2006 FJR AE "Virtual Clutch©" Assembly

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Guys, yer killin' me! I'm dyin' here!

A "Virtual Clutch" designed for a moto no-one's ridden yet? Get real. And where's all this anger coming from?

On the other hand, my invention, the "Virtually Clueless Clutch"© works on ANY motorcycle, but my patent attorney, Carl Lazlo, advises against conveying ANY details regarding it's metaphysical workings, so I am bound by that. When possible, I'll have a press event and roll it out here at lovely Rancho Malario Estates.

I mean, I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, though they've always worked for me.

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...My patent attourney has assured me that ifCY tries to patent his Virtual Clueless Clutch after reading

my detailed post, we may be entitled to considerable monetary

damages. :angry:

I want him to know that this patenting thing is probably alot

harder than he imagines......even harder, more time consuming,

and more expensive than engineering and producing this product.

For example, I spent several hours from idea inseption to the

final prototype that I submitted to the patent office.

My patent attourney has billed me for one hundred seven hours

to do the filing paperwork and send in  my prototype with

the $8300 filing fee. A person must respect this kind of

devotion to a dream, it is a rare and wonderful thing.  :beee: ...

Shut the **** up. If you talk this crap, you'd better bring it.

This is a pile of whale dung. If you can't spell, how do you expect us to believe that you have the technical prowess to design this thing, let alone trust you with something that may put our lives at risk?

Any patent attorney will take your money and help you patent practically anything, but where is the concept here? Any why would anyone, let alone an attorney, expose himself to the liability of modifying a vehicle without the manufacturers' blessing? C'mon, do you think we woke up yesterday?

Listen, please don't go away mad. Just go away.

Hey BrunDog,

I think this whole thread started as a joke, lighten up.

At least I hope so. No one can be that s*****.

Probably should be moved to the joke section...


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...My patent attourney has assured me that ifCY tries to patent his Virtual Clueless Clutch after reading

my detailed post, we may be entitled to considerable monetary

damages. :angry:

I want him to know that this patenting thing is probably alot

harder than he imagines......even harder, more time consuming,

and more expensive than engineering and producing this product.

For example, I spent several hours from idea inseption to the

final prototype that I submitted to the patent office.

My patent attourney has billed me for one hundred seven hours

to do the filing paperwork and send in  my prototype with

the $8300 filing fee. A person must respect this kind of

devotion to a dream, it is a rare and wonderful thing.  :beee: ...

Shut the **** up. If you talk this crap, you'd better bring it.

This is a pile of whale dung. If you can't spell, how do you expect us to believe that you have the technical prowess to design this thing, let alone trust you with something that may put our lives at risk?

Any patent attorney will take your money and help you patent practically anything, but where is the concept here? Any why would anyone, let alone an attorney, expose himself to the liability of modifying a vehicle without the manufacturers' blessing? C'mon, do you think we woke up yesterday?

Listen, please don't go away mad. Just go away.

Hey BrunDog,

I think this whole thread started as a joke, lighten up.

At least I hope so. No one can be that s*****.

Probably should be moved to the joke section...

Shhhhhhhhhh, This is starting to get good. :haha:

Hunter...........Is that you.......  :unsure:
Nah...Dr. Thompson is here:



I would have thought that BrunDog would have liked the ideaof this assembly as I have read the posts inferring that he may

have a limp wrist which keeps him from riding very much.

This assembly is perfect for the person with "Limp Wrist Syndrome"
I figured anyone with the 'limp wrist syndrome' would live in SF and have access to all kinds of gov't help. I think your target audience would be too limited to make it profitable. But I do believe SF has a bridge for sale!

The hell with that! I have applied for a patent on MY new device, the "Virtually Clueless Clutch"©. IT's so secret and splendiferous that I can only say: send me your money now, so you can say you knew me when...
HA HA HA HA LOL, etc. Now that's funny!!! :lol:

Hay BrunDog. I'm back!!

fastfeejer may think you have LWS (limp wrist syndrome), but that isn't anywere as sever as LDS. :D

Oh, by the way I'm back from riding! Well, you know....Squeezing the ol clutch! :)

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I personally would go with the ass-cheese shifter. Only problem is I am usually smoking a cig and talking on my cell phone so I would be stuck in first gear at all times.....good thing she wraps out at about 9000 rpm.


Bwa ha ha .... Fastfeejer, that was just about the funniest thing I've read here.

Some people just don't get it. I actually got some nasty mail about my "Loud Valves Save Lives" sig.

What the fook ever.... :beee:
