Global Warming Huh? (Chicago)

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Administrator of Drama
Jan 19, 2006
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Atlanta, GA
So I'm in Chicago visiting and there are no signs of global warming here today! I just went out and start my car to head to a meeting and the car said it's 1 degree out. I come back in and look online and the wind chill is -17!!

This is a very accurate description of why I no longer live up here!!


It is obviously warmer down by the lake, since the weather gauge I have at my house, and the temp gauge on the truck agreed that it was -2 when I left for work a few hours ago.

The flip side is that they are talking about a high of 55 by this coming Monday. You just have to love the Midwest.....if you are f'ing crazy that is.

I think they prefer to call it "Climate change", which more closely reflects the theory. More extreme weather events, kinda like Katrina and what San Diego just experienced. Global warming sounds kinda harmless and cozy....

Either way, it was kinda bittersweet riding high mountain passes in December, knowing that we were way behind, again, on much-needed snowpack to grow next years' food here in the San Joaquin Valley.

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Just get your ass back home. We've got upper 60's weather coming in a couple days.

The cage said it was -10 degrees on the way in to work this morning. I can honestly say that even if the roads were clear, that is just too damn cold to even think about riding the bike, even with heated gear.


We hit our apex this morning here in south MS. Morning temp was 17. Now the process begins once again as we raise 1 degree each day for the next 6 months. Around the first of July we will be about 197 degrees :blink:

Just get your ass back home. We've got upper 60's weather coming in a couple days.

You planning anything David? I definitly need to get out at some point this weekend. Haven't ridden since Tuesday, but I know on Sunday I have to take my daughter back to the airport and ship her back to Chicago till summer. Not sure when I have to drop her off just yet though.

We hit our apex this morning here in south MS. Morning temp was 17. Now the process begins once again as we raise 1 degree each day for the next 6 months. Around the first of July we will be about 197 degrees :blink:
+1 on the comment and the degrees here

We hit our apex this morning here in south MS. Morning temp was 17. Now the process begins once again as we raise 1 degree each day for the next 6 months. Around the first of July we will be about 197 degrees :blink:
+1 on the comment and the degrees here
I was halfway seriously looking at a job in Little Rock in the late 90s. I went down in May. Leaving the hotel at 9a, I was greeted with 80-something F, and every other molecule in the atmosphere was H2O. I was dumbstruck. I actually stopped a couple downtown who looked approachable and like locals, whatever that means. I inquired, "Say, uh, hi. I'm not from around here. I'm looking at a job. Seems awfully hot and muggy for May. Are you locals? Is it always like this? What's going to happen in July and August?"

Without missing a beat, collaboratively, they said, "Oh! This is great! We're from Louisiana, and this is *way* better than Louisiana!. In July and August, nobody goes outside."

I think I still have the scar from my chin hitting the pavement.

The best movie-line ever was said by Robert Redford in the spy movie, The Game, when he told the young Brad Pitt

"Save your money to die someplace warm, kid."

I went the opposite route, just left NY for a conference in San Diego. The weather confirms what I already suspected, California sucks! What the heck kind of people live in nice weather year round anyways? Bunch of weirdos if you ask me. :lol:

I think they prefer to call it "Climate change", which more closely reflects the theory. More extreme weather events, kinda like Katrina and what San Diego just experienced. Global warming sounds kinda harmless and cozy....
Either way, it was kinda bittersweet riding high mountain passes in December, knowing that we were way behind, again, on much-needed snowpack to grow next years' food here in the San Joaquin Valley.
Who exactly are these "they"???? Would it be the same alarmist, tree hugging, environmentalist, meteorologist, graduate students looking to secure their next research grant and make a name for themselves by publishing yet another useless paper? "THEY" called it global warming, but when that didn't seem appropriate and made them look like idiots, "they" gave it another name. Once "Climate Change" doesn't seem to work for them anymore and their grants are coming to an end or "they" are needing to pump out another useless paper, will "they" call it "Regional Weather Undulations"? Or how about "Global Cyclical Meteorological Modification"? I see big grant funding for this. Ooh, and the mass hysteria it'll generate .................. priceless! :glare:

I think they prefer to call it "Climate change", which more closely reflects the theory. More extreme weather events, kinda like Katrina and what San Diego just experienced. Global warming sounds kinda harmless and cozy....
Either way, it was kinda bittersweet riding high mountain passes in December, knowing that we were way behind, again, on much-needed snowpack to grow next years' food here in the San Joaquin Valley.
Who exactly are these "they"???? Would it be the same alarmist, tree hugging, environmentalist, meteorologist, graduate students looking to secure their next research grant and make a name for themselves by publishing yet another useless paper? "THEY" called it global warming, but when that didn't seem appropriate and made them look like idiots, "they" gave it another name. Once "Climate Change" doesn't seem to work for them anymore and their grants are coming to an end or "they" are needing to pump out another useless paper, will "they" call it "Regional Weather Undulations"? Or how about "Global Cyclical Meteorological Modification"? I see big grant funding for this. Ooh, and the mass hysteria it'll generate .................. priceless! :glare:
That our climate is changing quickly and drastically is no longer a topic that is seriously debated (even GW agrees). Now it's just a debate as to the degree that man's activity is driving it. And that can be seriously debated, but to dismiss the whole thing as hysteria by researchers conspiring to get more grant money is really burying your head in the sand and silly.

- Mark

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I think they prefer to call it "Climate change", which more closely reflects the theory. More extreme weather events, kinda like Katrina and what San Diego just experienced. Global warming sounds kinda harmless and cozy....
Either way, it was kinda bittersweet riding high mountain passes in December, knowing that we were way behind, again, on much-needed snowpack to grow next years' food here in the San Joaquin Valley.
Who exactly are these "they"???? Would it be the same alarmist, tree hugging, environmentalist, meteorologist, graduate students looking to secure their next research grant and make a name for themselves by publishing yet another useless paper? "THEY" called it global warming, but when that didn't seem appropriate and made them look like idiots, "they" gave it another name. Once "Climate Change" doesn't seem to work for them anymore and their grants are coming to an end or "they" are needing to pump out another useless paper, will "they" call it "Regional Weather Undulations"? Or how about "Global Cyclical Meteorological Modification"? I see big grant funding for this. Ooh, and the mass hysteria it'll generate .................. priceless! :glare:
That our climate is changing quickly and drastically is no longer a topic that is seriously debated (even GW agrees). Now it's just a debate as to the degree that man's activity is driving it. And that can be seriously debated, but to dismiss the whole thing as hysteria by researchers conspiring to get more grant money is really burying your head in the sand and silly.

- Mark
Prove it! Prove to me and the whole world that what we see today is not just a natural cyclical phase that earth hasn't seen every few dozen millenium over the past millions of years. "Global Warming" was an excuse that didn't work, so "they" gave it another name. Sorry, I'm not burying anything in the sand. You think "GW" can't be fooled? I was in research for 20 years. I know how those things work. I've seen scientists blow things out of proportion to get that next grant. I've seen how a few week minded politicians can jump on the band wagon because it's popular to do so.

Believe what you want, so will I. Only time will tell. Unfortunately, the time frame we're talking about will see all of us dead before anyone can collect on the bet.

Ding, ding, ding.....we have a winner. :angry:

Thread closed.

Some people should reconsider hanging out in NEPRT threads and stick to what this board is about......FJRs. Plenty of other places on the internet to rant about politics and global warming.

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