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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. Sinister Crayon

    Goodby Stock Saddle...Hello Corbin

    Not got my FJR yet... hopefully today... but I wanted to add my 2c worth. My FJR when I pick it up will be my third bike with a Corbin. I really like what they do with a seat, but I learned with my first one that it's VITALLY important to have the suspension dialed in perfectly for your weight...
  2. Sinister Crayon

    Greetings, and help?

    I'm sure it will become quite adept at draining the money out of my wallet with farkles as well. This one I'm buying is already pretty farkled... but there's always room for more so long as you can keep the rubber-side down :) Maintenance records are with the bike showing good maintenance and...
  3. Sinister Crayon

    Greetings, and help?

    LOL... yup. Butthole Surfers it is, though I was never really a huge fan of the band. It came about while hanging at a friend's place and he had it playing on his sound system. I asked what the song was and he told me, and I kinda liked it. Besides, I have a tendency to leave a mark when I'm...
  4. Sinister Crayon

    Greetings, and help?

    And more update... without a backstory. Well, the finances are all worked out, my insurance agent is ready to flip me to the new bike as soon as I call him to tell him I got it... and I'm ready. Now the tough part is waiting until tomorrow when the bloody dealership opens again so I can...
  5. Sinister Crayon

    Greetings, and help?

    As promised... an update. So yesterday in the pouring rain, I geared up and took my girlfriend's bike (a BMW F650CS) to the shop for some repairs. She curbed it at the end of the riding season last year and threw herself off. Minor injuries due to her gear (ATGATT, baby!) but she tweaked the...
  6. Sinister Crayon


    Although I don't know how well it works on the FJR, I have had a Nolan N103 for a bit over a year now and couldn't be happier. It fits my "long oval" head just perfectly with no pressure points, and the geek in me is able to enjoy the N-Com system to hook up to my iPhone while I ride so I can...
  7. Sinister Crayon

    Greetings, and help?

    Thanks for the fabulous input, everyone. I think I'm going to like it here ;) OK, so it's off to the dealer tomorrow to drop off my girlfriend's bike for repairs and while I'm there I'm going to negotiate. If all goes right I might be on a Yammie by early next week. It's all going to depend...
  8. Sinister Crayon

    Greetings, and help?

    Well that definitely helps! OK, I didn't realize that. I had just done a bit of reading and presumed that since it wasn't mentioned, it wasn't there. OK, that's changes things a bit :) Looks like Mr Farkley is going to be my new ride unless someone here tells me otherwise :)
  9. Sinister Crayon

    Greetings, and help?

    Well greetings, FJR riders. I am Sinister Crayon and I have a question... but first I need to give you a bit of background so you can better answer my question. Please bear with me... I'll try not to be overly wordy as I tell you a bit about myself. As a rider, I've ridden a number of bikes...