Bustanut joker
Well-known member
So today I decided it's time to replace the muffler on my old van, winters only a few months away an I don't want to work under that damn thing with **** dripping all over me :glare:
I decide heck with it, it's nice outside, I'll do it on the slab in front of the garage that way I can just wash away the resulting mess with the hose, instead of sweeping out the garage :good:
I grab the sawsall some tools and a piece of cardboard to lay on, an get started. Everything goes well and I know I'll be done in an hour ..........Ha!!
After I get the muffler off I need to cut loose the clamp to remove the mounting bracket that holds **** in place, Here's where the fun begins :uhhuh:
I sat down in the grass with the muffler under one leg and start cutting going along real good but, I feel a strange sensation on my left ankle and calf area kinda like my skin was crawling/ tingling. As I have very little feeling in that ankle do to the infamous vein stripping five years ago, I'm just thinking it was sleeping. :unknw:
Oh how freaking Wrong! :ermm:
All of a sudden I get a pain it my right index finger, at first I think it's a hot sliver from the saw but, hell no it's a hornet or bee or what ever ya call them stinging ground based assassins. .........Bam!, another shot on the wrist and one on the left wrist at the same time WTF???
Oh ****! I'm setting right on an entrance to a nest and my left leg is semi covering another hole. :blink:
Care to guess what that feeling was now??
Damn right! I got pant leg that's got some of the little bastages wandering around
First thought?? Damn right! runnnnnn!!!!
I bust outa the gate like Carl Lewis with his ass on fire undoing my pants at the same time, then the thought occurs to me, **** I'm running commando today! I can't run around my yard bare assed :blushing:
I'm out there cussing and dancing around slapping at my legs with the dog barking thinking it's time to play, and the woman across the street looking at me like I've finally lost my mind :dribble:
I make into the enclosed porch with only two shots on the leg that I can feel and get rid of those damn pants!! Ah safe at last..
Oh no, not yet....................
I get into the house and one of them sonofabi^%$@#!! nails me on the foot! I smash his ass good and two more start buzzing me :huh: I'm running around naked from the waist down, chasing them then them chasing me while Mizz Bust is laughing her ass off!
I killed them after a short chase, get my **** together and go back out to collect my tools and **** only to find those rotten SOBs have decided to claim 'em..
Oh it took two hours for them to calm down before I could retrieve my stuff and I never did get that muffler done.... I think I'll finish up in here.
Never had any problems with reactions to stings or bites, they just piss me off...
It's cooling off an getting dark...... I got a score to settle :angry02:
Where's my gas can.. :assassin:
I decide heck with it, it's nice outside, I'll do it on the slab in front of the garage that way I can just wash away the resulting mess with the hose, instead of sweeping out the garage :good:
I grab the sawsall some tools and a piece of cardboard to lay on, an get started. Everything goes well and I know I'll be done in an hour ..........Ha!!
After I get the muffler off I need to cut loose the clamp to remove the mounting bracket that holds **** in place, Here's where the fun begins :uhhuh:
I sat down in the grass with the muffler under one leg and start cutting going along real good but, I feel a strange sensation on my left ankle and calf area kinda like my skin was crawling/ tingling. As I have very little feeling in that ankle do to the infamous vein stripping five years ago, I'm just thinking it was sleeping. :unknw:
Oh how freaking Wrong! :ermm:
All of a sudden I get a pain it my right index finger, at first I think it's a hot sliver from the saw but, hell no it's a hornet or bee or what ever ya call them stinging ground based assassins. .........Bam!, another shot on the wrist and one on the left wrist at the same time WTF???
Oh ****! I'm setting right on an entrance to a nest and my left leg is semi covering another hole. :blink:
Care to guess what that feeling was now??
Damn right! I got pant leg that's got some of the little bastages wandering around
First thought?? Damn right! runnnnnn!!!!
I bust outa the gate like Carl Lewis with his ass on fire undoing my pants at the same time, then the thought occurs to me, **** I'm running commando today! I can't run around my yard bare assed :blushing:
I'm out there cussing and dancing around slapping at my legs with the dog barking thinking it's time to play, and the woman across the street looking at me like I've finally lost my mind :dribble:
I make into the enclosed porch with only two shots on the leg that I can feel and get rid of those damn pants!! Ah safe at last..
Oh no, not yet....................
I get into the house and one of them sonofabi^%$@#!! nails me on the foot! I smash his ass good and two more start buzzing me :huh: I'm running around naked from the waist down, chasing them then them chasing me while Mizz Bust is laughing her ass off!
I killed them after a short chase, get my **** together and go back out to collect my tools and **** only to find those rotten SOBs have decided to claim 'em..
Oh it took two hours for them to calm down before I could retrieve my stuff and I never did get that muffler done.... I think I'll finish up in here.
Never had any problems with reactions to stings or bites, they just piss me off...
It's cooling off an getting dark...... I got a score to settle :angry02:
Where's my gas can.. :assassin: