1st nice weather of season, hop-on-n-ride...

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Panama Canal Crosser
Mar 13, 2012
Reaction score
Finger Lakes, NY
Figured we need to lighten things up a bit, what better way than a "where did ya ride ur bike this weekend?". Post em up here, humor welcomed....

I'll start it off.

FINALLY! A nice day on the east coast to ride the bike! yahoo!. Seemed like it's been forever. Yes, I'm a fare-dinkum weather kinda guy n duly noted as such. (AKA; pussy 2 sum). Well actually speaking of that, I just got back prior to this from Canada, did 1277 miles up there on my SkiDoo Renegade 1200. Sore! Tired! ...but didn't want to waste this gorgeous day. It got up to 62F. on my Yami-meter. Seemed warmer as we had our best friend with us.... da SUN!

Our ladies wanted to go power-walking/jogging, so me and my friend planned a short (151 mile) Sunday stroll here in our local stomping grounds of central NY...

A; my house (start/stop)

D; Lunch stop, Parkers Grill Seneca Falls. Jack Daniels Burger n fries, Sprite $10. Excellent! (pic#2 below)

C; Stop n walk on the pier in Skaneatels (pic#3 below)

O; Pee break, roadside rte 38a

O; Gas stop, stretch. Sore muscles from de prior sled'n

B; Cruise thru Cornell University. Lots of activity on their quad... 90% shorts, Lacrosse, Frisbee catch . Mostly Asian girls on the horn-dog scenery? Maybe they r the only ones who can afford going to the Big Red?

O; Cayuga State Park (pic#4 below)

A; back home, pooped as hell


D; Lunch stop, Parkers Grill in Seneca Falls NY. Jack Daniels burger with a fried egg, I know... heart attach in a basket.


C; Skaneateles Lake. (Skin-knee-at-ah-lis) Their lake freezes over easily, being close to Syracuse they also get a lot of snow. This is a quiet n quaint town that is quite picturesque. Pier was closed off tho, guess they didn't want any jumpers!


B; Cornell University in Ithaca for cruiz'n. No pics by either of us, we musta been mesmerized by all the oriental chicks

O: Last stop, sun going down on a great day. On our 4th lake now..Cayuga Lake (Cayuga State Park) . The far part in the water is 1,000's of white Canadian geese all flocked up. I took this pic w my phone so it's kinda hard to pick them out but when we were leaving, so did they, holy hovercraft batman!

I think this is my first ever pic with my Feej and snow in the background. Strange 4 me.


A; home, shower... tired as hell sex, like.. "you're on top"... and then bedd!

OK, that's a wrap. It was truly a nice Sunday stroll... finally!

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I am jealous to see some people can ride. By the way, why do you have that red mailbox tied to the antenna in the rear of your bike? To receive instant e-mails?

That's funny...nice catch. Good one.

EDIT: Great report TS1...thanks for the map and photos, though you were sorely lacking in photos around the University...and for that I have to downgrade my rating for this report. :D

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I am jealous to see some people can ride. By the way, why do you have that red mailbox tied to the antenna in the rear of your bike? To receive instant e-mails?
Yeah good catch, since I knew it was on the pier I never gave it a thought when seeing it in the pic but yeah, I got me one of dem-dare R2D2 Hamm-Radidio's!

EDIT: Great report TS1...thanks for the map and photos, though you were sorely lacking in photos around the University...and for that I have to downgrade my rating for this report.
Wheatie u are so correct!

I slacked or was too busy gawking when going thru the campus of Cornell U. Ahh, It was all Asian girls anyway...

This short trip was "spur of the moment" initiated without a prior of even doing a ride report, so I was not really prepared n I admit it

Grade: C+ maybe at best?

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Congrats on the ride. I can't imagine not being able to ride.

Your map of the Finger Lakes brought to mind Bill Murray in Groundhog Day -- watching the same episode of Jeopary... over and over.

Great photos, even if the mythical Asian coeds were just a story without pics - though we'll accept the "tired as hell sex" part of the story without digital documentation! Besides, after that "heart attack in a basket", there might be paramedics in the last photo... eventually.

What is all that white stuff you call snow? I looked all over my yard and there is nothing but green grass, none of that white stuff at all. In fact, I had to cut the grass today...

I can only imagine what it must be like to NOT be able to ride. Of course, this summer I will be jealous of those curvy roads.
