Stupid, dead deer

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Hey Steve,

Just heard about this from one of my Traffic Guys. I'm glad you are OK. As far as the Grim Reaper comment; I did put the tires on that bike so I may be to blame. Lightning has been coming from my black cloud lately. Give me a yell if you need some help putting the bike back together.

If you had hit an adult deer like the ones we have here in the way in hell you can keep a motorcycle up
Warchild's experience seems to indicate otherwise.
Warchilds was probably just a "kid". And a girl at that. Now if it had been it's daddy, with some antlers....... :dribble: :blink: :dribble: :dribble: :assassin:

If that wasn't enough we could find hem a BEAR.


Had my run-in with a deer today. Left home at 9:30 am with a buddy riding a Honda; I saw the deer coming out of the woods and I slowed down to maybe 5 mph and the damn doe started running right along side of me for about 40 yards. Finally, darted right and headed back into the woods. That's what we need, deer that have learned how to scare the crap out of you.

Glad to hear you're o.k.

Good job keeping the bike up!

I don't ride as much commuting to work as I used to. I ride 65 miles backroads each way and that involves riding in the dark either one way or both depending on time of year. I have a couple close calls with deer every year and so have backed off my annual average of 25,000 miles/yr in hopes of reducing risk(s).

I find it more enjoyable riding less, less routine.

I'm convinced that if something takes me out it will be a deer. I manage to avoid the A.D.D cages but I guess a complete idiot coming the other way could turn in front of me last second.


Looks fixable to me!

My Ducati ST2 looked a LOT like that after my deer strike, but the front fender was half-ripped off, too.

Good job on keeping it up. I'll never forget how the impact felt like I'd hit a brick wall.

