05 Seat Mod

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Jun 1, 2008
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Hey all,

I'm not sure how many of you find longer rides uncomfortable but I sure do.

I'm good for about 1-2 hours before my ass is killing me.

I like long 4-5 day bike trips so I have trained my mind not to concentrate on the pain.

I'm 6' 2" tall so I'm a little big for most bikes but I have a small bony butt. (Enough about that)

I went to my local bike shop and bought a piece of raw gel. No cover.

It's a weird green substance that feels wet and slimy but is totally dry with no residue after you handle it.

It could not be cut with anything I had in my garage.

Sort of like green slime.

I removed the seat cover by popping the staples out (mark it first so it goes back on the same as it came off) and took approx 3/4" off the back lip with my Dremel tool.

Then I laid the green slime on the seat where my ass would be if I were riding and traced the outside edge with a felt marker.

I cut out a cavity for the gel to rest in so that it would not slide around.

Now here is the icing on the cake.

I took 1 3/4" soft foam and covered the top of the old seat and gel pad.

Then I stretched the seat cover over the three layers and re-stapled.

Can you say velvet rocket?

Also the seat is flatter and higher now so there is less tendency to lean forward.

The gel cost $50.00 and I had the extra foam in my garage.

Custom seat $50.00!

Not bad.

I'm heading out for 4 days in the Canadian Rockies next weekend so I will let you know if the long ride is easier on the ...



Sounds pretty close to what the custom seat guy here in town does, only he uses multiple layers of foam and carves the seat exactly to your specs, then puts a custom leather cover over it. I'm sure you get at least half the benefit at 10% of the cost. I remember he had those gel things and he could cut them and they wouldn't leak. Strange stuff. Do you know who makes the one you bought at your bike shop?

Sounds great. Did you narrow the front of the seat any? This is where I seem to have my issues. What did you use to re-staple the cover back on.

Sounds pretty close to what the custom seat guy here in town does, only he uses multiple layers of foam and carves the seat exactly to your specs, then puts a custom leather cover over it. I'm sure you get at least half the benefit at 10% of the cost. I remember he had those gel things and he could cut them and they wouldn't leak. Strange stuff. Do you know who makes the one you bought at your bike shop?

I'll dig out the box that the gel came in and report back to you.

I tried to trim a small slice off one corner and no luck.

I tried a knife, box cutter type knife and a scalpel.

The gel has self healing qualities and is quite alien. Very weird stuff.

Its not a bag with gel inside. Its exactly like jello, the same consistency all the way through.



Sounds great. Did you narrow the front of the seat any? This is where I seem to have my issues. What did you use to re-staple the cover back on.

I didn't narrow the front of the seat.

I think everyone sits different in their optimum riding position so that was not a concern for me.

I found the lip at the back of the seat would not allow me to stretch out as far as I would like. It forced me to ride forward which I found a little uncomfortable.

Trimming that down made a difference.


Be careful taking the staples out. Don't pinch the vinyl because it can be cut with the tool you use.

I used a carpet knife which is very sharp and has a hook on the end. It fits easily under the staple.

Twisting the knife popped the staple up with very little effort.

I re-stapled with an electric stapler ($30.00 @ Home Depot).

A manual stapler may not get the staple in deep enough.

I used stainless steel staples also available at Home Depot T50 1/4 inch.

They wont rust.

Happy carving!



Sounds pretty close to what the custom seat guy here in town does, only he uses multiple layers of foam and carves the seat exactly to your specs, then puts a custom leather cover over it. I'm sure you get at least half the benefit at 10% of the cost. I remember he had those gel things and he could cut them and they wouldn't leak. Strange stuff. Do you know who makes the one you bought at your bike shop?

I'll dig out the box that the gel came in and report back to you.

I tried to trim a small slice off one corner and no luck.

I tried a knife, box cutter type knife and a scalpel.

The gel has self healing qualities and is quite alien. Very weird stuff.

Its not a bag with gel inside. Its exactly like jello, the same consistency all the way through.


