06 heat- the good and bad

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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2006
Reaction score
Austin, TX
Today, on the ride home from work in Austin Texas is was 95 degrees. A lady friend of mine asked for a ride and was glad to oblige. We got stuck in bumper to bumper traffic.

OK, the bad news is that I did feel heat on both feet pumping out from the bike. I was wearing Justin Workboots- for those of you not familiar these are like really comfortable cowboy boots with a rubber sole. So, the heat was very noticeable and for those riders out there wearing sneakers or vented moto boots it might be felt more.

For the good: My nads never felt any heat! Unlike the 03 FJR there is no heat tranlating from the tank or under the tank to the rider. Only once on the 03 FJR riding 2 -up I got a heat rash on my inner thighs from the heat of the tank. But I was really glad that this problem is now gone from the FJR.

The heat on my feet was only felt while stoped in the traffic and my passenger mentioned that she could really feel it also. Once we were moving more than 20 mph there was not heat to speak of. So the engineers have done a good job of venting once the bike is moving. Let's face it- we're sitting on a 4 cyl engine- there's bound to be some heat. Especially on a 95 degree day!

+1 from Jax, FL only 92f but same heat from same location stop-n-go only. Never got un-bearable, just the heat on the feet was noticeable while stopped. Sweet ride- my first FJR.

+2 it has been in the 105+ degrees here in Palm Springs and I have only felt the heat briefly when stopped other wise no problems.

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I was out in that 95 degree heat all day too, John. And while I wasn't stopped anywhere long enough to notice the heat on my feet, I'm happy to report that the only thing making me sweat was my gear. Big improvement for me. No red on the thighs is nice! And it was going through Austin that did that to me!

I was out in that 95 degree heat all day too, John. And while I wasn't stopped anywhere long enough to notice the heat on my feet, I'm happy to report that the only thing making me sweat was my gear. Big improvement for me. No red on the thighs is nice! And it was going through Austin that did that to me!
Your fibbin....nice girls don't sweat....they perspire ;)

my bad. your close - we glisten.

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I am in Central Fl here. I noticed a bit of heat when I first picked the bike up (160 miles south of my home) but after that I haven't noticed anything of consequence. The heat wasn't much more than my FZ, really.

I was wondering though, if anyone has 'opened' the side panels. If so, what difference will that make on a ride. Is it supposed to give you more heat if you should be cold? Or is it supposed to give more cool air(I don't see how that could be)?


I am in Central Fl here. I noticed a bit of heat when I first picked the bike up (160 miles south of my home) but after that I haven't noticed anything of consequence. The heat wasn't much more than my FZ, really.
I was wondering though, if anyone has 'opened' the side panels. If so, what difference will that make on a ride. Is it supposed to give you more heat if you should be cold? Or is it supposed to give more cool air(I don't see how that could be)?

I have not ridden with the side panels open but it appears that it would produce more heat. It will act as a leg warmer. I will more than likely never need it but it is nice to know it is there. Just think it would cost you over 400.00 to have that option on a Harley :)

I thought you ladies "glowed".JW ;)

my bad. your close - we glisten.

I'd love to have warm enuf weather to glisten... or glow or even sweat!

It's been too friggin cold up here in Ohio.... in the 40's today!

Have only have my Feejer out once! cold and rain is not nice.. :angry:

Maybe another trip to Texas .... :)


I have actually been quite pleased with my '06 FJR, especially after hearing all teh heat stories about previous year models. Has been as high as a 98 degrees indicated on the bike's LCD info panel and I haven't noticed any undue heat at all...

That said, I would be willing to bet big money that the heat you folks are feeling on stop-n-go traffic or real slow going is from the friggin' catalytic converters. On my BMW R1150R I never noticed any heat issues, despite your legs being right behind those big air-cooled cylinders, but...

Whenever I was stopped at a light in hot weather and my feet were down my ankles would get roasted. One day I put an infrared thermometer on the catalytic converter - right there under the gearbox, right next to your ankles when your feet were down - and I saw over 450 degrees!!! Scared the hell out of me, but I suddenly knew where all that heat was coming from! Replaced the catalytic converter with a Staintune cat elminator/collector *box* and all was well with the world. Heat completely gone and throttle response drastically improved.

From day one when I saw 'em I have been trading e-mails with Dale Walker about his cat eliminator pipes for the FJR, and I will have a set just as soon as the Power Commanders are ready for the "06's (need to check on that again right now, come to think of it...), as Dale says his headers won't work, even with the stock mufflers (which I want to keep), unless you have a PC.

But I think the foot heat you are feeling might be coming from the cats, particularly since your passenger was feeling it, too...

Just something to consider.


Mary, I'm located just up the road from you in Valley City. If the sun ever comes out, we'll have to get together for a ride. Drop me a line and lets try to set something up.


I'd love to have warm enuf weather to glisten... or glow or even sweat!It's been too friggin cold up here in Ohio.... in the 40's today!

Have only have my Feejer out once! cold and rain is not nice.. :angry:

Maybe another trip to Texas .... :)

Hadn't really considered that the heat was coming from the Cat- I guess I really don't usually spend much time in traffic jams as I am usually headed out of the city on the FJR-

I get a nice cool breeze in the cock pit around the tank- so I guess in the winter we'll be complaining about the cold blue 06s!


I was wondering though, if anyone has 'opened' the side panels. If so, what difference will that make on a ride. Is it supposed to give you more heat if you should be cold? Or is it supposed to give more cool air(I don't see how that could be)?
I have experimented with the panels on my bike. The panels when extended just block the wind a bit more on your legs. I have found that raising the windshield has a greater effect on the heat. When it is up it creates a vacume that pulls engine heat up to rider (was just riding comfortably in 45 degree weather). When it is down heat is compleatly gone while bike is moving 20mph or more.

<snip>I will have a set just as soon as the Power Commanders are ready for the "06's (need to check on that again right now, come to think of it...)Dallara
Not available yet. It could be up to three months before they are.
