10 Motorcycle Myths

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Overheard from customers at the HD shop where I work part time. "Those full face helmets are dangerous, in an accident they'll break your neck!" Seriously? Really shocks me then that so many racers wear them.

A CHP once told me many years ago (as he was writing me a speeding ticket): "There are two kinds of motorcycle riders; those that have been in an accident and those that are going to be."

Not sure I agree (although I've had my share in 50+ years of riding.)

Myth: Most motorcycle accidents are caused by inept cage drivers.

(Statistically there are more single vehicle bike accidents than those caused by anyone besides the loose nut holding the handle bars.)

Myth: I am the Most Interesting Man in the World.

...but I do like an ice cold XX Draft on a hot summer day.


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During a pullover for cutting thru a parking lot instead of coming to a stop sign, I was given a quick lecture on how dangerous these Bikes are by a soon to be retired local deputy

Part of his speech included how Bikes don't even have seatbelts to "protect" the Rider! I suppressed a grin and just let him continue.

A CHP once told me many years ago (as he was writing me a speeding ticket): "There are two kinds of motorcycle riders; those that have been in an accident and those that are going to be."
Not sure I agree (although I've had my share in 50+ years of riding.)
I'm going to say this is a statistical thing. I never wanted to believe it, until I went down. The longer and more you ride the stats are going to catch up. I'd like to know and maybe I'll do a poll to see how many folks have ridden 100K miles and have not been in an accident or gone down. On a bike...

Mexican beer is swill.
Oh wait, that isn't a myth
Gunny +1K!!! :rofl:

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There are only two types of motorcycle riders: Those that dress like pirates, and those that dress like Transformers.

It's never been laid down.

I've been riding for years, let me take it out for quick one.

Of course I know how to ride in a group.

It ran when I parked it.

I'll meet you at 7am and I won't be late.

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