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Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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  1. FJRealizer

    Mature Riders and FJR's

    59 here and the 07 FJR is my first bike. BTW don't concider the FJR to be expensive in US, I live in Denmark/Scandinavia and the price here is equal to $50,000, - we pay for 3½ MC but only get 1. Ole
  2. FJRealizer

    old rider-rider comm system

    That's why I love riding with my wife in the backseat, so I can't hear what she is saying. Two weeks ago she asked me to by her one of them intercom things, and so I did. Now when we are riding she is talking all the time, and she's happy. I'm happy too cause I saved some money and didn't by one...
  3. FJRealizer

    GTR1400 - more photos

    Nice FJR-copy but the engineers forgot to mount the second exhaust pipe and the adjustable drivers seat.
  4. FJRealizer

    1st gear problem

    I've had my FJR ABS 07 for 2 months now and it has run a little over 1.000 miles. Overall I'm very pleased with it but, it does have an annoying problem. Even when driving very slow I can't shift it from 2nd into 1st gear, without noise and a loud 'klunk' from the gearbox trying to get it into...