Stupid, dead deer

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formerly SouthernFJR
Jun 26, 2005
Reaction score
Birmingham, AL
I had some “excitement” on the way to work this morning on the bike. I was traveling east on Hwy. 150 in Hoover at 6:45. It’s a busy 4-lane road and has a turn lane in the middle. I saw a deer coming across the road to my left. In 20 years I've never seen a deer on that road. As I was slowing down, the deer froze while in the middle turn lane. With no pull-off lane and knowing cars were behind me, I continued on in the right lane. At the last second, the deer jumped directly in front of the bike, she literally leaped across 2 lanes to commit suicide. The bike was all over the road after impact at first, but mercifully I was able to keep my feet on the pegs, steer and straighten it out without laying it down. I hit her in the right shoulder, and her back end whipped around and hit my left hip, thigh and foot somehow. Nothing seems to be broken, but it put a big lump on my thigh at first. The inside of my knee is sore, it put a dent in the side of the tank. I guess all that milk I drink helped. She pretty much destroyed the front and left-side fairings, the headlight assembly is gone, radiator is damaged, and I’m not sure what else. The first person to stop was Hoover PD, these guys are top-drawer, they handled everything perfectly. They took the accident report, the paramedics checked me out, and the tow truck took my blue baby to the bone yard. They couldn't locate a flat-bed, so they carried it off in a sling with the wheels secured. I don't think it's totaled, the forks don't appear to be tweaked. Here are some pictures... I'd like some of you wrenches to give me your opinion on the damage. TIA.

Edit to add... this is my 666th post... that's fuckin' fitting.

This is painful to see


Blind bike




Left profile


She left some fur. My knee is what dented the bottom of the tank.


Stupid, dead deer



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Keithaba will be along shortly to tell you "that's easy to fix"

Glad you're ok, nice job surviving it.

*edit, The wife noticed the nipples and said "looks like he killed 2 deer"

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Damn! You need to go back and empty a clip into that bitch! It's tradition. ;) Good to read that you are ok, at least. Bike is fixable if the adjuster doesn't total it. Good luck.

You one lucky (and skillful) sob to get out of that upright. Kudos and good luck with the insurance people. I hope you blus baby lives to ride another day.

uh she has a fawn runnin around somewhere........


Hope yer OK and the bike is a fixer upper.....

Whew, you made it without going down. All deer are possessed. I hit a doe a few years back on my KLR, soild aren't they. At least you took her out, one less producing. Beware- the forest rats are takin' over the world.

That is a bummer, but Extremely glad you are ok, in one piece, and kept the bike upright. Chuck Norris couldn't have done a better job himself.


Whatta tough b!itch the FJR is!

Mechanicals aside, I would go say thanks to any diety from the above. Even if your FJR is toast it brought you home alive. Very, very sorry for your rodent strike, but rejoice in your survival!!!

Whew, you made it without going down. All deer are possessed. I hit a doe a few years back on my KLR, soild aren't they. At least you took her out, one less producing. Beware- the forest rats are takin' over the world.
A BUGNATR POST, A BUGNATR POST!!! Where in the hell have you been? Sorry for the highjack. Back to the normal thread.


Drinking Deer!!!

See it stumbled into traffic. need to leave those Wendy's Frosties alone.

Go get your bike from the yard before they tack on a lot of storage fees if your gonna fix it

PM me if you need help

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Way to go Southern,You did one helluva job keepin that feejer up.

It looks very repairable to me and she deserves to be fixed for not goin down.

Hope the insurance geeks don't try and flock you.

How fast were you going when you made the impact? If you had time to look.

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I'm sure you all know this, but I wouldn't trust those forks until they came off and got checked. I rode my Venture around for a couple years and never noticed a problem until the fork seals went. Took the front end apart and carried them down to the dealer since I had never done fork seals before. They rolled them across the table and watched them wobble like a warped pool cue and said, "We can't put seals in these things..." :nono: oops.... :blushing:

Glad you're OK and amazed you held it together as good as you did! I don't think I could have done half as good.

