Oopsie.... :blink: I just realized I never met the guest of honor, See Dog Man Ride. I don't even know what he looks like, except I'm guessing he's the guy I looked at and wondered, "I wonder who the hell THAT guy is.... Hmmm, must be a yet another Sacramento guy. His name's probably Mike."

SDMR, sorry I didn't introduce myself. As everyone knows, I'm usually the most gregarious one in the bunch. :no:

BTW, I was the guy in the back of the Sheriff's squad car.... :(



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Oopsie.... :blink: I just realized I never met the guest of honor, See Dog Man Ride. I don't even know what he looks like, except I'm guessing he's the guy I looked at and wondered, "I wonder who the hell THAT guy is.... Hmmm, must be a yet another Sacramento guy. His name's probably Mike."
SDMR, sorry I didn't introduce myself. As everyone knows, I'm usually the most gregarious one in the bunch. :no:

BTW, I was the guy in the back of the Sheriff's squad car.... :(


Three or four cameras... caught that.... somebody post it.... :clapping:

Well, ----- what with one thing and another we've missed a few rides over the past months.

Sure glad we didn't miss this one :) We've not been on a bad ride yet with all you guys :yahoo:

Good to see you again Cdog, and as always, good to see the rest of the bunch and meet some new faces also.

GREAT DAY !! :clapping:

I think I remember JB saying something rude to a Napa County Sheriff , or it could have been he was serving a warrant from Sweden.


Bye Bye JB.


He must have made bail since I saw him at lunch.

I also saw this rockstar at lunch, was he with the Grateful Dead?


More to come, later.

Well had a good time onthe ride yesterday. met some new and seen some old both are always great.

Thanks to MM2 for telling where a shop was in Santa Rosa had a little problem steering heas bearing came lose had about 1/4 play up and down. That is why i split at the gas station heading to the" P" forrest road I found the shop in Santa Rosa, it is no santaq Rosa Power Sports. I asked the shop forman or service writer if he could adjust the bearings for me? He said he was to busy . So I got my gear back on and ready to fire up the bike and heas to the Honda shop to see if they would be able to help,than a customer started talking to me about the fjr and ask what the problem was. I told him and said I was going to the Honda shop, He asked me to wait for a minute and he would speak to one of the mechanics in the shop ,since this was a safety issue for riding. He came back out qith the mechanic and said he would tke care of it, just pull your bike to the service area. That was comforting to know a perfect stranger got involved and helped out another with bike problems.

It took about 1/2 hour to tighten the bearings and I was on my way thanks to the Perfect Stranger and the shop mechanic cost was $ 45.00 and able to ride again.

I would like to say thanks to all those that offered lunch. Those left overs are great and besides the best part was LUNCH WAS FREE

After we all gassed inBodega I headed for home no problems

Thanks to all on this ride weekend rider or should it be ' will ride for food'

Deb took 80 shots !! Sure as hell I'm not posting that many. Most were not "posed for" but were rather "what's that farkle" and "my contact patch is bigger than yours" shots.

Here's a few of the more personal ones.

Cindy, Steve and Karen (AKA - cookie bakin' Den Mom)


OldMichael - hopefully not wondering how he got here!


Says it all


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Thanks all for a fun ride. Nice roads and great lunch. After lunch Jan and I dropped out of the group in the town of Bodega for some antique tourist stuff, then headed over to Bodega Bay and out to the point to enjoy the view. Later we headed back to Calistoga for more antique tourist stuff and dinner, then home via Middle town and Clear Lake to Yuba City. We were home by 9:00 and 370 miles. In all, it was a very enjoyable day. Look forward to next time. John and Jan

Dare you to say that again ! Mikey & Steve


Karen and "Free Lunch Rider" (AKA Bob)


Steve, Rick, Cindy, Hans and Michael


Steve, Rick, Brian, Cindy, Hans, Michael and John


The Gfran's, Cindy and Gary


Hey JB !! Cdog for ya, in the floppy hat, with OldMike & Fjronamission (Brian)


The Jrew's Jan & John (where's my camera ?) and Rick


Cindy(Gfran), Debs(RogDeb), Rich(DoctorRich), Hans (JB), Steve(Bluestreak) & Michael (OldM)


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I guess SacramentoMike is saying "Gotcha Debs ??"


Also, I have many more -- if you want copies mail me through the forum with e-mail addresses and I'll oblige.

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Here are a few more shots.

DrRich, Deb, SacramentoMike, OldMichael, DCarver.


Here is JB and I think WeekendRider is adjusting his loose head bearings.


Here DCarver was explaining the importance of bringing your favorite pillow on a ride.


more to come later.

Looks like some good fun ...but I haven't seen any pics of the lunch in Occidental, what's up with that??


Carver, I see you're smiling at the midpoint of your adventure ...sounds like you put in a good day's ride. Congrats on the ride and more congrat's on your fun spirit.

Also looks to me like you're the youngest of the bunch .....and bein' that you're the oldest guy i've ever ridden with ....geezers. Well, you might not be the oldest I've ridden with, but you ride like you're the oldest.




What the phock is this? A grumpy convention of two?? I hope MadMikey has better luck making Steve smile than renojohn does. Looks like an audition for a depression commercial. C'mon guys, you're out ridin' moto-bikes, life is good!! :)

Me thinks you two should have taken a couple of strong hits off the pipe of the guy in the back of this (below) picture. I sure would like to know what he's packin' his pipe with and a few samples would be OK too.


Also, looks like a lot of "touching" goin' on. Hmmmm, ....


Thanks for sharing the fun ...looks like everyone but Steve and Mike had a good time. Nice job on your ride Carver, looks like you were the big-dog of mileage for the day.

What the phock is this? A grumpy convention of two?? I hope MadMikey has better luck making Steve smile than renojohn does. Looks like an audition for a depression commercial. C'mon guys, you're out ridin' moto-bikes, life is good!! :)



Also, looks like a lot of "touching" goin' on. Hmmmm, ....
Welllll....they are very near the San Francisco Bay Area!

Thanks for sharing the fun ...looks like everyone but Steve and Mike had a good time. Nice job on your ride Carver, looks like you were the big-dog of mileage for the day.
Mike and Steve do plenty of our helmets! I know we were grinning while riding Meyers Grade Road, because we were laughing afterwards. And who wouldn't grin on Stewarts Point Road?

Yep, Carver had the big mileage DAY, Cdogman had the entire week and is riding back to Salt Lake City today, a very talented and skillful rider and waaaay fun to ride with!

What a community of happy smiling faces!! :clapping: It is fun to see you put together such a great ride on such short notice, and turn it into a party!!

I look forward to seeing many of you in three weeks (NAFO) and to meeting others who I have only read about in the Forum.

**Welllll....they are very near the San Francisco Bay Area!
**Mike and Steve do plenty of our helmets! I know we were grinning while riding Meyers Grade Road, because we were laughing afterwards. And who wouldn't grin on Stewarts Point Road?

**Yep, Carver had the big mileage DAY, Cdogman had the entire week and is riding back to Salt Lake City today, a very talented and skillful rider and waaaay fun to ride with!
**LOL, enough said.
**Yep, I know you guys have a lot of fun and are always good for supporting group activities. That's why the pic of you two by yourselves looking grumpy made me laugh. Couldn't resist.

**Ah, good on the dogman and I should have laid some bait down for him as he passes (passed) through reno. Likely too late now but coulda shown a little NV hospitality and maybe a got a few of his happy pills in return. Should have thought of that earlier. Next time.
