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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. F

    Saddle Bag Liners

    They came with my '05 I just picked up...
  2. F

    New FJR owner / Dumb question

    Thanks for checking! I tend to have a real good eye for things on first glance and it drives my wife nuts (I tend to get a little like Monk on the TV show) as if I notice it isn't right it just drives me nuts!!! :D I'll take another riders advice and just forget about it and start...
  3. F

    New tick repair problem, bad things...

    Radman, I'm new at this FJR stuff. Are you saying I can just go to the dealer and order a final drive drain plug (is this the plug for the shaft drive?) and it has a built in magnet and replace the normal engine drain plug after my 1st oil change?
  4. F

    Pizzas anyone???

    Pretty cool...
  5. F

    Where's a good place to get FZ1 mirrors?

    Hey everyone! Heard the FZ1 mirrors are good to get for the FJR... Is there any particular place that sells them inexpensively?
  6. F

    New FJR owner / Dumb question

    Thanks everyone! The cans are perfect... I mean, there is no evidence of the bike being damaged in anyway underneath. I'll take a picture tomorrow when it is on the centerstand and let y'all be the judge. I am a bit anal-retentive, so although I've measured and the difference is there, maybe...
  7. F

    Fairing pocket

    Thanks guys! Appreciate the info.
  8. F

    Fairing pocket

    So I'm reading the manual for the FJR and it warns against items in the fairing pocket getting very hot... Anyone have any problems with putting their cell phones, garage door openers, sunglasses, etc. in the faring pocket? Don't want anything to warp.... :)
  9. F

    New FJR delivered today....question about exhaust

    Hey everyone. The '05 was delivered today and I really enjoyed a quick ride before having to return to work. I would've ridden it to work if it weren't so chilly (don't have winter riding gear). Anyway, I noticed something while walking away from the bike after putting her away. When I look...
  10. F

    New FJR owner / Dumb question

    I guess I don't understand. What do the bags have to do with the exhaust? Let me clarify what I mean. When I look at the back of the bike (while standing behind it), one exhaust is slightly higher than the other. I took out a tape measure and... Right side - 20.25 inches off the ground...
  11. F

    New FJR owner / Dumb question

    Hey everyone! New FJR owner here. They delivered today and I took it for a quick spin in the high 40's before I got too cold... :D Anyway, after I put her back in the garage I noticed that the right exhaust pipe looked a little higher than the other one. Sure enough, they are off by...