Any word on John Ryan's(?) 11 x BBG attempt

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Well, I'm the biggest dude that rode Marathons on an FJR (started the ride at 275# and svelted to 255# at the end) and can show you what they looked like at 9700 miles. And I also got the 36 hours of rain on the first leg.
Still lots of tread in the center, but the cupping made them howl badly at Interstate speeds whenever I'd lean left or right. At low speeds I'd swear the rear drive was trying to do a Beemer impersonation and would start checking for unexpected fluids. It eventually got so bad that even on dead straights I'd feel a vibration. Them's some seriously HARD tires.

It's hard to tell from the pic, but take a look at that groove on the right of the picture and the differential was over 1/8" from one tread block to another.

The tire was fine until about the 6,000 mile mark. I think my spirited approach to Mount Wilson scuffing off the sides and made things go wonky to be technical about it.


11 days huh John? I'm the last one to try and slice the cake of sanity cleanly, but somewhere around double-digit days I'd start to wonder if a person's cake is getting mixed with their frosting? Either I'm wishing you luck....or urging that you get competent mental help and a good prescription. :blink: :rolleyes:
Well, I'm the biggest dude that rode Marathons on an FJR (started the ride at 275# and svelted to 255# at the end) and can show you what they looked like at 9700 miles. And I also got the 36 hours of rain on the first leg.
11 days huh John? I'm the last one to try and slice the cake of sanity cleanly, but somewhere around double-digit days I'd start to wonder if a person's cake is getting mixed with their frosting? Either I'm wishing you luck....or urging that you get competent mental help and a good prescription. :blink: :rolleyes:
Were these bias or radial Marathons? I only weigh about 240-250, so I should be fine for another 10% in mileage. :rolleyes:

I've never been much concerned with slicing the cake cleanly, and carry my prescriptions with me everywhere, one of which is constantly infused. So, no worries there.... :lol:

On a more serious note, the only way this gets crazy is when one doesn't know when to get off the bike. Then, the ride becomes a big problem that adversely affects all of long distance riding, and is a huge burden to family and friends. Knowing when to stop, before becoming unsafe, is the most important skill in long distance riding. There's nothing wrong with expanding the limits, as long as they are recognized when approached.

Thank you for your concerns and good wishes, Matt, and congratulations on a fine finish in this year's Iron Butt Rally!

John Ryan

John - glad to here you won the battle with Bambi. Egos are a funny thing when they bruise but at least you get to ride another day. The blog would have been better without the writer's severe case of ass kissing - it was a bit much! :)

John - glad to here you won the battle with Bambi. Egos are a funny thing when they bruise but at least you get to ride another day. The blog would have been better without the writer's severe case of ass kissing - it was a bit much! :)
Thank you. This was my first deer strike, and it went as well as possible. I am incredibly fortunate, and the riding gear did its job.

Jim Shaw is a great and loyal friend, and one of the people who introduced me to the IBA. He loves to write, and it would be wrong to attempt telling him how to express himself. It wouldn't be realistic to expect an objective viewpoint, and I am certainly not in any position to make demands. So, there it is....

Such is the risk of a blog - some people will love it, but most of the input I've gotten has been from friends. I am grateful for the clear and objective view expressed here.

The blog became a bit of a necessity, because sponsors want, and deserve, exposure in return for their help. I didn't, and do not, have the time or knowledge for this, and Jim was willing to pick it up and make it work. Eventually, I should be able to get in there and put in some reviews of the things that served me well, hopefully, with some logos and links to those products and services.


killing a deer and talking about it is a good thing.

I have to say I like the way you've represented yourself here...ego seems checked at the door :)

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killing a deer and talking about it is a good thing.
I have to say I like the way you've represented yourself here...ego seems checked at the door :)
Thank you. I think that it is important to be able to laugh at oneself, and there was plenty of that on this ride.


OK, so I debated posting this, as it is kind of a continued hijack, but then again, tires are part of the conversation.


This is the ME880 I put on before WFO

Just shy of 8400 miles in the picture.

I hit the wear bars on the way back from the IBR finish ~7800

(I took the long way through the Ozarks)

I ran 42 psi


OK, so I debated posting this, as it is kind of a continued hijack, but then again, tires are part of the conversation.

This is the ME880 I put on before WFO

Just shy of 8400 miles in the picture.

I hit the wear bars on the way back from the IBR finish ~7800

(I took the long way through the Ozarks)

I ran 42 psi

I wouldn't call that a hijack. Tires are an important part of the conversation, and had more to do with stopping the ride than the deer strike.

My experience with the Z6s is that a day-after-day BBG pace shortens their life by more than half.


Were these bias or radial Marathons? I only weigh about 240-250, so I should be fine for another 10% in mileage. :rolleyes: John Ryan

ME880 170/60VR17 REAR

I'm running them front and rear

Please confirm that you are using the 170/60VR17 on both the front and rear wheels? Just want to make sure I understand. thanks. Any comments on handling or speedometer readings, suspension issues, etc. ?


That was your bike at Ephrata this past weekend, right? Your bike was there when I got there (was parked a few bikes down from you) and was still there when I left. Sorry I didn't get the chance to meet you. Maybe next time...I'm there almost every month.

Were these bias or radial Marathons? I only weigh about 240-250, so I should be fine for another 10% in mileage. :rolleyes: John Ryan

ME880 170/60VR17 REAR

I'm running them front and rear

Please confirm that you are using the 170/60VR17 on both the front and rear wheels? Just want to make sure I understand. thanks. Any comments on handling or speedometer readings, suspension issues, etc. ?
Dave: My speedo error was reduced by about 1/2 (according to my GPS) when I put the ME880 on (vs Avons prior). I love this tire so far, but Jeff Ashe strongly cautioned me against using an ME880 on the front - especially as I ride a lot of cooler temps as compared to SoCal, so I will put on one of the new 021's when the current Avon Azaro is gone (probably a Winter project).

Were these bias or radial Marathons? I only weigh about 240-250, so I should be fine for another 10% in mileage. :rolleyes: John Ryan

ME880 170/60VR17 REAR

I'm running them front and rear

Please confirm that you are using the 170/60VR17 on both the front and rear wheels? Just want to make sure I understand. thanks. Any comments on handling or speedometer readings, suspension issues, etc. ?
Dave: My speedo error was reduced by about 1/2 (according to my GPS) when I put the ME880 on (vs Avons prior). I love this tire so far, but Jeff Ashe strongly cautioned me against using an ME880 on the front - especially as I ride a lot of cooler temps as compared to SoCal, so I will put on one of the new 021's when the current Avon Azaro is gone (probably a Winter project).
Thanks Dave, good to hear from you. Hi to wifey!!


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