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Is there a support group for people waiting on their new toys? :blink:
Yes, every Gen I owner that purchased their FJR new can help. The Gen I owners were subjected to a hell from Yamaha spelled PDP, where you put down a non-refundable deposit and wait 6 months or more for your FJR to finally show up at your dealer. Those purchasing a FJR in '02 (with a '03 delivery) and in '03 (with a '04 delivery) might not have sat on or even been able to see a FJR, let alone ride one but were expected to plunk down the deposit anyway.

So, while we sit around waiting for the deal to be done, tell us about your plans for your new cruise missile. Any trips planned? Do ya share the fun with your wife or children? Have you got the obligatory sliders on order yet? How's the riding weather in your neck of the woods? :) Are we there yet?

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The PDP agony occurred for some people as some dealers mentioned spring delivery...when for some it happened in July, then August, then September...and later.

EDIT: After I got my FJR, went online and heard the whining and moaning...I saw the fun that the 03 and 04 owners had with the 05 waiters....postingphotos of tipped over cargo ships as recent news...and pointing that as to the reason there bike didn't arrive 6 months after they put down their deposit. :lol:

I was not online...and was oblivious to the nonsense when I purchased mine. So when I strolled into a dealer on a Saturday morning around 10am...I had to wait all the way until 2:30 that same afternoon for the FJR.

I agree..waiting is HARD.

Riding is fun. :)

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...I would like to ask the origin of your handle?...
I'm thinking Butthole Surfers, reverb, lotsa reverb with the Crayon. And I'm reflecting on how bad that band's name could go with some of our Forum members.

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And more update... without a backstory.

Well, the finances are all worked out, my insurance agent is ready to flip me to the new bike as soon as I call him to tell him I got it... and I'm ready. Now the tough part is waiting until tomorrow when the bloody dealership opens again so I can finalize all this!

Is there a support group for people waiting on their new toys? :blink:
Great and welcome to the assimilation process.

I went from a 2004 to a 2007 and think you made a great choice. While I really liked the '04, the color grows on you, especially when clean, and the Gen2 has a number of nice little updates.

LOL... yup. Butthole Surfers it is, though I was never really a huge fan of the band. It came about while hanging at a friend's place and he had it playing on his sound system. I asked what the song was and he told me, and I kinda liked it. Besides, I have a tendency to leave a mark when I'm being sinister :)

@ionbeam: Well, my plans initially are just to ride the hell out of it ;) I have missed having a bike that can do ridiculous speeds even though I don't usually want to. There is still no feeling quite like riding on a straight, empty, flat piece of road at 3am with my girlfriend on the bike and watching the speedo touch 130mph. And 14mpg. I doubt I'll do that on this bike, but you never know :)

The bike actually already has sliders installed... so no need to order or install :yahoo: and so that saves a smidgen of farkling money. I think straight out of the gate the only farkle I need (or want) to put on the bike is actually a GPS. There's already a mount and a hard-wire that used to have a Garmin Streetpilot 2820. While I probably won't buy that unit (too old), I will probably get another one I can put on that naked-looking mount and run a new hard-wire (different connector). Still, I won't do that for a month or so in all likelihood because my work and home schedule won't really allow me many rides outside of my usual areas.

So to begin with... mostly commuting and getting used to the bike. The weather's not really conducive to riding at the moment (our airport was trashed by a tornado on Friday night! :eek: ) but I'll get in some riding where I can. Even in the wet. Beyond that, probably a quick jaunt up toward Hannibal, MO on the back roads, or out around Troy, MO. Some damned nice little roads out there, and not much besides that except cows. As I get later into the spring and early summer, who knows?

And no, no wife to enjoy it with me. Just a girlfriend... I got rid of the wife 'cos she was too much hard work... but I do have a 10 year old son out of that who lives with me, was totally worth it, and totally psyched about getting to ride on the back of the new bike. He was never a big fan of the GS, either but loved my old Connie. As far as riding plans with him, nothing yet. I need to get my girlfriend back out on her bike (BMW F650CS) so I'll probably be doing a bit of "following her around on my bike" to babysit for a few weeks... then maybe a trip for all three of us somewhere nearby. Maybe a camping trip into Babler State Park, or a trip down to Jefferson City on Hwy 94. There are some good places to ride in Missouri :)

So more tomorrow... I hope. Probably going to ride my GS to work and try to get the paperwork squared away first thing tomorrow morning. Then maybe off to the dealership at lunch to switch bikes... pictures to come.


Here's a thought for ya: Buying used means you can be thankful for this one thing: you don't have to baby a new bike to break it in. She should be running smooth and fast right from the get go. My feejer is just shy of 9k, and the tranny is just getting broke in. Seems like it shifts smoother than it did when it was newer. Enjoy the ride home. For what it's worth, I drive one of those beautiful blue jobs you spoke of. However, concerning the color, you'll be happy to know that when an FJR goes by, people notice the blur more than the color, and at speed, you won't care what the color is anyway. As a matter of fact, the FJR can drain all the color out of you as well...

By the way, did ya find out what maintenance has been done, and when? If I were you I'd be especially concerned about that grounding harness. The forum warned you for good reason. Make it your first project if it's not been done.

Ride safe my friend. And stay in touch.


darksider #44

As a matter of fact, the FJR can drain all the color out of you as well...
I'm sure it will become quite adept at draining the money out of my wallet with farkles as well. This one I'm buying is already pretty farkled... but there's always room for more so long as you can keep the rubber-side down :)

By the way, did ya find out what maintenance has been done, and when? If I were you I'd be especially concerned about that grounding harness. The forum warned you for good reason. Make it your first project if it's not been done.
Maintenance records are with the bike showing good maintenance and all the routine stuff done. The grounding harness though... well, nothing in there about it. I'll tear into her and do an inspection on the bike after I get her home. I have done a lot of reading, and suspect I'll be ordering Brodie's harness ASAP. Thanks for the reminder... I'm on it. I hope :)
