'06 FJR's almost sold out!

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Perhaps the same production line used to build the FJR is also used to build other things.
Yeah, they make other stuff too, that would limit production capacity. I was a musician years ago and I still have one of their best nylon string guitars hanging on my wall. :eek:fftopic:
Doesn't "limited edition" mean, limited to the # they can sell??

Great if teh FJR is really selling that fast. However, I believe if it was selling that fast, why would you need to try to drum up business?

That being said, They could be trying to get good customes to realize they don't want to wait and end up on a Honda!

:D <the guy who builds Hondas


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Yamaha rep told us at bike show in ft. worth yesterday that they are all sold out.

Screw that ordering B.S. -- come delivery time I'm sure there will be pleny lying around that were ordered and the person backed out. That's how I got my 05.

When I went in to ask about ordering one, I was told I missed the deadline. Then I was back at the dealer 6 weeks later and they told me 2 were coming in in a week and one guy backed out. I bought that one. Then the other bike ended up sitting in the showroom for a month because that buyer couldn't come up with the rest of the money. So a friend of mine bought that one. Pretty cool too, they have consectutive serial #'s. The dealer also gave me a free Yamaha larger windshield for finding a buyer for it. :D


I got if for 12,800 . ABS model less the trade in for my FZ-1, I got hosed on that though. but recouped most of it buy pulling off all the extras I had on it and selling them seperatly.

I tried but they were non-neg on price, he knew I had a bug up my ass for the bike thogh. I probably could have found a better deal elsewhere but he jumped through hoops to get me the Yamaha financing @ 3.9 for 2 years. I am a poor SOB but I can swing $89.00 a month.


I placed my order on 11/1. The dealer's ordering screen displayed "available".

Am sure there are quite a few more available. However, there might a huge rush in orders after the Ft. Worth Show.

I placed my order on 11/3 for the 2006 A model and it went through. My dealer confirmed with his regional rep on Friday that Yamaha is NOT holding back. I think what he means by that, is that the sales have been stronger than expected and their planned production run is being rapidly met if not already there. He doesn't think it's a sales ploy, as I specifically asked if the shortage was bogus, thus the inquiry. I trust the guy.

Several things to consider:

1) Yamaha is a huge conglomerate producing a large number of items. They can't just simply produce a "few more FJR's to fulfill everyone". Orders have to be made with suppliers, and components have to be built before a production run can be made. Parts don't appear by magic. Months of planning goes into pre-production.

2) Anyone remember a little thing called a Second Round Priority Delivery Program? I missed the first order period for an 05, but got my order in for an 05 in the second round. Any reason why the FJR would go through the entire 2006 year without another PDP? My vote is that it will happen. So don't freak out. Yamaha wants to sell a boatload of FJR's, but in a controlled way.

3) Chances are good one of the reasons there is a large run this year is that dealers are probably ordering for flooring more than usual. Take advantage of this. My dealer ordered several of each model early on, using the usual tactics, figuring they would not sit on the floor for long. Though I ordered almost 5 weeks into the PDP, he has promised me one that was coming in for flooring. VIN's are no longer tied to a specific name as in earlier years. So I was suddenly moved to the head of the line, just for being a good customer. A solid relationship with a local dealer can work wonders.

Food for thought.

VIN's are no longer tied to a specific name as in earlier years.
If dealers can floor models conventionally (without having to resort to the tricks of ordering in the name of employees, deceased rock stars, and their pets) and if Yamaha isn't going to build to order, then exactly WHAT IS the PDP this year? Just a conventional initial order period annouced loudly?

- Mark

I believe the whole PDP thing earned some Yamaha marketing guy a promotion; it committed a buyer to a product (more or less), allowed more accurate sales predictions (and thus production could be scheduled accordingly, reducing overhead costs in the process) and helped reduce the likelihood of models 'sitting around' on the showroom floor, thus aiding their dealers....and it reinforces the FJR 'mystique'- all at OUR expense. You want an FJR? You will pay, you will wait if you want it badly enough. Thanks to this panic-stricken atmosphere they have created, buyers are lined up...brilliant. Remember the early 80s? In this region, there were numerous dealers choking on overstock of unsold, new bikes from all the Asian manufacturers. I recall finding killer deals available on new '82 bikes in '84! Perhaps Yamaha is guarding against repeating history...and now Triumph is 'taking orders' for their new 675 Daytona! Hmmm...Is PDP still necessary? I would say not, the FJR is a proven success; does it make economic sense for Yamaha? You bet.


if the gossip was right ,, then I never bought my 05 in May,,

and my dealer never had 9 this year ,,

it's dealer sales crap !!!

MarkJenn - From what my dealer says, they're not flooring conventionally. They still have to use the unscrupulous tactics that they've done in the past. But Yamaha does not have the stringent rule of tying a name to a VIN any longer, which makes it easier to order under one name and sell it to another. Seems to be the American way anymore - skirting the system, all in the name of free enterprise and profit.

Any theory we come up with regarding the ordering and selling process, we'll probably never know for sure what the truth is. I'll bet Yamaha is jumping up and down for joy over all of this. I know some of the dealers are having a ball with it. That big fat teethy grin on my dealers face doesn't hide much.

I wouldn't doubt that the other manufacturers are watching this ordering system very carefully.

I would disagree with anyone that said the pre purchase program is bad for us as consumers from a cost point of view. Yamaha makes a limitted supply of these bikes, by pre-ordering we can get the dealers to compete amungst themselves on the front end before a single bike hits the showroom floor.

I live in St. Louis and read the classifieds during my lunch break looking for deals on bikes. Since April of this year I have never seen an FJR of any year for sale in St. Louis on the used market. I did see one on the showroom floor late last spring although it was awaiting delivery. The dealer I bought mine from said he has never sold one for under list prior to my sale as he's never had a problem moving them.

I'm sure if you were trying to work a deal on a Warrior you could, just about every dealer has one in stock, the same seems to be true of the Royal Stars, they just don't seem to move as well. I can't see use working the dealers down on cost if it were not for this program. Heck, I hate to say it but I know I would have been willing to pay more if I could have gotten mine yet this year.

Anyone who really is interested in picking up an 06 had better move on it before they do sell out. Prior to them selling out you can buy them from anyone, once (if) they do sell out I would think it will become much harder to negotiate as good of a deal as you can now.


P.S. I'm not trying to pick on the Warrior btw, if it weren't for the exhaust system and the ugly gauges they'd probably sell just fine. Put a set of gauges on there like Kawasaki puts on the Meanstreak along with a decent set of pipes and that bike would sell better :p

Hello all, new to the forum and want to buy an 06 FJR. How does the PDP work and how long is the wait time once the bikes hit the states? Is it feasable to get an 05 if I can't wait for the 06? I'm just barely finding out about the 06 and it's disconcerting to find that I way not be able to get one. Thanks in advance for any replies.

Hello all, new to the forum and want to buy an 06 FJR. How does the PDP work and how long is the wait time once the bikes hit the states? Is it feasable to get an 05 if I can't wait for the 06? I'm just barely finding out about the 06 and it's disconcerting to find that I way not be able to get one. Thanks in advance for any replies.

Go to your local dealer, give him 500 bucks and then wait. Wait some more. Get on an FJR forum and bitch about the wait. Wait some more. Call your dealer and he tells you, 'soon'. Wait 2 more months and finally it arrives - without the saddlebags cuz the subcontractor is behind. So, you're looking at 6 months, minimum.

And yes, there are still '05's on the floors. CalCoast Motorsports in Ventura, CA has an '05 ABS on the floor (as of last week). Check around you might find one close to you.

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Hello Mr. Reddog15, I'm RogerB, the bastard child of this forum 'cause I do not yet own an FJR and have only sat on one one time but you can find answers to all your questions here. You can also expect a little ribbing once in a while from the experts here. That's just to make you feel at home. :p

I have yet to actually ask my Yamaha dealer about the PDP because I'm not quite to that stage of development but your first step would be well advised to call D&H cycle sales in Culman Alabama (hope I got that right).

They will most likely tell you that you will need to commit to at least a $500 deposit and fill out some paperwork to make the transaction legit. Then, after confirmation you ride your old bike or a borrowed one in my case up to the time of delivery notification. THEN you throw a big party and determine which of the owners meetings you wish to attend.

More info to come... ;)

Hey Mr. Nut ...sorry I almost jumped in front of you! :blink:

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Bee reeelie keerfull afore yuh go en order from D&H. If'n yew er frum Kaliforn-eye-aye, yuh kant be abringin' dems bikes acrossin the stateline border en register the dang thang entil it has 7500 miles on the odometer.

We can't tell where you are because you didn't put that info on your home page. There are still '05s on the floors at some dealers in CA.
