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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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    Comparison of mapping programs

    Here is a program I ran across a while back that seems a lot like the Tyre program. ITN Converter: The downside to this program is that you cant drag and drop your route. You have to manually pick the waypoints. This is what I did to...
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    HeliBars® Replacement Triple Clamp Group Buy

    Jennifer was at lunch, but I just placed my order with her assistant. Thanks for organizing this group buy! That's 4 confirmed
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    HeliBars® Replacement Triple Clamp

    Any news on a group buy yet? I'm ready to purchase! Russ
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    Trip from NewYork to Minnesota via Canada

    Well, I cant say much for places to stop, but I have to say the north side of Lake Superior in Canada is very beautiful riding. Hills, curves, and a great view of Superior. We have some pictures on our site at if you want to take a look. We took that way on the way from...
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    GPS Power

    I think I would like to wire mine to a switched source, so it cuts the power to the GPS when the bike key is turned off. Like mentioned earlier, the GPS will ask if it should run on internal battery power and if the question isn't answered in 30 seconds, it turns off. Less of a chance of it...
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    Camera Mount

    I like the triple tree mount, but I was thinking of using the unused mirror hole on the left handle bar. Has anyone else done this? I cant seem to find any ball type mount that will work with the unused hole. RAM seems to want to use a clamp on type ball mount. Any ideas on the mirror hole...
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    Ride Pics

    On our way up Mt. Evans in CO this summer.
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    Throttle Control

    I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one that has experienced the throttle not closing fully after releasing the middle spring. After returning from a 2200 mile trip a few weeks ago, I decided to unwind the center spring one round and lighten the throttle up to ease wrist fatigue. I also...
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    Givi trunk & 2006 color match

    I have all the parts to this setup in my garage:;hl=givi+v46 Just waiting on the light kit from Fred H. Should hopefully be here tomorrow. After all the parts (Rack, Givi mount, trunk, matching color lid and light kit) it gets to be a bit...