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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. 7xray

    New book on how to understand women

    Hey, I wrote that book. Full of details of things that didn't work.
  2. 7xray

    Had a little fire at work

    No scbas???
  3. 7xray

    Texting while driving

    Seems like all they would have to do is build into the cell phone software to turn it off when moving more that 5 mph.
  4. 7xray

    I rode today!

    Temp about 50, snow mostly cleared from the roads. Dodged the drift in front of the garage and had a little ride :yahoo: . February in Montana, who'd believe it. Winter storm warning for tomorrow. :angry: Cheers, 7X
  5. 7xray

    Facebook cannibalizing the FJR Forum

    Shoot JB, sorry to hear that. Your writing and stories here are one of the great draws of this forum. I have a FB account but hardly ever go to it. The drivel my "friends' (oh how I wish I had been more selective) put there is ridiculous. Is there a way to quietly "unfriend" people? I don't...
  6. 7xray

    BMW outfitted to fight fire in the UK

    Can I have one? Can I? Can I? I want one. Hmm. maybe not so good for wildland fires though!
  7. 7xray

    Planning a trip

    Hitting the Park after Memorial Day would be a good plan, although you could get bitten by the weather. I'd alter Geezer's plan to: Cross the Beartooth (which is spectacular but not much fun riding) and then go down to Cody along the Chief Joseph Highway -- Sunlight Basis Road. Absolutely...
  8. 7xray

    cycleport/motoport users questions

    Wow, many thanks. I didn't know it myself and have had them 2 years! Fred
  9. 7xray

    Heated Grips

    Me too. Here is some more info.
  10. 7xray

    Cooking with gas

    There, fixed it for ya.
  11. 7xray

    Heated Grips

    I recently install Hot Grips See this. They work well and don't have any imbalance in the heating on either side. I'm running the G2 also. No problems installing except for not noticing that they came with two instruction sheets -- one for installing serially connected grips and one for...
  12. 7xray

    Mrs. Day, what's a paragraph?

    "Is Ms. Day going to give us a lesson on incomplete thoughts? . . .", he asked elliptically.
  13. 7xray

    First Tech Support Guy

  14. 7xray

    Important Health Warning!

    I guess you can't get it from toilet seats, though. :unsure:
  15. 7xray

    Next WFO?

    I'd be willing to check out availability of accommodations and help with organization here is Bozeman if anybody would like that. Fred
  16. 7xray

    troubling neurology exam of my daughter...

    That's great! Patriot, you are one goofy dude. Kudos to your daughter for putting up with you.
  17. 7xray

    Stoopid Rider Tricks

    Good job Don. I wish I had your skills and hope your wonderful posts lead me to do the correct thing when and if the time happens. Your deer strike in 2007 and your "ride the ride" mantra made a huge impression on me as a new rider then and I continue to think it today (along with Toecutters...
  18. 7xray

    One FJR Wasn't Enough

    Nice and congratulations. If that comes with an improbability drive too you can't lose on your next rally
  19. 7xray

    What Maintenance Stuff Do You Carry On A Couple-Day Trip?

    Roget's Thesaurus and Strunk and White's Elements of Style.