old rider-rider comm system

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Jun 14, 2005
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Does anybody have an old comm system they are not using anymore that they would be willing to share with or rent out to me?

My wife rides with me presently only about once a year. I typically don't ride with a comm system but my wife has indicated that it would be nicer to be able to talk to me during the ride. I guess if you're just sitting around and not operating the controls of this fine machine, I guess it could be rather boring at times. Especially for the few hours it will take us to get to SW WI. We both wear full-face helmets.

I know it's a long shot... but let me know if you would be willing to share your system with me or rent it to me for the weekend of travel to SW WI.

but my wife has indicated that it would be nicer to be able to talk to me during the ride.
Do you mean communicate as in other than that slap up side the head you currently use :yahoo:

Good luck in your search.


but my wife has indicated that it would be nicer to be able to talk to me during the ride.
Do you mean communicate as in other than that slap up side the head you currently use :yahoo:

Good luck in your search.

Yes Chester, however she hasn't slapped me yet...so I must not be ridin' fast enough. OR maybe 'cuz there ain't no twisties by me...course we'll find some near Dodgeville, WI I'm sure.

As far as luck in my search...looks like I'll need it. By the number of responses and views, it's a longer shot than even I thought.

As far as luck in my search...looks like I'll need it. By the number of responses and views, it's a longer shot than even I thought.

Sorry for the late reply. I was out of town last week and just read your post. I might be able to help you. Somewhere at home I have a couple of old Nady communicators. As far as bike-to-bike communication, I'd classify them as "better than nothing" (they're great for rider-passenger communication). I'll try to remember to look for them tonight.

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Thanks for the offers guys...I'm pretty surprised actually.

Remember, I'm just looking to borrow or rent...my wife is doing her yearly ride with me. Will see if being able to talk helps her enjoy the experience.

I remembered to look, and I found the radio...plus two headsets :yahoo:

You're welcome to use it. It has full duplex capability so you and the little lady can talk normally without having to push any buttons. If you need it before June 29, PM me and we'll make arrangements. Otherwise, I'll be at COD on the 29th, 30th & 1st. You can pick it up there.

That's why I love riding with my wife in the backseat, so I can't hear what she is saying. Two weeks ago she asked me to by her one of them intercom things, and so I did. Now when we are riding she is talking all the time, and she's happy. I'm happy too cause I saved some money and didn't by one for myself.

I remembered to look, and I found the radio...plus two headsets :yahoo:
You're welcome to use it. It has full duplex capability so you and the little lady can talk normally without having to push any buttons. If you need it before June 29, PM me and we'll make arrangements. Otherwise, I'll be at COD on the 29th, 30th & 1st. You can pick it up there.


PM being sent.

That's why I love riding with my wife in the backseat, so I can't hear what she is saying. Two weeks ago she asked me to by her one of them intercom things, and so I did. Now when we are riding she is talking all the time, and she's happy. I'm happy too cause I saved some money and didn't by one for myself.
