Is The FJR1300 Dead? No 2025 Model?

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Purveyor of Crooked Facts
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Skootsdale, AZ
There has been no information on any year model of the FJR 1300 on Yamaha's website all morning long. At least on my phone mobile version. There is an announcement that says they have announced all remaining 2025 lineup changes. So this to me looks like the FJR is now dead. :eek: And that I was completely wrong about them coming out with a last edition black and gold version. I find this very disappointing that Yamaha couldn't give the North America market a proper send off like they did for Europe and Japan markets.

I hope I am wrong and this is just a website glitch.
There has been no information on any year model of the FJR 1300 on Yamaha's website all morning long. At least on my phone mobile version. There is an announcement that says they have announced all remaining 2025 lineup changes.
I've double-checked my spreadsheet and they haven't announced FJRs until the latter part of November the last four years. I don't remember there being any other announcement about lineup changes being to that? Hopefully, it's a glitch....

Paste of the announce date in parenthesis and when they said it would be available:

Mar 2020
Jan 2021
Jan 2022
Jan 2023
Jan 2024
I wouldn't panic yet. I think their website still has to be fixed - "Touring" includes the Tracer 9 and the Ténéré 700. At least on the Canadian site, they listed two flavours of Tracer 9 (9 and 9 Y-AMT) along with the FJR. At least they put the T7 under "Adventure". The super Ténéré appears to be no more.
I've double-checked my spreadsheet and they haven't announced FJRs until the latter part of November the last four years. I don't remember there being any other announcement about lineup changes being to that? Hopefully, it's a glitch....

Paste of the announce date in parenthesis and when they said it would be available:

Mar 2020
Jan 2021
Jan 2022
Jan 2023
Jan 2024

Some of your announce dates are off. A not-so-quick search of the various forums shows these dates as when the new model became public:

MY 2024: Announced 11/7/23 Tuesday
MY 2023: Announced 11/8/22 Tuesday
MY 2022: Announced 11/22/21 Monday
MY 2021: Announced 11/17/20 Tuesday
MY 2020: Announced 11/3/19 Sunday (Weird that it came on a Sunday. But the announcement was from show in Europe where they announced last year of the FJR there)
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When I was finally able to get to a computer today I posted this lengthy diatribe in one of the other sandboxes where there is more discussion going on:

This is the time of year when the perennial question gets resolved. But, Yamaha has done something different than I ever remember them doing.

I am usually on top of this stuff checking the Yamaha website daily knowing that this is the time of year they announce the next model year of the FJR1300. In the past, in every instance I can remember -which is many; their website stays the same until the day it updates. Well, something different happened today. It may mean something. Or nothing. But is good fodder for speculation!

When I checked the Yamaha website this past Friday or Saturday all was normal. There was an 'Adventure' section that showed the Super Tenere and the Tenere 700. And the 'Touring' section which showed the FJR, Tracer 9, and I am fairly certain the Tracer 9 GT+ as a separate model. Well, as of this morning there is no 'Adventure' section. The Tenere 700 is in the 'Touring' section (WTF?) and there is also just the Tracer 9. And of course no Super Tenere or FJR listed. This is not how Yamaha has ever done it in the past. Especially not showing the '23/'24 FJR which is still available.

Now, you can find the Yamaha page for the '23/'24 FJR if you google it:
Also odd.

Also, updated on the USA website today is this section that states today Yamaha announced the remainder of their 2025 motorcycle line-up. (Noticeably missing the FJR and Super Tenere):

Another point: In the past, I am almost completely certain that Canadian and USA Yamaha website has updated and announced the new model year FJR on the SAME day. But not today. Yamaha Canada is showing the 2025 FJR1300. Interestingly enough it has the same 'Adventure' and 'Touring' sections that Yamaha USA had two days ago.

So, in my not so humble opinion we have two possibilities: 1) Yamaha USA is doing something they have never done before by changing the website with incomplete information and the 2025 FJR will be announced sometime in the near future. Or, 2) There will be no 2025 FJR. That might be permanently, or skipping a year which I think is feasible - especially with no announcement it is ending and it being available in Canada. There is a LOT of 2023 and 2024 FJR inventory out there still. I guess not in Canada. Let it slide a year to get rid of the inventory and come back in 2026. Or maybe a 2025 and a half? I still hold out that Yamaha will do what they did in the only two markets (Europe and Japan (that I am aware of)) where they discontinued the FJR: Make a big deal about it and release the last edition Black and Gold model.

I thought what was happening on the website was odd this morning but I normally wouldn't have posted anything because of all the normal 'No more FJR' B.S.. But I went listening for some song birds. The song birds, smart as they are, know when to keep their beak shut! However, they did sing just a little bit to the effect of "The website is as its supposed to be' and 'I wouldn't hold my breath' (on the 2025 FJR? Black and Gold Final Edition? - I don't know.....) That is when I figured it was Prime Time to start some most excellent speculation on the 2025 FJR and rile up the natives! Also, before (stoopidly) I checked the Canadian Yamaha website to see that the '25 FJR will be up north.......
Some of your announce dates are off. A not-so-quick search of the various forums shows these dates as when the new model became public:

MY 2024: Announced 11/7/23 Tuesday
MY 2023: Announced 11/8/22 Tuesday
MY 2022: Announced 11/22/21 Monday
MY 2021: Announced 11/17/20 Tuesday
MY 2020: Announced 11/3/19 Sunday (Weird that it came on a Sunday. But the announcement was from show in Europe where they announced last year of the FJR there)
Weird. I fubared those...I may have extrapolated the 11/22/21 date incorrectly for the last several years.. Adjusting for next iteration of the spreadsheet...unless 2024 is/was the last. Thanks.
I'm curious... why do you guys track when Yamaha announces their line up?
The same reason I've assembled the matrix as a best effort assembly of facts over the years. People often like to have piddly-ass arguments over the most minor of detail.

On this forum people would start posting in September and October thread after thread with things like, 'Why doesn't Yamaha have something on their website? I read from somebody knowledgeable they posted by now! Enquiring minds want to know! They owe us!', 'Why do they keep jacking the cost up...I read it was $x in x year.'

It's much more muted in the past few years, but announcement date is particularly important this year as Skooterg points out. We may be at the end of the run for FJRs and pretty sure all these details will be important one day as FJR turns vintage.
I may now own a vintage FeeJ now. It's twenty years old in a few weeks, does that count?

I have no faith in the newer generations coming up, in having motorcycling being what it was. And that wasn't too long ago. Soon we'll all be driving electric skooters... I mean scooters. Sorry Greg...

Coordinating the Long Beach ride to the bike show for many years, it slowly waned over the years and is now gone. Many cities on the left coast hosted and in between. They all slowly went away except Long Beach, and now it's gone, no more shows in the US. We just aren't a factor anymore.

I would hope the FJR lasts but money talks. I don't know how well it does in another countries, but at some point there wonderful graphs will show losses and they'll stop. On any models. It's all business. The bean counters should be riders too.

Okay, I'm done. ;)
I have no faith in the newer generations coming up, in having motorcycling being what it was. And that wasn't too long ago. Soon we'll all be driving electric skooters... I mean scooters. Sorry Greg...
All I can say is you never know.
I worked at a bike shop that became a Vance & Hines service center in the mid 80s and I remember Byron bought a 1000 Ninja and left it in the crate because with the coming legislation there would never be a faster street bike made.
You never know.
That might be permanently, or skipping a year which I think is feasible - especially with no announcement it is ending and it being available in Canada. There is a LOT of 2023 and 2024 FJR inventory out there still. I guess not in Canada. Let it slide a year to get rid of the inventory and come back in 2026.
Yamaha Canada has a long and well established practice of selling left-over amalgamations as new models. It's a small market, too small for dedicated production but large enough to absorb excess inventory. Witness the 1982 XJ650R -- Leftover Maxim engines in Euro-spec frames. The 1984 750 Seca -- leftover Japanese home-market engines in 900 Seca frames. The 85/85 750 MaximX -- stockpiled 750cc engines in 700cc tarriff-legal US frames. Etc. Right on up to the Gen II FJR -- Euro electronics in a US chassis.

It's also possible that Yamaha Canada didn't get the memo. That's happened before too.
Yamaha Canada has a long and well established practice of selling left-over amalgamations as new models. It's a small market, too small for dedicated production but large enough to absorb excess inventory. Witness the 1982 XJ650R -- Leftover Maxim engines in Euro-spec frames. The 1984 750 Seca -- leftover Japanese home-market engines in 900 Seca frames. The 85/85 750 MaximX -- stockpiled 750cc engines in 700cc tarriff-legal US frames. Etc. Right on up to the Gen II FJR -- Euro electronics in a US chassis.

It's also possible that Yamaha Canada didn't get the memo. That's happened before too.

No matter where and when they get the parts Yamaha will have to schedule a production line to manufacture a 2025 FJR for Canada. And I can't see any scenario where Yamaha Canada invests the resources to update their website for 2025 based on incomplete, or inaccurate information. I mean I could see them being late to the information party, but not ahead of it.
The Sport-Touring section of the Yamaha USA site still looks quite lean this morning....


On a positive note, the MT-10 makes it to 2025.... but why the MT-10 designers come up with these goofy-ass wheel colors is beyond me. :rolleyes:

My Yamaha Canada insider says that it may be that Yamaha USA has too many 2023/4 unsold units, as hinted above. Since its only a paint change, building ‘Canada only’ 2025 machines cant be much of an investment, Yamaha must have a bunch of immobilizers on hand.
Now dont all you ‘mericans come to Canada with your $1.30 dollars to buy up the few 2025 machines Canada will get!