10/23-10/28: Run to San Carlos y Puerto Penasco MEX!

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"This is in the earliest of early stages. I have been in contact with Mike McCrary who was on the Muddy Mexico Tour earlier this year. While pestering him about knowing of anyone going to Chiapas, he doesn't, he came back with asking if I and any other AZ Beemers would be interested in going to Baja, likely to be sometime in November. Since Mike rides a GS I assume there will be some dirt involved. Anyone else besides me interested?"

DW, please keep Miss Donna "La Princesa" and Papa Chuy Viejo informed of the dates. Since my Flaky AZB Friends (Henry and Brian!) can't pin down when we're going San Carlos in October for my 67th Birthday, we'd consider following you down to Bahia Los Angeles or Guerrero ***** in the Bimmer!


YYYYYYYYEeeeeeeeeeesssssssss ! ! ! !

Brain "El Jefe" Boles, "La Reina" Miss Melanie could ride in the M3 Convertible with us. Understanding, ese: we'd turn back at GN or Bay of LA! JSNS!


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"BCS is in the "Hassle Free Zone", why turn back?"

Because we are only going for a Saturday AM through a Thursday PM trip, tu Chollo! JSNS, pinche cabron ese!


SAT - Ensenada
SUN - Bay of LA
MON - Guerrero *****
Lagoon "Panga" day trip
TUE - Guerrero *****
WED - San Felipe
THU - Chandler


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Don, I will update this ride as it develops.

Many thanks DW, looking forward to it! Donna and I checked our Work Schedules, we didn't see any problems doing 6 days y 5 nights in Baja Norte! JSNS, es Verdad ese!


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From my contact with Mike it is unlikely to be earlier than November due to commitments he has.

Just name the dates Señor Darrell you Gentlemen pick and Papa Chuy Viejo y La Princesa Donna will be there ese, riding en el Coche BMW! JSNS, es Verdad!
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Miss Donna and I are going to try Guillermo's Motel in Bay of LA this November, ese!


Papa Chuy Viejo LOVES THE BAY OF LA, Verdad!
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In San Felipe we are going to stay at the Marina Bay Resort, never been there so we'll give it a try!

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In Ensenada we'll stay at the Best Western El Cid Downtown, I've never had a bad nights stay there!

Except when rooming with Brian "El Jefe" Boles, snoring and farting were fecked up beyond all reality!


In Ensenada we'll stay at the Best Western El Cid Downtown, I've never had a bad nights stay there!
Don, after staying there next time let's hope you can say you had a good night there!
Jim ride to Baja with us, we Zonie Vato Locos never miss this place. Voted one of the best 100 places to eat in the WORLD. JSNS, es Verdad!


La Guerrerense is a street food cart (actually a converted pickup truck) on a street corner, si Paco!

Chef and Food Critic Anthony Bourdain has rated this the Best Mexican Sea Food in the World, ese!


NOTE: If you have ever wondered where HotRodZilla gets his height from, these are AJ's Tia's (Aunt's)!
That said, if you can push your way through the crowd, I did have a very nice Cocktail de Camerones Estillo Mexicano from there.

Almost anywhere in Ensenada, if you fall off of a log, you will probably drop into some excellent sea food.

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Wherein Mexico is this restaurant! GT

GordieT I'll lead you there as long as Dashbaw doesn't make an Ass of Himself, AGAIN! I woke up this morning dreaming of Desayuno at La Guerrerense in Ensenada, ah Mexico it is just so groovy I really want to go! JSNS, es Verdad ese!

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Clam or Oyster tostada for breakfast? ???

Urrpp, I'll pass.

Mi Sobrino Enrique, this pinche cabron Vato Loco Gringo is el Puto Hombre that also will not eat Menudo ese! JSNS, Viva Menudo y Viva Mexico!

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