Stupid, dead deer

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Drinking Deer!!!

See it stumbled into traffic. need to leave those Wendy's Frosties alone.

Go get your bike from the yard before they tack on a lot of storage fees if your gonna fix it

PM me if you need help
Thanks Kevin... I tried to call you from the scene, but don't have your cell in my contacts for some reason. BTW... I'm blaming this on MSC... he is the grim reaper after all.
Wow, Nice job not putting the feejer down!! Your knee has got to be pretty sore. Glad your ok, good luck with the bike repairs.


Edit: I can't believe Fencer didn't get on his soapbox about his gay deer whistles!!!

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Bike looks completely repairable from the photos. Don't let them total it (unless you want them to), as you will end up with a Salvage Title assuming you buy it back from the insurance folks.

A little duct tape and zip ties and she'll be good as new - the FJR that is, not the deer. Nice job in keeping your head and controlling the bike. Here's hoping you never have to go through that again!

Glad you stayed upright and no ride to the hospital. If MSC was on his bike at the same time then he could be the one to blame. ;)

Glad to hear you're OK. You have unbelievable composure. I would expect that to happen in lower Shelby, but in Hoover? Bike looks repairable as long as no frame damage.

You were the talk of the traffic reports this morning. All of those who ride talked about it at work this morning. We were all wondering about your condition, and I'll be glad to do a followup report on your condition tomorrow.

Crimeny!!!! I can't believe this. Geeez, us Alabama boys need to take out a second mortgage or two and buy us a truck load of good karma. I am damn glad you held her together and I'm not visiting you in the hospital. For keeping that bike upright - you da man! Please, please let me know if there is anything I can help with. I have a trailer too. And a couple of bikes if you need something to ride while they perform the cosmetic surgery on your feej.

Are you at least going to eat her?
Uh, no. They're not even dating.

Bike looks completely repairable from the photos. Don't let them total it (unless you want them to), as you will end up with a Salvage Title assuming you buy it back from the insurance folks.
That's what I'm thinking WC... I wanna ride this bitch again. The forks look good (bambi bitch was higher than the forks, me thinks), and I don't think the frame is tweaked either. I don't like the direction of the Gen II bikes. Do you see anything besides front fairing, headlight assembly, left-front fairing and some dash components? I'll get some pricing from U-Motors before I make the call.
As long as we're posting images of ex-Bambi's... here's the one I hit on the way to Park City...


Story goes like this...

About 5 miles East of Durango, early morning, headed West into Durango then up the Million Dollar Highway to Ouray... had just come through a stoplight and was going about 30 miles per hour, when I saw this Doe's head sticking up out of 3 foot high tan grass on my right side... about 200 yards ahead. Started slowing down to see what she was going to do, and dang if she didn't break across the road when I was about 50 yards away. I had plenty of room to go behind her... at least until she ran smack dab into the Suzuki Sidekick coming the other way. DOI and started pinwheeling towards me... eventually ended up running over her (a bit) and getting some deer poop on my sidecase and tire tread (yes, I checked, it wasn't mine).

No damage whatsoever to the bike... road it like I stole it the rest of the trip to Park City and home again.

Crimeny!!!! I can't believe this. Geeez, us Alabama boys need to take out a second mortgage or two and buy us a truck load of good karma. I am damn glad you held her together and I'm not visiting you in the hospital. For keeping that bike upright - you da man! Please, please let me know if there is anything I can help with. I have a trailer too. And a couple of bikes if you need something to ride while they perform the cosmetic surgery on your feej.

Are you at least going to eat her?
Uh, no. They're not even dating.
Damn Scab... you come up with some funny shit. I'm sorry not to return the favor of you being able to visit me in the hospital. :****:
Thanks for the offer, but I don't want to wad up somebody else's bike.

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Nice job, but it's customary to use a gun to go hunting Bambi's. Now that you've perfected your technique on "little deer", come out west and tackle a "Mule" deer. Twice the size and just as dumb.

Good luck with the rehab..the bike I mean.


Steve, if you're gonna do the repair yourself, let me know. I'll help if you wish. I'm actually good at that stuff. I used to even teach Collision Repair.

If it ain't running right, call Rad. If you crash it, I'm your man.

Thanks for the offer, but I don't want to wad up somebody else's bike.
They're paid for and they're insured. Besides, I trust you.

Crap, just how heavily medicated was I while hospitalized. My wife just told me (for the second time) that my son hit one of these forest rats while I was in the hospital. Said she told me at the time. Funny, I don't remember that.

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Given the massive dent in the tank, it seems pretty clear there was a hell of a lot of energy in that collision. You must have done one hell of a job to keep the bike upright after that. You have my thanks for taking another kamikaze out. May you get whatever resolution you want for your bike.

Whatta tough b!itch the FJR is!
Mechanicals aside, I would go say thanks to any diety from the above. Even if your FJR is toast it brought you home alive. Very, very sorry for your rodent strike, but rejoice in your survival!!!
Thats it blame your successes on a higher power. Skill, had nothing to do with it! Seriously, nice ride report SFJR! Hope you get your ass in the saddle asap! And its probably too late to go get that deer for dinner :)

Damn good job keeping it upright... Hope that knee isn't too sore tomorrow given that tank, sheesh.

I tried to call you from the scene, but don't have your cell in my contacts for some reason. BTW... I'm blaming this on MSC... he is the grim reaper after all.
Its in the Al FJR riders list you should have that. If you don't let me know.

Also, you can always phone book me through the business. the cell is listed there as well.
