2006 FJR1300 Heli Bar Update

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We're all waiting for an evaluation. When do you expect delivery, AJ?

Should have received, installed, and tested them by next weekend per Heli

Thanks AJ.

Any chance you can take pix while sitting on the bike with the stock bars and then with the Heli Bars installed? A profile shot. To me, that's a good way to see how the seating position is changed. Thanks.
You bet...I planned on having the wife play photographer and get a before and after profile shot. I am 5'10" with 32" inseam.


Looks like I won't receive my triple tree until early next week according to Heli...so the review won't happen until late next week. :(


Looks like I won't receive my triple tree until early next week according to Heli...so the review won't happen until late next week. :(
They told me I would recieve mine in about 2 weeks. I started looking at the stock triple tree and the dern ignition switch is mounted on the top tree with pressed on bolt heads. Just great...

Looks like I'll have to drill out the heads then dremel a slot for a screwdriver to back the bolts out. What fun :yahoo:

Looks like I won't receive my triple tree until early next week according to Heli...so the review won't happen until late next week. :(

They told me I would recieve mine in about 2 weeks. I started looking at the stock triple tree and the dern ignition switch is mounted on the top tree with pressed on bolt heads. Just great...

Looks like I'll have to drill out the heads then dremel a slot for a screwdriver to back the bolts out. What fun :yahoo:
I am waiting until I receive the part from Heli...there is supposed to be detailed instructions included on the install. I am not a mechanic and they told me I could handle it with a 36mm socket and a torque wrench. We will see....


I'm looking forward to some write-ups (thanks in advance guys) - but (ouch!) that's a fairly spendy little farkle.....

It's the riding position, nimrod, not the riders.
Nice. Very nice.

Me thinks you need to go back and read his post there BAGGER.

Iffin it was only the riding position, and not the riders, then why isn't everybody complaining?

No, skooter, you should read Bagger's posts. The FJR, while much more upright than a true "sport bike" puts for more weight on one's hands and wrists than on, say my other bike, a Honda VTX 1800C with risers and a $1,000 custom seat, Progressive shocks and fork springs, etc. Why all the ergos items? Because I, like many, am older and suffer various maladies and infirmities such as CTS, lower back injuries, etc. If you are only 30...or 14 (with a juvenile attitude to match) you may not suffer such maladies and not need such "farkles". I must say, your attitude seems to be "elitist" and "offensive". Quite suprising coming from an "Admin". But some people just love sarcasm, I guess. We are looking for answers to "our" problems with the FJR...Not someones opinions as to how we ride or how we modify or choose to modify our bikes, bought with our money. But, I guess some people get off feeling superior to others. I always figured those people useing sarcasm on a regular basis suffered from an inferiority complex. Now, older and wiser, I know they also can suffer from a "superiority" complex. Both are equally bad. JMHO.


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