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  1. xviper

    Global Warming Huh? (Chicago)

    Prove it! Prove to me and the whole world that what we see today is not just a natural cyclical phase that earth hasn't seen every few dozen millenium over the past millions of years. "Global Warming" was an excuse that didn't work, so "they" gave it another name. Sorry, I'm not burying...
  2. xviper

    Global Warming Huh? (Chicago)

    Who exactly are these "they"???? Would it be the same alarmist, tree hugging, environmentalist, meteorologist, graduate students looking to secure their next research grant and make a name for themselves by publishing yet another useless paper? "THEY" called it global warming, but when that...
  3. xviper


    And does anyone actually think this thing's worth over $60K? Considering the kind of resale these have been seeing, $60K is outrageous. You can buy 4 very powerful motorcycles for that kind of money. Oil changes are a nightmare and the reverse on the thing has been problematic at best. The...
  4. xviper

    PMS - for the guys up North

    "Single digit" temps in degrees F is considered quite tolerable where I live. When the temps get down to where F and C are almost the same, that's when it's really cold. (Hint: -40 degrees is the same in both F and C) Don't you worry about us (at least some of us anyway). We've got other...
  5. xviper

    Airoh TR1 Helmet

    Nice looking lid and a low price. I just hope the low price doesn't mean less protection. I got my Caberg from a forum member and I'm looking forward to using it next spring. Although the Caberg in no longer available in the US, a couple of ebay sellers in the UK will sell you one, assuming...
  6. xviper

    Airoh TR1 Helmet

    The Caberg and the Schuberth are more versatile and the Scorpion is better looking. All have internal sun shields.
  7. xviper

    Airplane on Conveyor Belt Mythbusters 12/12

    OK, I promise this is the last response till the show airs. :ph34r: One big flaw in this illustration - the chopper is not exerting its full weight on the treadmill. In the stated scenario where the treadmill is horizontal on the ground, the full weight of the craft is on the wheels. This...
  8. xviper

    Airplane on Conveyor Belt Mythbusters 12/12

    Same here. Like I said before. I always get sucked into these sorts of things. I'm done with this till the show airs. Too many people who don't quite understand the concept of such an experiment.
  9. xviper

    Airplane on Conveyor Belt Mythbusters 12/12

    The wheels are only resisting spinning by friction of the bearings and friction of the tires on the treadmill. That's the only "braking" there is. I disagree. The plane would be moving at 5 mph relative to the treadmill track, which is moving under it. It remains stationary relative to the...
  10. xviper

    Airplane on Conveyor Belt Mythbusters 12/12

    And you were correct. That's the way I see it, too. To put it another way so that perhaps more people will understand it .......................... First, the treadmill is NOT being used as a catapult. That is, the tread is moving from front of plane to the rear, NOT the other way around...
  11. xviper

    Airplane on Conveyor Belt Mythbusters 12/12

    Do what? I take it you're not asking how to bolt the conveyer belt system to the ground, so I'll answer the other one. You need the propeller pulling on the plane to counteract the friction of the wheels and tires on the belt surface. Without the propulsion system of the plane operating, the...
  12. xviper

    Airplane on Conveyor Belt Mythbusters 12/12

    Enclosed trailer?
  13. xviper

    Airplane on Conveyor Belt Mythbusters 12/12

    But now you're talking about vectoring again and you are providing some airspeed over the wings from the prop. The "prop-wash" for a model airplane is HUGE when you compare it to that of a full size "real" airplane.
  14. xviper

    Airplane on Conveyor Belt Mythbusters 12/12

    I think either we have a misunderstanding or you've missed the point. The treadmill (or the speed of the aircraft wheels) has absolutely no affect on airspeed. It only serves to keep the plane stationary relative to the rest of the world around it. THAT'S the point to the whole exercise. As...
  15. xviper

    Airplane on Conveyor Belt Mythbusters 12/12

    That's exactly what I'm talking about. There is no point to putting the plane on a treadmill if it's allowed to move forward. The whole idea behind the treadmill is to keep it stationary relative to the ground the treadmill is on. (I think I've said that a few times.)
  16. xviper

    Airplane on Conveyor Belt Mythbusters 12/12

    I'm not even a pilot (I tried but ran out of money) and I can understand what you just said. It's totally correct. Physics doesn't lie. (Damn, I hope it's on tonight in Canada.)
  17. xviper

    Airplane on Conveyor Belt Mythbusters 12/12

    In this scenario, it's purely semantics, but I'll leave you with your opinion. Thrust is thrust in this experiment. It doesn't matter if you are pushing against the surface you're on to move along that surface or if you're using the air to move along the surface. You are merely providing the...
  18. xviper

    Airplane on Conveyor Belt Mythbusters 12/12

    EXACTLY! Thank you! If the plane is allowed to make forward motion, there is absolutely no point to this whole excercise. Let's say a plane needs 60 mph to lift off. Put it on a treadmill running at 60 mph, with the propulsion system keeping up with that treadmill. Do you actually think...
  19. xviper

    Airplane on Conveyor Belt Mythbusters 12/12

    As you apply thrust (either by propeller or by jet or rocket or fairy wings), the plane will begin to move forward. This forward movement is negated when you run the treadmill. The treadmill serves to keep the plane in the same position relative to the ground the treadmill is bolted to. The...
  20. xviper

    Airplane on Conveyor Belt Mythbusters 12/12

    ONLY if that thrust was vectored downward. In the case of the treadmill, the thrust is vectored horizontally. The whole purpose of the treadmill is to prevent forward movement of the plane through space. Thrust vs. weight ratio is only relevant if the plane is pointed upwards (or thrust...