1300AE Reliability?

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I've read/followed your thread. I thought Yamaha had done some things to try to correct the problem, replaced computer, and several other steps, and they are still working on it.

In any case, it sounds like you've really had a bad time of it, and this is just one of those problems that's been a fluke and difficult to track down. I think I'd be working on trying to get Yamaha to take it back and give you a deal on a new one. Hard to imagine you could ever really trust this particular motorcycle again.

Any possiblility of some type Lemon Law can help you? I'd be contacting the state Attorney General with all documentation and every consumer organization I could think of.

Best of luck to you with it, I know you like the FJR and it sucks to have this kind of bad luck with anything you want to like.

Well, my 2006 FJR 1300 AE worked flawlessly for the first two years and has been a nightmare since last August. It has left me stranded several times and the last time I was 400 miles from home and had a nice tow bill!
The most intermittent problem has been the SHFT_26 problem. Yamaha keeps fixating on my McCruise but the problem happens even with the McCruise disconnected. My bike has been in 3 different dealers for a total of 4.5 months and Yamaha still doesn't seem to take the problem serious (or they just think it is funny to keep yanking my chain).

I honestly believe my problem is a bad grounding some where as the problem is very inconsistent. The problem I am having is that Yamaha doesn't want to look beyond the electrical accessories (McCruise, PIAA lights, GPS). They also have NOT reimbursed me for any of my towing bill or car rentals (even after my bike lost complete power because of the ignition switch failure).

When the AE works, you will love it.

Best Regards,

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I've read/followed your thread. I thought Yamaha had done some things to try to correct the problem, replaced computer, and several other steps, and they are still working on it.

In any case, it sounds like you've really had a bad time of it, and this is just one of those problems that's been a fluke and difficult to track down. I think I'd be working on trying to get Yamaha to take it back and give you a deal on a new one. Hard to imagine you could ever really trust this particular motorcycle again.

Any possiblility of some type Lemon Law can help you? I'd be contacting the state Attorney General with all documentation and every consumer organization I could think of.

Best of luck to you with it, I know you like the FJR and it sucks to have this kind of bad luck with anything you want to like.

Well, my 2006 FJR 1300 AE worked flawlessly for the first two years and has been a nightmare since last August. It has left me stranded several times and the last time I was 400 miles from home and had a nice tow bill!
The most intermittent problem has been the SHFT_26 problem. Yamaha keeps fixating on my McCruise but the problem happens even with the McCruise disconnected. My bike has been in 3 different dealers for a total of 4.5 months and Yamaha still doesn't seem to take the problem serious (or they just think it is funny to keep yanking my chain).

I honestly believe my problem is a bad grounding some where as the problem is very inconsistent. The problem I am having is that Yamaha doesn't want to look beyond the electrical accessories (McCruise, PIAA lights, GPS). They also have NOT reimbursed me for any of my towing bill or car rentals (even after my bike lost complete power because of the ignition switch failure).

When the AE works, you will love it.

Best Regards,


Yamaha has replaced so many things except looking at the wiring harness itself. They told me last Thursday that with my cruise control disconnected, the problem went away. Then I called the dealer on Saturday and he told me the problem is still there (after he let the bike sit a while and he tried to start it back up). I keep explaining to Yamaha that the problem is INTERMITTENT but they can't seem to comprehend it.

I am talking with a supervisor tomorrow which I am sure he will continue the party line. I have even asked for them to give me a good trade-in value towards an 09 and I was told that was up to a dealer. No dealer is going to take this bike until the exact cause of the problem has been found / fixed

I never would have expected to be treated like a doormat by a company with Yamaha's reputation for corporate integrity and product quality, but I guess I am learning different.

I will find out tomorrow if anything has changed, but I really doubt it. I just want this nightmare to end.

I will keep every one informed!

Thanks for listening to me rant.


Doode.. Intermittent is HARD to find. I was a technician on the F18 Superhornet.. I feel for you,,, and the dealers techs.. If it is not doing it, where does a person even start?

I hope you can get this worked out..

My AE is flawless (the only time it did not shift into first was when the idle was a tad high with the choke on.. my bad not the bike, I had been messing with it

I have 31Kish on my sled and she is still the love of my life

I like the AE 06 model a lot but I must be honest it is far less reliable than my previous 05 FJR. I believe the Gen II models are plagued with electrical wiring problems.I have had 3 ignition swithces on it in 50k miles and a total "Lost Power" episode due to the foreward most shunt ground failure, left me stranded in the area south of Death Valley in the blazing heat, no fun.

I am fortunate that I have a slot in the 09 IBR and my AE is configured totally for the rally. But, I have purchased a new 09 VStrom DL650 that I am preparing as a backup bike. I just feel an optional ride is necessary for the rally.

Gunny that Turbodave. As much as I love my 06, it has had more "issues" than any new bike I have ever owned. None of the problems have been AE related however. I've had the melted harness, (left me stranded in the middle of no-where) the ignition failure (limped it back home thanks to the bypass I carried thanks to this board) and the latest is the kickstand switch. Last weekend I had Desert Powersports replace the kickstand switch (covered by Y.E.S.) but the new switch was bad right out of the box so I have another one on order.

I guess I should feel better since I'm not the only one but it's small consolation when you are sitting in the middle of the desert with a motorcycle that will no longer run halfway through a two and a half week trip you have been planning for the last year. Still, at this point in my life the FJR is the mission perfect motorcycle for Jenny and I, so baring a major change in the marketplace or my riding style I will almost certainly be buying another one in the next year or so. I just hope they get these electrical gremlins taken care of.

The one thing I do know is that the difference between these things being a disappointment as opposed to a deal breaker with the FJR has been Desert Powersports in Prosser. After reading some of the experiences some others have had I feel fortunate to have a great dealer who has done whatever it took to take care of my problems. The fact that I will buy another FJR is as much because of them as anything else.

Congrats, you're going to love the bike. I came from an 06 VStrom 1000. You'll be glad to know the FJR isn't even close to being so top heavy. The Vstrom 1000 was fast but my FJR is a rocket ship. The only issue I have found with the AE is you have to be patient on shifts. A normal shift is no problem and happens quick..... if casually accelerating, I don't even let off the throttle but I occasionally like to take off like a bat out of hell and if I'm not patient, there will be a lot of slipping on shifts.

I also have an 06' AE and have concidered installing aftermarket heavy duty clutch springs to see if they would help improve this issue. Has anyone in FJR land done this? :unsure:

Congrats, you're going to love the bike. I came from an 06 VStrom 1000. You'll be glad to know the FJR isn't even close to being so top heavy. The Vstrom 1000 was fast but my FJR is a rocket ship. The only issue I have found with the AE is you have to be patient on shifts. A normal shift is no problem and happens quick..... if casually accelerating, I don't even let off the throttle but I occasionally like to take off like a bat out of hell and if I'm not patient, there will be a lot of slipping on shifts.

I also have an 06' AE and have concidered installing aftermarket heavy duty clutch springs to see if they would help improve this issue. Has anyone in FJR land done this? :unsure:
May be geting off topic here but I believe the clutch slipping during hard acceleration was rumored to be an "anti-wheelie" feature built into the shifter software. I don't remember where I saw this so can't confirm it but it would make sense in our (litiq, litigeous...lit....whatever) lawyer filled world.

Anybody with an '08 or '09 experience the clutch slipping under hard acceleration?

...I also have an 06' AE and have concidered installing aftermarket heavy duty clutch springs to see if they would help improve this issue. Has anyone in FJR land done this? :unsure:
Don't think this will make any difference. My understanding is that the computer monitors the shaft speeds on each side of the clutch and decides how much to release the clutch as the speeds converge. Putting heavier springs in would just make the actuator work harder against the springs.

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My AE has been absolutly bullet proof. I have patted myself on the back many times for taking the chance and ordering it long before it hit these shores. I have never looked back . . . except to see other bikes getting smaller behind me.
