The Real Pines to Palms Ride

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Well-known member
Nov 25, 2005
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Chanhassen, MN
This isn't that Californy Vegan organic free range soy Pine to Palms ride :p :p

From the MNLDRider forum;

As you may have seen in another thread, we're in the planning stages of "Pines to Palms II", a group event first held in 2006. We'll be riding from the northernmost point in the continental US (Northwest Angle, MN) to the southernmost point (Key West, FL). Want to come along? Details still being worked out, and this is not an official announcement yet, just a poll to gauge interest. Here's the basic poop:


Arrive in the Angle on Thursday, May 6, for lodging and a meal. Depart the Angle at the start of the ride on Friday AM, May 7. Arrive in Key West at the end of the ride on Sunday, May 9. Arrival on Sunday AM means the lighest traffic on US-1, the critical last miles to the end-point. After arrival, you are on vacation in sunny Florida! Hang out for a while, or head for home whenever you like.

IBA Ride details:

Distance from top to bottom is approximately 2350 miles. A 50-hour or less arrival in Key West earns a Top Down Gold ride certificate (this would mean riding at more than Saddlesore pace for two straight days). An arrival after 50 hours but before 75 hours earns a Top Down ride certificate. The Minnesota LD Riders staff is authorized to facilitate IBA certification of this ride for everyone who finishes in the allotted time. You do the riding, we'll submit the documentation.

Follow along at the MNLDRider forum under "Rides" you'll need to register to view but that's just to keep the spammers at bay.

A ride report from the 2006 version is here.

Checking out from The Angle MN


Checking in Key West FL



Everyone knows that us Minnesota riders sometime "wet our pants" when we are in warm water........



Rick, let me know when you get down this way. I am in Fort Lauderdale and would like to ride the end with you. If you need any help or ideas while down here, look me up.


The MTF is doing this ride July 12-16. They are calling it "Top down/ Bottom up."

You have the option of time frames. I am trying to get them to let me do a Bottom

up / Top down. Start 50 hours before the group leaves out of angle inlet and join

them for the ride to Key West. (It is just 4 hours south from me) The distance is

close to a 100CCC. and the rules look the same also.

Have a great Ride!

PM sent

Rick,The MTF is doing this ride July 12-16. They are calling it "Top down/ Bottom up."

You have the option of time frames. I am trying to get them to let me do a Bottom

up / Top down. Start 50 hours before the group leaves out of angle inlet and join

them for the ride to Key West. (It is just 4 hours south from me) The distance is

close to a 100CCC. and the rules look the same also.

Have a great Ride!

PM sent
Ridding in northern Minnesota in July sounds great. Ridding in Florida (or GA or TN or ...) not so great. Although this weekend at The Angle the weather might not be so fine. Departure temps will be about freezing, could be raining or maybe even snowing :eek:mg:

I did start this thread but I won't be making the trip this time. opt8low and Joe2lmaker are signed up as are 10 others.

Damn this ride looks like fun. Wish I cold be there.

One of my favorite IBA rides. When we did this ride with the MNLDriders in 06' it was freezing at the Angle, snowing while riding along the border, and hotter than hell in the Keys. Really bummed I couldn't make this one.

Hope everyone has a safe trip and expect some ride reports when you get back.

Just out of curiosity, what's the least amount of time this has taken? :rolleyes:
I think stryg8r made in about 36 hours IIRC, he was first in in '06. Derck??

The IBA doesn't keep track of "records" anymore. Some one over on the MTF forum might know.

Why you feeln' frisky? :lol:

Just out of curiosity, what's the least amount of time this has taken? :rolleyes:
I've heard 35 hours is the quickest unofficial time. Of course there are no official records. Be prepared for slow traffic once you hit Key Largo. I stopped counting LEO's at around 40.

Beware of tall scantily clad women on the street corners of Key West ... extra points for a pic with one of them. :kiss2:

If you haven't read Ron's ride report from the '06 ride I'd recommend it.

Good luck on your ride Joe and Dana!

I was planning on a long nap around IN-KY border.

I assumed Derek took the least amount of time to get there.

I wasn't even going to try to match his time.

Then one of my "buddies" at work asked me "What kind of tank does he have?"


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I couldn't make it.

I was up late last night and early this morning, but I ran out of time.

I called Angle Outpost and left a message for Kerry.

...not very happy right now.


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