FJR not happening for me now.

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He needs to stop whinning. No sympathy here. It is always the other guys fault not mine....

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After much dreaming and planning, I have to suspend my desire for an FJR for a while. I really can't get a rise out of looking at pictures of it anymore and won't be joining you lucky Devils in ownership indefinitely. Neither will I be paying many bills off.

Once again, my employment, endeavors are not turning out as advertised. I really thought this was the right job at the right time but no aspect of it has materialized into something I can use to dig out of debt or further a career. I do not work a quarter as much as they said I would, and I wait 60 days to receive what little I bill for, when they told me I'd be working every day for $500 per. That was in September.

Both my wife and my son are about to rack up some serious medical/dental bills. I am forced to find something consistant, but not as luctrative as I need. With only a two year degree, my options are limited.

If anyone you love is considering a career in flying, let them know...

You can pick any one of these three things to have while working in this field:




You cannot have all three. it will be a long time before you can safely afford all three. By then you will hate the job, lose a family, or downsize your house.

Until then, I suggest you live at home with mom and dad until you make captain. Then you can date, buy things, have kids... Oh... you will NEVER retire. I don't know one career pilot that has.

I hate airplanes, but I love motorcycles. See you you there someday. Will check in now and again.

I too had a dream of aviation and like you didn't try to realize it until I had a family, mortgage, car payments etc... to contend with. It was a tough row to hoe to say the least and as you know, you're never done paying your dues. It doesn't help when a single guy comes around and will work for 1/2 the pay that you will so often he gets hired. I had guys taking jobs away from me that lived in tents to save $, how can you compete with that? The reputable operators see through the "cheap" pilots and hire quality ones that take care of their equipment and don't end up costing them higher insurance premiums. I've read a number of horror stories about pilots that didn't make it for one reason or another, but I've got to tell you that where there is a will, there is a way. The job may not be where you want it to be, or pay what you want it to be, but often is a stepping stone to bigger and better things. An extremely supportive spousal unit is also a requirement if one is to keep all of it together. Although rotorcraft (my discipline for 18 yrs.) is different than fixed wing, the career paths are still similar in that you have to work your way up to bigger iron and better pay. One last bit of advise to any aspiring pilot, dont' do it because you think it would be cool, do it because you're consumed with a burning desire to fly. Otherwise you'll hit a brick wall somewhere along the line that will stop you. I wish you luck in your future endeavors and PM me if you're so inclined, I might know some people to put you in touch with. Hang in there!

The days of pilots making big money and fat pensions are coming to an end. There are many Commercial pilots that have had to take multiple salary cuts, and sometimes end up with no retirement pension. Consider yourself lucky you realized you need to find a different type of job, early in life. I'm a private pilot. There's no way in he## I'd want to fly for a living.

Have you considered Air Traffic Control? Or some other career with the Federal gov't in aviation? Obviously you have an aviation education. There's currently a shortage of Air Traffic Controllers and there's other FAA jobs available all over the country as well. Air Traffic Controllers get paid very well; most are making l over $100K, and some (with night differential, overtime, holiday pay, etc) are nearly double that salary. It's true... I retired from the FAA.

Suggestion... stop spending your time typing on this forum and go check out:

Where there's a will, there's a way -< GO DO IT DUDE! B)

He needs to stop whinning. No sympathy here. It is always the other guys fault not mine....

-When they tell me I'm going to fly 3-5 days a week at $500 a day, I get excited.

-When they tell me I have to bill them for the time as an IC and get 1099ed, I say, OK.

-When they tell me every week or two, "We're going to start flying the shit out of you next week" and it never happens, I put up with it.

-When they require and must provide a P/O# and Vendor# to put on my invoices, but do not supply them for the first two months of empoyment, I get concerned.

-When the payment is net30 and I don't see a check for 7 weeks, I get in trouble.

-When I don't work (have nothing to invoice) but am expected to be on-call, I get pissed.

-When I can't get ahold of the lady in Accounts Payable to find out the status of my lowly check, I get scared.

-When after 5 months of promisses, BS, runaround, broken equipment, mounting expenses, and the collection of only one check as of this day of our Lord, you are absolutely right...


May your funeral be closed casket.

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Many thanks to those deserving of it.

Ride Well,


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-When they tell me I'm going to fly 3-5 days a week at $500 a day, I get excited. -When they tell me I have to bill them for the time as an IC and get 1099ed, I say, OK.

-When they tell me every week or two, "We're going to start flying the shit out of you next week" and it never happens, I put up with it.

-When they require and must provide a P/O# and Vendor# to put on my invoices, but do not supply them for the first two months of empoyment, I get concerned.

-When the payment is net30 and I don't see a check for 7 weeks, I get in trouble.

-When I don't work (have nothing to invoice) but am expected to be on-call, I get pissed.

-When I can't get ahold of the lady in Accounts Payable to find out the status of my lowly check, I get scared.

-When after 5 months of promisses, BS, runaround, broken equipment, mounting expenses, and the collection of only one check as of this day of our Lord, you are absolutely right...
Dude, the writing's on the wall... and you wrote it! Get a different job or change careers!

This must be the airline TWN was flying, if thats how they treat their employees, I wonder how many corners they cut on maintance?????????? :dribble:


I just read this thread and all I can say is.......

I'm damn glad my bread and butter is the home building industry... I think... :unsure:

OK, I had a rant about pilots, but since a previous post was deleted, I did the same.

I think this whole thread boils down to one simple point. Is this guy happy in his career path? I think not. Then find another flying job, or go do something completely different. That's the great thing about living in this great country. Nobody is holding a gun to your head and making you fly....

Heck, go open a Yamaha dealership and sell us all bikes really cheap!

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Home builder and you're happy???

I needed the rest :rolleyes:

All kidding aside, I've spent close to 40 years in this business and I've been through "several" down turns. What do you do?

Well... I did a stint doing additions to get me by.

Got my Capt. license and made enough to pay the fuel costs so I could stay on the water.

Went into infrastructure (built a sewer and a water treatment plant).

Now I'm installing infra for a WalMart and a Costco. Seems they haven't heard about the recession :rolleyes:

Never found the time to bash the industry that paid the rent and just did what I did best.

For me, nothing been easy but this is what I do and I really never thought of doing anything else.

Besides, if it was easy, they wouldn't need me.

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You can pick any one of these three things to have while working in this field:House



You cannot have all three. it will be a long time before you can safely afford all three. By then you will hate the job, lose a family, or downsize your house.
Yeah, this sounds about right in my field, except there were 4 categories! Sorry you are like me and have to make a decision. I made mine a while ago. I decided that the 4th thing that wasn't that important (the motorcycle), had to go. Now I'm (partially) retired and I say "they can all bite me!"
