FJR not happening for me now.

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Well-known member
Aug 29, 2007
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Chicago area
After much dreaming and planning, I have to suspend my desire for an FJR for a while. I really can't get a rise out of looking at pictures of it anymore and won't be joining you lucky Devils in ownership indefinitely.

Neither will I be paying many bills off.

Once again, my employment, endeavors are not turning out as advertised. I really thought this was the right job at the right time but no aspect of it has materialized into something I can use to dig out of debt or further a career. I do not work a quarter as much as they said I would, and I wait 60 days to receive what little I bill for, when they told me I'd be working every day for $500 per. That was in September.

Both my wife and my son are about to rack up some serious medical/dental bills. I am forced to find something consistant, but not as luctrative as I need. With only a two year degree, my options are limited.

If anyone you love is considering a career in flying, let them know...

You can pick any one of these three things to have while working in this field:




You cannot have all three. it will be a long time before you can safely afford all three. By then you will hate the job, lose a family, or downsize your house.

Until then, I suggest you live at home with mom and dad until you make captain. Then you can date, buy things, have kids... Oh... you will NEVER retire. I don't know one career pilot that has.

I hate airplanes, but I love motorcycles. See you you there someday. Will check in now and again.

Truly sorry to read of your troubles and hope that things turn around for you. Lifes to short to be stuck in a dead end job unhappy. It may be time to switch careers and do something you actually like to do even if it means sacrificing some pay. Lord knows I'm not a millionaire but I actually like what I do and like the life I have.....Its all about happiness. Good luck to you.

I used to have a young lady working as a cook for me. She got her commercial fixed wing while she worked here. She moved to Williams Lake B.C. trying to find work as a pilot. That was a couple of years ago. She is now the assistant manager of a 7-11.

Thanks a bunch. On a better note, the wife got me a recreational kayak for christmas. I thought about taking it back for $$ sake but I've gone without regular hobbies for a while. At a $500 investment (boat, paddle, life jacket), this will be a cheeper way to get the "wander-lust" out of my system. This will take the edge off since I've wanted explore the rivers and lakes here in northern IL. Looking forward to the quiet time.

Sorry about that man. Just got off the phone with a long-time friend who was laid off from his job this week. This is the second job (at two different employers) he has been laid off from in one year. Keep struggling and working and I hope all turns out well.

Yeah, the aviation industry sucks moist ass cheese. I am currently awaiting the demise of my company. Unemployment here I come.

Sorry to hear about your situation. I'm afraid it's just the tip of the proverbial iceberg as to what lies ahead before we once again see good economic times. JMHO, and I hope I'm wrong....

Health care looks to be fairly recession-resistant....I've heard nurses are in demand (but overworked and underpaid).

I have made my living as a pilot since 1988 and I have seen good times and bad. I am making about $50k less than a captain flying similar equipment at our competition, and our union has been in negotiations with management for almost two years. This industry is very cyclical, and yes, working in aviation does suck, but it still beats actually working for a living! I guess I was fortunate in that I made most of the sacrifices necessary in aviation while I was still single, but hang in there and eventually you will find the right job.

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If anyone you love is considering a career in flying, let them know...You can pick any one of these three things to have while working in this field:



It's funny that you just said the above statement, No not that you are out of a job but the part about not being able to make any money. I was listening to the radio the other morning and they were talking about the highest paying jobs and one of them was an airline pilot at $140K per year. I thought that was strange because I had a friend that went to work for Skywest airlines and I think he said he would start at around $19-25k. There must be some serious, serious step or rank raises in the Airline industry. I really wish it could work out for you. I started working on my PPL license and have about 10hrs but stopped because of time. It is truely one of the most fun things I have ever done. I hope to complete it one day when I get into our new home and settled down. I truely feel bad that this isn't working out for you. I think if I wasn't a Fireman, Avaition is one of those fields I would have looked into. I love my Career though and don't think I would be happy doing anything else. Good luck to you and your family. Remember Motorcycles will always be around but you only have your kids for a short time. Family First. Everything else comes after you take care of your family and it sounds like that is exactly what you are doing.....


I hope things shape up for you very soon. I can relate to what your going through. 07 was a roller coaster year for my wife and I both but things have really worked out great going into 08! My wife is in the mortgage business and is on her 4th company in 16 months.

Keep your head up and something will work out.


Sad, but true. I feel your pain.

Unless you're a 4-striper flying international heavies, it's a modern day slave trade. Military aviation is about the only good career as a pilot, except you have people shooting at you.

Things are tough all over. It'll likely get worse before it gets better.

Hang tough Honzo. Not having an FJR is not the end of the world. Enjoy and treasure your family, and get out in that Kayak. Take comfort in knowing that to 85% of the world's population, you are blessed with your station in life!

Sorry to hear about your situation. I'm afraid it's just the tip of the proverbial iceberg as to what lies ahead before we once again see good economic times. JMHO, and I hope I'm wrong....
Health care looks to be fairly recession-resistant....I've heard nurses are in demand (but overworked and underpaid).
The money has gotten better with increased demand, but it isn't for everyone.

I've felt your pain, I bailed out of that industry almost 20 years ago and never looked back. Too many military retirees driving the wages down then, way too many now I'd guess. Good luck!

@ one point none of us had an FJR. I'm sure you can find a bike to fit the budget. Remember it's not what you ride. It's that you ride! And ride safe. You just happen to be on an FJR Forum.

dog :)

Two guys sitting at a bar and one says - man you stink what the hell is that smell. Stinky says that his job is cleaning out the sewage tanks on airliners and sometimes the shit splashes him.

His buddy says, "Man you gotta find a different job."

Stinky replies, "What, and get out of aviation?"

I ride my bike and dream of flying. If you are flying you are in an elite class of people, and that is really something. Stick in there and follow your dreams - motorcycles will always be here. Get an older SV650 or NT-650 or Sega. You can get a nice ride for under 2k when you are ready.

Two guys sitting at a bar and one says - man you stink what the hell is that smell. Stinky says that his job is cleaning out the sewage tanks on airliners and sometimes the shit splashes him.His buddy says, "Man you gotta find a different job."

Stinky replies, "What, and get out of aviation?"

I ride my bike and dream of flying. If you are flying you are in an elite class of people, and that is really something. Stick in there and follow your dreams - motorcycles will always be here. Get an older SV650 or NT-650 or Sega. You can get a nice ride for under 2k when you are ready.

Elite class? The next time you get in an airliner, know that at least one of the pilots is worried about his marriage or mortgage or is counting the days until he can keep a straight face asking a woman out on a date. He or she might not have their mind totally on what they are doing. And this elite class is currently getting hired on at 300-500 hours TOTAL TIME in the log book. That's like throwing the keys to Busa to a 9-year-old that just got off his first 50CC quad. Sleep well in first class.

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Thank you all, though for the kind words. It's not the end of the world, or the actual job. Just can't make enough money with it. Not quite sure what my next move is going to be but it is clear that my goals for the year will not be acheived short of a lottery win.
