08 Front fender crackage

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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2008
Reaction score
Dubuque, IA
Just happen to notice some cracks in the front fender of my 08 while wiping down after riding in a light shower today. The cracks are on the right side, where the fender bolts on ahead of the fork. They radiate out from said mouting bolt. Will be taking to the dealer tomorrow to hopefully get a new fender under warranty, and will report on the result.

Thought I would share so new owners can keep an eye out for similar problem.

Has anyone else had this happen? And if so, how did the dealer handle it?

I'd be interested in seeing a picture of the cracks. Does it look like the mounting point would eventually break off, or is it mostly aesthetic?

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Here is a picture I juat took. As you can see, it is not just cosmetic. The lower left side in the picture shows the crack clean through. There are also a number of hairline cracks around it. Some you can't see on this pic. The left side of the fender is fine.


Here is a picture I juat took. As you can see, it is not just cosmetic. The lower left side in the picture shows the crack clean through. There are also a number of hairline cracks around it. Some you can't see on this pic. The left side of the fender is fine.

Looks like it was overtightened to me, but I thought there was a grommet that prevented that from happening... yours missing?

Just checked mine. Yep, metal grommet there to prevent over-tightening. I know from experience that they can fall out easily if you are not careful. No big deal, just need to remember to put them back in.

Never thought of that! I am preetty sure it is in there, but I will double check for sure.

Yup, just checked and the grommet is still in there. It looks like it is plastic though without actually pulling it out. I think on the new fender, I will apply a dab of blue Locktite and snug down gently!

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Dealer's fault. Front fender (along with front tire, battery, screen, and many other parts) is installed by dealer during assembly process. I did mine while swapping panels, but I advice owners to thoroughly check their bikes BEFORE riding off the dealership, especially front brake calipers and axle. Read several posts back when I bought mine where owners found them completely loose in their homes. Talk about an accident waiting to happen. Good day folks.


No cracks in mine either. The dealer had a new fender on order for mine when I bought it because of a scratch. Dealer put it on and must have done a good job..... :p


Mine looks just like that. I replaced my front fender in May. It's gone again! I did not overtighten and yes the metal bushing and plastic grommets are there.

I wish somebody had the answer for this.

Any ideas?

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Looks like it was overtightened to me, but I thought there was a grommet that prevented that from happening... yours missing?

Just checked mine. Yep, metal grommet there to prevent over-tightening. I know from experience that they can fall out easily if you are not careful. No big deal, just need to remember to put them back in.

Me, I'd keep Loc-Tite away from any fastener for a plastic piece. It will degrade the plastic, leading to increased fragility and cracking . . . . .

So will overtightening. Those bolts don't need a whole lot of oomph on them, and they won't back out.

Me, I'd keep Loc-Tite away from any fastener for a plastic piece. It will degrade the plastic, leading to increased fragility and cracking . . . . .

So will overtightening. Those bolts don't need a whole lot of oomph on them, and they won't back out.
Right on, keep loctite off plastic. Put a drop on the threads of the screw and let it dry before you install. Mine do back out without loctite, but I will double check that the spacers are in there, thanks for the reminder.
