06 front end 'clunk'

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Christ....don't speak of beer. I can't get a good beer in me for a couple of days. Just talking about it is punishment enough. "UNCLE.....UNCLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Oh, and make sure you pull the rear all apart and check the grease on the splines. Most of 'em have been dry as a popcorn fart, and theres been explosions and shit like that. I mean, try to think of the children.

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Hey, gaps.....I think bustanut stole into your garage in the night and played with your abs system.   :ph34r:
Yep! an as soon as I finish this Guinness Extra stout yer next fuker :****: :D

Man, this bike is fuggin with me a bit, a pint of stout and a couple shots of Jamesons would be good right about now....
Ah shit lost the opener .. an with 4 more Guinness left to boot :angry: guess I'm off to odots to disable his bike an leave the 4 I can't open ha ha ha ha ha :p

Oh crap fjrchicks waitin' fer me to show up an throw back a few.... to bad ya gotta behave there 'dot we'll be drinkin.. er thinkin' 'bout ya

Sh*t the Lear is down fer repairs, suppose texas is out'a the question tonight



Just to be clear, when I first posted about the 'clunk' I had not taken time to determine the source the sound. Now I have and found it to be just rattling of the pads in the calipers....each caliper now sports 4 pads and they make quite a 'clunk' if you grab the front brake and pump the front suspension up and down...it is not a problem, sorry I opened the worm can...Did I say I LOVE MY NEW FJR today?

The fog is just about cleared up and I am heading out to put some miles on her....yeehaaawww :D :D :D
It's the brake calipers making the noise. My GTS does exactly the same thing as my '06 FJR. If you roll the bike backwards then apply the front brakes then roll it forward and apply the brakes you will here the sound every time. It is positioning the pads against the end of the caliper when applies one direction then shifting it to the other end when applied in the other direction. There is a certain amount of space in the caliper to allow movement of the pad that causes this. It is nothing to worry about.


Actually, I am in milwaukee right now, but not for long. We are moving the hawks back to atlanta then dead head to charlotte. Hey, bustanut....give the rioters my regards and all hail the police chief...... :lol:

I like this class....inbetween all the clowning around, we actually get some useful information. Info we probably could do with out. I'd prefer a whole bunch of clowning around.

It's the brake calipers making the noise. My GTS does exactly the same thing as my '06 FJR. If you roll the bike backwards then apply the front brakes then roll it forward and apply the brakes you will here the sound every time. It is positioning the pads against the end of the caliper when applies one direction then shifting it to the other end when applied in the other direction. There is a certain amount of space in the caliper to allow movement of the pad that causes this. It is nothing to worry about.Tony
Hey Tony,

Humor me, and take ahold of your front rotors with hands 180 degrees apart, and try to rotate them like a steering wheel and tell me what you find.

I thought it was the pads too, until I tried this test. I can make the semi-floating rotors turn about 1/16th of an inch or more, and they go CLUNK CLUNK when I do.

I agree though that it is not a big deal. Just an idiosyncrasy of the bike.

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Hi Guys

My rotors for sure are the cause of my clunk. Dave (FJRulzON) has helped me figure it out. In fact as Fred H says, it will rotate about 1/16 inch. On saturday Dave and I visited the dealer. I didn't kick tires, but got down and rotated the disks. R6, MT-01, FZ1, all thier disks rotated, and I could make them all clunk. I suspect that the design is to allow for heat expansion. I also believe that in time a little dirt will get in there and they will go quiet due to the small amount of insulating factor of the dirt. Right now they are squeaky clean and metal on metal. I have found I only hear it when I rock the bike with the front break on. So, my solution is to ride the darn thing and not rock it back and forth. :D

This is one fantastic bike. :D My face is starting to hurt from the constant smile. :D Good job I have a full face helmet, I'd look like a real fool with my silly grin on all the time. :D :D :D :D :D


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I have a 2006 FZ6 and she makes just a little noise, especially when I hit the brakes while walking her out of the garage.

Well, this has all been edumuhcational.

So what your saying, is that the mysterious clunk is much the same as the noise heard when TWN's pea brain rattles around in that void he calls a head?

Ok, I get it now. Nothing like a good visualization.

The ABS warning light has been coming on intermitently on my 06, I have posted a topic in the TECH/MECH PROBLEMS section but few seem to look there, so... trying to drum up some information.

If the ABS warning light comes on will it also produce a error code? How do I pull the codes? Any ideas on what to look for? ABS seems to function fine, I whomped on rear brake and ABS cycled as expected..

The ABS warning light has been coming on intermitently on my 06, I have posted a topic in the TECH/MECH PROBLEMS section but few seem to look there, so... trying to drum up some information.

If the ABS warning light comes on will it also produce a error code? How do I pull the codes? Any ideas on what to look for? ABS seems to function fine, I whomped on rear brake and ABS cycled as expected..
